My beautiful boy left me for the Rainbow Bridge today. He fought a long and hard battle against what I think was E. Coli. He put up with needles and endless force feedings and medications and he fought so hard to the end. I like to think he left with dignity. I had to leave him in the care of my mom for the past week while I was on a trip for school and we really didn’t think I’d get to see him again. He had been improving intitally but started declining rapidly about three days ago.
I made it home just in time this morning. I imediatly went to him, he was so skinny I could feel every bone. I do not think it would be an exageration to say he probably lost two pounds in the last week. His breaths were very shallow and spaced appart and his heart rate was so week and slow I could hardly feel it at all. His leg was twisted in a very awkward position and he apparently hadn’t moved from that position in days.
When I pet him he licked my finger, which he’s never done before, and he lifted his head and looked up at me. I honestly think he hung on just for me. It was so sureal it was as if he knew he just had to hang in there until today. I didn’t want to call the vet to put him down… so I just held him because whenever I put him in his cage he lifted his paw and scratched at the plastic (He was being cept in a plastic container with no lid to help with his rolling) until I picked him up again. I somehow fell asleep for nearly 5 hours and when I woke up he wasn’t in the bed with me. I thought maybe I had put him back when I thought I would fall asleep but I didn’t remember doing that so I walked out into the living room and I saw his body in his cage but my relief was short lived because my mom told me she put him back in there after she found him dead in my arms. I was sleeping when he died but I find some comfort knowing that he died in my warm embrace.
Toby was such a sweet little guy and he fought so hard, I truly thought he would make it through this. I want to thank MimzMum and mocha200 for all they have done for me and Toby and I’m certain that Toby is very greatful for all the advice everyone gave me so I could try to help him…
I rescued Toby two years ago from a man who had a post on craigslist saying that he needed to get rid of his three rabbits. Toby (Known as Taco) lived inbetween the cages of a dwarf female and a rex male who were both unaltered and I released him from the rabbit jail with a wire floor at the cost of $25. He had ear mites which I ended up having to treat in my other rabbit (RIP Fobey) and he suffered from Sore hocks his whole life because of his living conditions. For the first few months Toby was so scared and Shy and he took such comfort in Fobey who would always clear the path of danger for him, that is, until she divorced him. It was in their months appart I learned how sweet he really was. I cuddled with him at night, falling asleep into his plush coat and I always relyed on him for comfort. It took a lot of effort but somehow I rebonded Fobey and Toby and they had a good two more months together before Fobey passed tragically and unexpectedly. In my greif I transfered all the love I had for her to Toby and we had so many good times together. He helped me through the hardest of the hard and I can never express how greatful I am for that. To me he was so much more than a rabbit. He was there whenever I needed someone to just listen to me and he helped me fall asleep when I couldn’t. He put up with all my nonsense and forgave me when I didn’t clean his litter box on time or neglected his daily hoppy time. He put up with my little cousins when they just wanted to hold the cute little bunny and squeezed his neck to tight and he always forgave me afterwords when I appoligized for the agony they probably caused him. He put up with all the cats and dogs and even the other rabbit who he was forced to live with and he brought me nothing but pure joy for the two years I was lucky enough to have him. I’m only sorry that the other four years were not as glorious.
Toby, if I could talk to you right now, I would tell you all that, and how thankful I am that you put up with everything. You went through the process of trying to bond with TWO unwilling rabbits and imediatly forgave Fobey when she bit a chunk out of your ear. How grateful I am that I was so blessed to have two wonderful years with such a forgiving, loving, creature. You enhanced my life and made me a better person and I thank you for that. I hope you are rejoycing with Fobey up in Heavan right now and please know that your mommy can’t wait to come see you someday.
I love you so very much Toby, to the bottom of my heart, and please remind Fobey how much she meant to me as well…
MimzMum lit a candle for me on (I’ll leave a link at the very end.) I would really appreicate it if you guys would light some as well. I know its a strange thing to ask for since it’s really just a virtual flickering light, but for me, its sentimental . If you are willing, please leave the initals you created it under in the comments below, I would like to include them in a video for my baby boy.