House Rabbit Community and Store
OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best.
BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES
The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › Binky Bunny Members Q&A! Tell us about yourself!
So, I’ve noticed of late that I am not as knowlgeable about some of our members as I would like to be. We’ve done these Q&A’s in the past but it’s been awhile. I will start:
**Please not: Members under 18 are not allowed to post their real name, age or photos of themselves” This is to protect our younger members. And be very general about your location. Thanks***
Feel free to post some pics too. Your bunnies, pets or whatever.
Real Name: Stephanie or Steph
Age: 30’s
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Years as a Bunny Slave: Over 10, not sure the exact number
About my Bunnies: Bindi Loo, my 9 year old REW Mini-Lop boy. Sterling, age unknown, brown-eyed white NZ/Flemmie boy (breed is a guess). They live in my rabbit room in side by side condos and are not bonded. Have had Bindi since he was a baby, adopted Sterling a few months ago. He was a stray bunny I got from the SPCA.
My Bridge Bunnies: Olivia, Stormy, Vanilla Bean, Velvet
Other Pets: 10 year old kitty, Savana, 15 year old Morgan horse, Riverbreeze Mystic Bay (aka Winnie)
A bit about me: I’m a stay-at-home Mom to my almost 2 year old daughter, Everly. My family is vegetarian. Animals are, and always have been, a huge part of my life. I love horseback riding, reading historical novels, embroidery and crafts and coffee.
Me & Winnie:
Bindi Loo
I am glad you did this LPT, as a new member I really don’t know much about any of you so this is awesome!!!
Real Name: Christi or Chris
Age: Just turned 36
Location: Buena, NJ
Years as a Bunny Slave: just became one 3-4 weeks ago…but hope to be for many, many years to come
About my Bunny: Sage- Flemish Giant, Grey, 11-12 weeks old
Other Pets: Walker – German Shepherd, Black w/tan markings, 2 years old
A bit about me: I am a stay at home house wife/mother/student. I have a beautiful 14 year old daughter (my goodness she makes me feel old), I am married (just celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 7th) I am currently taking courses in ITsec and hope to have a couple of certificates under my belt in about a year. I love coffee…can’t live with out it!, animals have always been in my life since as far back as I can remember and I am very passionate about them, I am secretly addicted to Sudoku and Solitaire (although not much of a secret now huh?), I can devour a book in a day (love mystery/crime novels also things like harry potter, hunger games and divergent series).
Years as a bunny slave: It will have been 3 years on October 2nd!
About my bunny: She just recently turned 3 years old (august 7th), her name is Moxie, she’s a black, french angora rabbit.
No bridge bunnies.
Other pets: Snickers (turning 5 in a couple weeks, mini dachshund. Female/dog.), Tilly and Paris (nearly 1 1/2 years old, sisters, GSD/Husky mixes), Zero (Male, turning 7 in january, Siberian Husky). Cleopatra (Female cat around 6/7 years old). Kiko (Male cockateil. Unsure of age, probably around 11/12 years old now), Bubbles and Squiggles (fish). And we have chickens. The some of the ones we are attached to are named Henrietta, Crooked Beak, Miss Meanie Pants, Dini (named after Houdini since she always gets out).
A bit about me, I am a serious animal lover, I tap dance, I like to jog, I like photography. My favorite color is Orange.
Name: ****
Age: Teenager
Location: America
Years as a bunny slave: about 3-4 weeks
About my bunny: Sage, Greyish silvery coat, about 3 months old, Flemish Giant
No bridge bunnies.
Other pets: My brother Walker, black German Sheppard with tan markings, will be 2 on September 7th (at mom’s), an Albino parakeet named Tweety, a blue, black and white parakeet named Baloo (yes, as in The Jungle Book), A pineapple conure named Skully, we”ve had him since he was 1 and he is now 3-4 years old on may 2nd, another conure who is under a year old named Obi-1 who we just got a few months ago after the passing of Sky, our white and light blue parakeet and Franko our Sun conure.
Left-Skully Right- Obi
Walker looking as Majestic as ever
Walker as a puppy compared to the couch then and now
Franko (Across the Bridge)
About Me: I have two houses, i love animals and have had them since as far back as i could remember and i prefer animals over people anyday.
Real Name: Katie
Age: Just turned 18 in June
Location: Chicago, IL
Years as a Bunny Slave: A couple years here and there. When I was younger my parents let me adopt a 7 year old bunny from the humane society. Due to lack of care at the humane society he pasted away about a year and a half later.
About my Bunnies: Thumper- 1 yr old Lionhead. Charlie-9 months Lionhead. Nala-3 Months lionhead. Moo 9months Mini Rex.
My Bridge Bunnies: Coconut
Other Pets: Zeus great dane dog. 10 Hamsters, Bugsey the Guinea Pig, Jolie the Hedgehog, Boots the cat.
A bit about me: I have always loved rabbits, I am aiming to be a vet and specialize in rabbits. I am a volunteer with rabbits at the local humane society.
Real Name: Carmen
Age: 38
Location: Kuwait
Years as a Bunny Slave: 1 as a bigun (and 1 as a littlun) – but I have been volunteering in the bunny room at my local shelter since moving here nearly a decade ago
About my Bunnies: Chewbacca (Chewie) – 1 yo dandelion-fluff white/gray lionhead mix; various fosters
My Bridge Bunnies: only a beloved and always missed Bridge wolf, Diana
Other Pets: various dustbunnies, two trees, and a fern
A bit about me: I’m a writer (novels and travel articles mostly), and abandoned a law career to teach. I also have the weirdest CV I’ve ever come across: among other items, have 6 different uni degrees because I’m a huge nerd, took some classes at the Air Force Academy dreaming of fighter jets, spent a semester at the police academy dreaming of the FBI, worked as a nurse’s aid for a year, studied and taught ballet for many years, flew a plane, crashed a sailboat, swam with sharks, speak several languages, and with any luck, the adventures will continue.
Q8bunny, that’s the greatest CV the world is likely to ever hear of!
Real Name: Dianaimh
Age: 23
Location: Dublin (Moving to Belfast for college- Buns in tow!)
Years as a Bunny Slave: 1.
About my Bunnies: Sampras, as in Pete Sampras, the tennis player(a reference to a TV show) is a grey and white lion head cross, who has one grey ear and one white ear. He also has a blue eye, but due to them being red it’s hard to get a pic of! I got him after someone close passed away suddenly, and he really helped get me through an awful time.
He’s also permanently sniffley. If he was a human, he’d be the nerdy kid in school with a head brace and prescription shoes >.<
Then in April I brought home Yumi,as in Yumigami from the PlayStation game okami, my angorra x lionhead. She’s beautiful and knows it. She’s a mottled fawn colour, with dark points on her ears and nose ,and a white spot in the very centre of her nose, and white on her paws. I got her from a family who had bought a dog that kept trying to eat her. From what they told me, she was kept in her cage in the shed for four months, no excercise or cuddles.
Saw her Binky for the first time last week. (She wanted Sampras to play)
She’s super vocal, and very demanding of attention.
Other pets: Minnie, also known as Mouse is my black and white springer spaniel cross border collie dog. who remained tiny.
I’ve a bearded dragon called Puff.
2African pygmy hedgies -Cyndaquil + Ditto
A cat called smudge
And two hens and a rooster.
A Bit About Me: I did my undergrad in biological sciences, majoring in zoology, worked in a pathology lab for a year, and am now planning to do a master’s in bioinformatics. Which sounded good until it comes to finding someone willing to shelter me AND 2 bunnies!
Oh I also have a mild (but worrying) addiction to Cheetos. ^.^
Did you say… zoology? Admit it. You’re Dr Doolittle, right? I can’t even tell you how lovely all your friends sound Lucky duck!
Haha honestly it feels a bit like it at times! At one stage we had thirty animals spanning something like 13 species, all of which miraculously showed up at home, in need of help.
I missed so much college trying to care for them all!
Real Name: Joana (Jo)
Age: 32
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada; originally from Portugal
Years as a Bunny Slave: 3 and half years
About my Bunnies: Chester is Lop with quasi-harlequin pattern. He is ridiculously cute and loves to cuddle and be petted. He does tricks on command if you have food to reqward him. I adopted him from someone that was leaving for University and couldn’t take him when he was about 1. He has free roam of the house and clearly thinks he owns it. He made my roommate fall head over heels with him, to the point where she kept telling people she was moving in with Chester, not with me
My Bridge Bunnies: Bugsy. I had her when I was 14, and didn’t know anything about bunnies.
Other Pets: None at the moment, but I’ve had fish and hammies in the past
A bit about me: I’m finishing my PhD in Biology the next couple of months. I’m studying pilot whales and their social lives. I also tend to work multiple parts times to make ends meet. I just finished working at our science centre in the beginning of the month – it’s closed now until they move to the new building. I love science and I want to spend the rest of my work life explaining how cool science is to others. I also read a lot, specially Sci-Fi and Fantasy, have a small podcast addiction and like to keep active by running, doing yoga or hiking/walking. I’m a proud geek and very introverted IRL
Chester and me:
Yay! This sounds fun!
Real name: Becki
Age: 34
Location: Ohio. USA
Years a bunny slave: 5 years
Buns: We currently have 9 bunnies: Bruno and Harley, Caesar and Roxie, Butternut and Backers, Hazel, Annie, and Zane
Bridge bunnies: Biscuit, Obie, Potus
Other pets: 4 cats: Jack, Dinah, Luca, and Jojo. And a hammie named Elvis
About me: I have been married to my husband, John for almost 7 years. We share a tri-plex house with my (sickly) mum and sister. My sister has her own kitty, Mordecai and mom is happily pet free lol. I am attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online in pursuit of a bachelor’s in animation. I LOVE anime and manga, play video games, and feel I’m a well rounded nerd. Plus I’m an artist, so there’s that too. My husband and I are both disabled, him due to a car accident and myself due to bipolar. But school is going pretty smooth so far, so hopefully re-entering the work force with degree in hand will go ok. My husband and I’s future rabbit goals is to have two giant bunnies named Leonidas and Xerxes.
I guess that’s about it!
Xerxes I learned about him last year in school! That is a very cool sounding name. It sounds like Zergkzees
Real name: Ashley
location: Northeast Ohio
Years as bunny slave:1 year
About bunnies: Winnie(netherland dwarf) almost 1 yr old..spayed, Josiah(flemish giant) 9 weeks, will be neutered
A bit about me: I work doing medical billing and coding, I have a 15 yr old dog named Beans that I have a portrait of on my arm. I had a rabbit growing up and he survived our house fire in 1999. I live in the city but dream of the country life. I love to dance(swing dancing, in particular), I love to travel. I have been playing acoustic guitar for 9 years now and I play banjo as well(not the greatest yet lol).
@Crashley, I love dancing too! I haven’t had the time to do classes lately though I do swing (mostly Lindy), but I also bellydance and latin stuff like salsa.
Time to bite the bullet and join in…
Real Name: Rebecca, or Bec
Age: late 20’s
Location: South Australia
Years as a Bunny Slave: All up, I think it’s about 9 years.
About my Bunnies: Apollo, boy about 2 years old. Probably a New Zealand mix, likes to binky a lot. Luna, girl, just under 2 years, lop mix, likes to chew and destroy things, very curious. Mostly bonded pair.
My Bridge Bunnies: Alex, Hazel-rah, and Bandit.
Other Pets: Dory, Eclectus Parrot of unknown age.
A bit about me: I’m an animal nut. When I’m not playing with, foraging for, filming my bunnies, or putting in new toys for Dory, I’m out walking and photographing birds, watching animated movies or sketching cartoon animals. I absolutely love camping and dream of touring Australia in a 4WD, never having to go back to work, just pitching a tent and enjoying the open, quiet country. That’s the life for me.
Hi BubblesJo!!! *waves*
Dface – Bioinformatics!!! Yay! I think that was one of my favorite subjects in undergrad.
Age: 30’s
Location: Prairie
Years as a Bunny Slave: 6
About my Bunnies: Leopold is a Holland lop. He’s broken black/white and deaf. Very outgoing, bossy, and a bit naughty. Mister Wooly (aka Sweaters McWoolington or, just, Wooly) is a Jersey wooly. He’s black otter and Vienna marked with blue eyes. Very sweet, timid, but can get feisty when it’s time for his meds. Both of my boys are 6 years old. They are bonded and the best of buddies.
My Bridge Bunnies: None
Other Pets: No other pets right now, but we have had a lot of pets over the years. My bridge dog, Cash, is among them. We also had a cat, chinchillas, a hedgehog, and various reptiles.
A bit about me: I worked at a nature center for several years before transitioning to my current job. I miss it terribly, but am thankful I was given to opportunity to be a part of that wonderful place (even if it was for a relatively short time). I just earned my Masters in natural resources. I have a Bachelors in biology and environmental studies. I work for the local government doing public education for environmental issues. It isn’t really where I saw myself working/doing, but it isn’t bad and it certainly has it’s challenges. I don’t have a ton of hobbies since I never really had time for much else. However, I do enjoy walking in nature and taking pictures. Native flowers and insects are always fun subjects. I collect turtles and rabbits and I love clothes with animal themes.
Az: Your dream is AWEsome! Can I come along? I want to be a travel writer/photographer. ViennaBlue just hasn’t won the lottery yet.
Real name: Kirsty
Location: Scotland
Age 30
Years as a bunny slave: Most of my life really, save a few years in my mid 20’s
About my bunnies: We got Bramble when he was six weeks old and he is a total softie, loves people and always likes to know what is going on. Quite happy with only human interaction he was a lone bun for a little over a year until we had a change in circumstances and were not in as much during the day. I started looking for a spayed female but ended up seeing an ad for a neutered male, Ron, who just had such a sad story that I went and picked him up within a few hours barely running it past my partner. Ron wasn’t in a good state when we got him, but with love and care from us and his best friend Bramble, he is doing well. The boys bonded within a week! They adore each other completely, although Bramble does get a little upset if Ron is getting lots of pets and he is getting none!
A bit about me: I just graduated from my bachelors degree in nursing last year and now work in medical receiving which keeps me very busy. I also play the bagpipes when time allows. I used to do a lot of freelance writing too but gave it up when I started nursing, I do still maintain my blog but not as often as I should. I am currently considering doing a masters degree or perhaps just a post-graduate certificate to start with because in a few years I would like to be an advanced nurse practitioner.
Real name: ——————————————————————————————————————————–
Age: <18
Location: None of your buisiness
Years as bunny slave: around 2
About my bunny: I adopted Reese from a pet store (I would normally save a bunny whose owners don’t want them anymore), because it was a little tiny bunny with a leg that it didn’t use (she ended up using it again). She was in a 2 foot by 1 foot cage with 2 huge Californian bunnies who were obviously not very nice to the little netherland dwarf. They guarded the water and food bowl. I didn’t think twice about getting her. The pet store lady said she was a boy, so until we got her spayed, we thought she was a boy! We didn’t change her name when we found out she was a girl.
Bridge bunnies: Truffles Twitchy
Other animals: Buttercup (Aunt’s rabbit), Sweetie (cat), Rye (Cat), RIP Whiskers (Rye’s sister)
About me: I have been a bassist (electric and upright) for 5 years, my favorite subect is math, and I love animals.
Truffles and Rye:
Sweetie and Reese:
Hi LBJ! *waves back!* Congrats on the Masters
About my bunny: Odette is a sweet, smart 16 week old mini lop. I adopted her on July 18, 2016.
My bridge bunny, Manon. She had aeroplane ears and lived 8 wonderful years.
This is my cat, Napster:
This is my cat, Catfish:
About me:
I work in a design field. I love to travel, read, and hike. I can skate on almost anything– I speedskate, ice skate, inline skate, rollerskate, and have a very worn-out skateboard I also love ballet.
Years as bunny slave: almost 2
bridge bunnies: none
about me: i have 3 other siblings.
Name: Jade
Age 40: (But I don’t look it, I get stopped and asked why I’m not in school.) Hey am I the oldest one here?
Location: UK
Years as bunny slave: Quite a few
About me: Used to work with people with special needs, used to be a bus driver, used to be a security guard, I was a Teaching assistant and have done some nursing care, now I don’t work due to disabilities and being visally Impaired, love music I am an online DJ and love photography, I like a good laugh, I like cream cakes and lots of cream cakes.
What a fab idea
Real name: Lisa
Age: 24
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Years as a bunny slave: not even one yet, we’ve had Theo around 8months
Other pets: Shetland pony although he lives far away now at my granny’s farm as we don’t have room for him in our semi ? (funny enough)
About me: I’m a pharmacist who packed it all in to go back to uni and start my PhD in pharmacy. It’s research led and I love it. I just got married 2 months ago. I love reading, exploring (heavily involved in scouting), travelling and photography among other things ?
About my rabbit: Theodore who usually gets Theo or Theodorusrex(lol) is just over a year old and the vet told us he’s a Holland lop although I realise now as we’re in the UK this should be called a minilop. He’s cheeky, playful and so lovable and affectionate. He loves my dad so much, it’s so cute. He’s a house rabbit who is free roam when we’re in and has an x pen attached to a hutch when we’re out. We’ve had some tummy troubles with him lately which we’re still trying to figure out but other than that he is a happy and healthy little bun ?
EDIT: I couldn’t add a picture last night as I was on my phone rather than my laptop – so here you go. Cute pic of Theo begging for more head rubs
And one of me and my little prince for good measure:
You forgot to mention stinkin’ adorable.
Q8: not sure if you’re referring to Theo but gonna assume you are and say thank you! He is pretty darn cute
Yep. Theo.
Thanks for sharing everyone! So many interesting and unique people. Awesome how the love of bunnies unites us all.
Hi LPT, I have a question for you, I see you have a horse, do you have to feed him lots of hay like a rabbit? If he doesn’t eat hay can he become ill like a rabbit?
Yes, Charlie’s Angel. Horse are extremely similar to rabbits. They are grazers and need food always going in and out. They need lots of fiber too. And yes, like stasis in rabbits, a condition called colic is the #1 killer of horses.
Posted By Azerane on 8/13/2016 5:51 PM
I absolutely love camping and dream of touring Australia in a 4WD, never having to go back to work, just pitching a tent and enjoying the open, quiet country. That’s the life for me.
Az – I advise it wholeheartedly !! Just Do It ! Take the buns with you !
I did Sydney to Coral Bay (via Tazzie of course!), over 9 months driving and camping with my best mate, and it wasn’t a 4WD (A Ford Falcon, what else?!) but I would do it again in the blink of an eye. Just speeeeectacular!
Q8 – I haven’t yet won (and I didn’t win) the lottery, but you don’t need to… it’s called a shoestring budget
Please don’t wait for me to win and base your future on poop counting!… even I know it probably will never happen
Posted By Charlies Angel on 8/14/2016 8:49 PM
Age 40: (But I don’t look it, I get stopped and asked why I’m not in school.) Hey am I the oldest one here?
No no, there are quite a few of us teenage “seniors” here…
haha, teenage seniors! You are describing me !
I don’t feel like I’m a teenager really. More like stuck in my 20s mindset.
Yeahbut yeahbut yeahbut LBJ, you don’t count – you’re not over 40… yet.
I’m a teenage senior – I worry about me sometimes and wonder if ‘d be surprised with a 60 yr old acting like I do sometimes and if I should tone down my childhood and become a respectable adult before I get to 60 (not running up stairs, not flying kites on beaches, not down on all fours with furry babies)… and then I think again and…. I just don’t care
Well, I for one am a 38-year old who has no idea what 38 should feel like
Real Name: Emma
Age: 21
Location: Scotland
Years as a Bunny Slave: About 9 months
About my Bunnies: Muffin is about 1 year old and she’s a mixed breed. She is friendly when she feels like it but she can also very difficult. Me and my boyfriend are saving for our own house just now, when we finally move in she will have a whole room to herself then I will be looking to adopt a bun and give her a friend.
Other Pets: I don’t have any other pets but my boyfriend has a Golden Labrador called JayJay, he gets very jealous when Muffin gets attention and he doesn’t lol!
A bit about me: Wow.. after reading about all of you i am NOT interesting haha. My boyfriend bought Muffin for me as part of Christmas last year, due to me having a rough year with depression and anxiety, she has been the perfect cure and i am so greatful! I love all animals <3 i work 7.30am – 4.30pm as a Purchaser for a local Civil Engineering Company. I am a Netflix addict and proud !
Home made Bunny Run
There are more and more Scots on here !! It’s greeeeat !
So glad to see you had started this thread up again, LPT! A great way to get to know everyone!
Real Name: Amanda
Age: nearing 30
Location: California
Years as a Bunny Slave: ~6
About my Bunnies: : Lionel and Roxi, bonded free-range REW lionheads. Hobbies include: Eating, Sleeping, Wrecking Expensive Belongings, Poops, and Binkies.
My Bridge Bunnies: Bella and Asha
Other Pets: 3 Guinea pigs, Milo, Charlie, and Bean, and rat Tofu
A bit about me: Hubby and I are both vegetarian, going on vegan. We both work so no kiddos currently, maybe in the future. My hobbies include BB, Netflix (Is that a hobby?), Photography, and traveling. ETA: I must note that I also enjoy making bunny toys and BB signatures.
You forgot making bunny toys, LEL. Haha. I love that you put your bunnies hobbies.
That photo of Muffin is adorable, muffinxo!
I shall add to this thread soon. When I can add pics of my bridge bunnies. <3
Thank you Jersey Girl! She was eating the tag on the suitcase, i caught her looking all innocent
Fixed it JG.
Wow, I am enjoying reading about everyone, and this post made me smile
Real Name: Alisa
Age: 35
Location: California
Years as a bunny slave: Coming up on 2 years
About my bunnies:
Thor (2 years, 9mths) AKA Sir Crankypants, General Zod. Thor appears to be a black satin lop cross, has “charging bull” ears, and is as affectionate as they come for a “touch me not or I shall die” bunny. Loves *the mere sound of* food, lounging in his enclosure, and being groomed by his subordinates (me included). Fostered on a whim, adopted for life.
Crysta (1 year, 4mths) AKA Twista-Boo for her binkies, Princess Leia. Crysta is my chocolate and white Lionhead baby gurl, named after the main character of the 90’s feature animation, Ferngully (with Robin Williams, Tim Curry & Samantha Mathis). Crysta is a shy, headstrong bunny who specialisies in demolition. Fun fact: Crysta was featured in a photo shoot with some NBA players for a local shelter promo. As a bunny mum, I am very proud, hahah.
My Bridge Bunnies: Smokey (had him as a kid), but he escaped, so I assume he has gone the way of the Gnu.
Other Pets: My two chihuahua’s, Lil Bear (7) and Lovely (6).
A bit about me: Growing up, we had all a lot of pets – guinea pigs, birds, dogs, fish, mice & rabbits (we hit serious double digits when I last counted). I was born in the U.S. to parents of Anglo-Indian (British & Indian/ East Indian) descent, and was raised in Australia. At the ripe ol’ age of 29, I left Australia to marry a [born-and-bred] Yank of Scandinavian, Mexican and Spanish descent, and we currently reside in the U.S. If you’re confused, that is a normal reaction to my story I love sci-fi, post-apocalyptic & fantasy movies. I was raised in a musical family and have been singing since the age of 4. I am a Whovian and #10 is my doctor, though #4 was my first.
Hey LEL and L4B – you can have a get together – you’re both in California – it’s not THAT big… right ?
Real Name: Laura
Age: 31
Location: Lancashire, England
Years as a Bunny Slave: Had rabbits as a kid but in reality around 10 years (as an adult)
About my Bunnies: Little Red – Recently adopted one eyed rescue bunny, Full of life, such a little character, loves to jump on the bed and bounce/ dig to wake us up (No matter what time of night it is). Cinders – Adopted in 2013, she is very timid and shy, wont come for strokes, dislikes being touched, loves peach & Red very much. They live free range in my 2 bed flat (they kindly let me put my head down in one of the beds – Red often comes in and jumps on me during the night though)
My Bridge Bunnies: Gareth was the rabbit love of my life, my wingman, my little man, the one who never let me down, I lost him in May 2016 at the age of 10 years old due to hindleg weakness & weight loss. Terri was with me for a short time, I adopted her for a breeder in October 2012 & had a few wonderful months with her, she loved to be stroked and would lie on the sofa with me for hours on end. I lost her to a burst ulcer in her tummy summer 2013
Other Pets: None, the rabbits wont let me
A bit about me: I work in construction, I have 2 cars (one is a classic so doesn’t get driven much) & ride a motorbike, love to go to bike/ car shows. My boyfriend is a motorbike racer so were always off to some racetrack somewhere in the country (Cinders even came along once after I lost my rainbow bridge buck Gareth)
Some Pic’s:
Me & Gareth <3
Terri <3
Cinders & Little Red
My fleet
Posted By Dface on 8/13/2016 1:41 AM
He’s also permanently sniffley. If he was a human, he’d be the nerdy kid in school with a head brace and prescription shoes >.<
Laughed waaaaaay more than I should at that sorry Sampras
Love4Bunny, 10th Doctor all the way
Have you heard David Tennant in ‘real’ life – with his Scottish accent… soooo different from Doctor ‘English’… LOL
@Vienna – no, not that big. It’s VERY big, hahah. David Tennant does a great English accent, and I love his Scottish accent. Some people are just so gifted!
@BubblesJo – YES!! I was so bummed when he left. I’m not a big fan of Billie Piper, but I loved the onscreen chemistry between Rose & #10. I got to see “The Day of The Doctor” in the cinema with a whole theatre full of Whovians. It was awesome because everyone got the subtle references.
Oh, I have to go hear that! Can’t be more shocking than hearing Hugh Laurie after seeing him in House :X
Rose + 10th Doctor was amazing. Such good chemistry! I really liked him with Donna too, they were ridiculous together. Oh, that’s awesome! I was still playing catch up at the point. I can’t believe that the new season is only in 2017. Might have to look into the older seasons this year, it’s too long without the Doctor
I love David Tennant. His accent makes me swoon.
BubblesJo. I always remember Hugh Laurie as the dog-napping villain from 101 Dalmations with Glenn Close. Oh my gosh, Donna is hilarious. She’s on Season 8? Or 7 of The Office (U.S.). Imo, she was the best stand-in for Steve Carrell, because she had that obnoxious, politically incorrect thing down pat. So good! Hubby and I went back to watching Doc #4 last year, and we enjoyed it. Of course, we love old school sci-fi like Planet of The Apes and The Time Machine. Apparently Steven Spielberg loves Doctor Who, so we’re in great company.
Odette, I think you are not alone there. I reckon he brought a whole new generation of *female* fans to D.W., haha.
Right then, I’ll give this a go….
Real Name: Jeff also known as; Daddy, That guy that fills the food bowl, and Oh crap it’s him….Former sailor with the US Navy, USS Forrestal, CV-59. Also a former soldier, US Army reserves, Military Police Investigator. Former LEO, K9. Disabled in 2005, now a stay at home father. Hobbyist Knifemaker and Bowyer. Writer and comic book artist (Joe Kubert school of Cartoon and Graphic Art)
Divorced (not by choice), and raising my 11 year old daughter. Trying to make a go of my knife shop and small farm.
Lives in Davenport Florida (Not by choice) and would rather live somewhere with all four seasons instead of 2.
Years as a bunny slave: About 2 weeks, unless you count the year and 3/4 Clover has been in love with me. Yes, she decided I was HER person the day my ex wife brought her home. Overall lover of animals.
House Bunneh; Clover, a 1.75 year old American Chinchilla, who was a breeder and show bunny, but was always destined to be a house bun. The first time I’d even met Clover, she climbed out of her cage and draped herself over my shoulders, and declared that I was hers. It took time for me to get settled enough to bring her home. Within 3 days of moving in, she was a free range bunny, and that 3rd night jumped into the bed with me. If she’s not sitting next to me, she’s either sleeping in the bed or laying on my toes. She gets along great with all the animals.
Other pets: Willow, the curmugeonly 11 year old Shih Tzu, who was actually my wife’s, and who, after she divorced me, decided she was my dog instead of hers (Awkward!) Queen of the house, no matter WHAT Clover thinks.
Pyewacket, the black kitty, 10 months old.
Sebala (Or Dot, as we call her), 4 months old kitty
Rusty, my daughters 3 year old Bearded Dragon aka The Kaiju, Beardedzilla, and Death to Bugs…..
and Last but not Least, my rescue Quaker Parrot Jarvis. He’s 5. Jarvis had a rough early 5 years before he came to me. First, his Parronts named him “A.J.”, a name devoid of character and color for such a wonderful bird, we immediately renamed him “Jarvis” which he was answering to within 72 hours, so he hated the name as well. He’d been locked in his cage for over 2 years, receiving food and water, but no interaction, because his owners had a small child and were afraid of what he might do. So instead of working with him, warehoused him. He never left his cage. As a result, he plucked. And plucked. And plucked himself so badly he ripped out the skin and muscles under his wing pits. All that’s left is scar tissue, he’ll never fly again. But he doesn’t have to, because I spoil him shamelessly.
Wow! You’re obviously an animal magnet.
Your critters are adorable, one and all.
aww man I was not on when we were talking about doctor who! I think the 10th doctor is the best too.
oh my goodness! The kittens are so adorable! Nice underpants in the last pic bladesmith! lol
Yeah, my daughter clearly doesn’t understand when Daddy says, “I just got up and haven’t had coffee yet” while still in my sleep shorts. Luckily, I gave up shame for Lent.
@Reesbun- I just caught on to the fez and bowtie thing in your signature, if I am not mistaken…
@Bladesmith- “Oh crap, it’s him” – I picture a cheeky pair of cats getting into some trouble! For me, it is my buck, Thor.
Welcome oh bunnydad-man, one of very few amongst many (many) bunny mums !
I think Clover is well and truly bonded to her hooman ! Lucky her!
@love4bunny – Yep! and the 3-D glasses!
@ Love4Bunny, that accent! *Swoon* I like it I can’t believe Donna makes an appearance in the Office! I’ve only seen 3 or 4 seasons yet.
@Reese, I never realized that about your signature! The fez and the glasses
@Bladesmith, so many pets! They’re so cute!
Real Name: Rachael
Age: 23
Location: England
Years as a Bunny Slave: Zero years, I’ve only had my bunny a month
About my bunnies: My rabbit is called Storm. She’s a cross of a Netherland dwarf and a Dutch and she is three years old. Storm is mostly black with one white foot and a single patch of white on her chest. I adopted her from a local cats and dogs home. She likes being the only rabbit in the house and can be a little moody sometimes but we are starting to bond well. I have her as a free range rabbit downstairs and she loves kale.
Other Pets: The only other pet I currently have is a 17 year old goldfish who has slowly turned silver due to her age.
A bit about me: I am at university studying for a masters in biology and I also volunteer at the rehoming centre that I adopted Storm from. I love animals and I am also a vegetarian. I enjoy doing yoga, Zumba and I also ride horses.
Rachael, I am so excited to hear about your goldfish! I have one who is at least 18 years old and no one believes me it is the same fish. Although I cannot remember exactly when I got the fish, I distinctly remember moving house with them when we moved in 1998 (we had two then).
Ooooo welcome Rachael – a friends daughter has just got her A level results and will be going to Warwick to study Biology !!! (Ooooh A levels – Gina !!!!!!!!)
And if you volunteer at cats&dogs home I can’t believe you’ve only just now come home with one single rabbit !!
Welcome Rachael! Another biologist yay
I find it odd that men wouldn’t love bunnies as much as women. Eh, their loss. As I type, Clover is parked tight against my hip, and purring. Odd sound from such a large animal.
And given my luck with women (Married and divorced 3 times), I’m probably better off staying with animals. (Ok THAT could be seriously misinterpreted…..)
Only planned addition past this is chickens.
Thanks for the kind words, all.
My husband was the one who originally wanted a rabbit…..
Same here. I wanted a guinea pig, but my husband wanted a bunny instead. So we got Bruno.
@Bladesmith, I think many men do, they’re just less likely to talk about it.
Clover sounds great. How she first greeted you sounds awesome.
Or they are in denial, Jerseygirl
My husband wanted zero animals. We now have four ?.
Posted By Love4Bunny on 8/24/2016 3:06 AM
Or they are in denial, Jerseygirl
My husband wanted zero animals. We now have four ?.
Heh heh… If you get 6 more, he’ll get his zero !
Yes!! That’s the plan. He never said I couldn’t add another number to the zero. Good thinking, 99. 4 months ago, I almost got meself a piggie. But hubby hates to share our washing machine with the animals. He claims there is [miniscule amounts of] hair in the barrel. I’m like, Babe…. those are your hairs. That too, he’s also in denial. What does everyone else do with laundry? I’m interested now… please tell me I’m not the only one who married the Scrooge of the adoption kingdom?!
Well, I have an old washing machine outside that I use for pet washing. And I often take it to the laundromat to use their big dryers as they come up great. There doesn’t seem to be fur left in the dryers either.
ETA: There is also those lint catcher balls you can put in washer and dryer.
@kirstyol Haha yea I have the same problem with my goldfish, no one initially believes me when I say how old she is. They all assume my mum replaced her when I was a child or something. I think I got mine from a fare-ground.
@ Vienna Blue in France Thanks and aw that’s awesome, I study at Bristol University . Yea I mostly work with the dogs and there have been many that I would have loved to bring home with me. I just hope they find a loving forever home.
Chewie and I share a combo washer/dryer machine. First I use it, then I throw him in it.
Lol @ Q8
At our old house, the cats would make beds in the dryer if we forgot to close the door.
Posted By jerseygirl on 8/23/2016 10:37 PM
@Bladesmith, I think many men do, they’re just less likely to talk about it.
Clover sounds great. How she first greeted you sounds awesome.
I finally meet a woman who loves me without reservation and she’s a rabbit. I’m good with that.
Thanks for the input about the washing machine/ dryer, guys. Lintcatcher balls are a good idea, Jerseygirl. I will try those since we don’t have a laundromat down the road, and since I don’t do a ton of washing for my dog blankets (I use terry towels squares and wash a bunch at the end). I do run the washing machine on a second cycle, as per hubs request, and I disinfect the barrel.
Posted By Q8bunny on 8/24/2016 7:40 AM
Chewie and I share a combo washer/dryer machine. First I use it, then I throw him in it.
Ah… that’s how you use those things. You know, they never include that in the manual. What a timesaver, Q8
Now now children – we all know to add a disclaimer after such jesting – there are 2-legged donkeys out there who think this could be for real….. (even 4-legged donkeys are clevererere than that!!)
So :
( Kids and annoying partners are allowed )
Yes, good call Vienna.
Lol, two-legged donkeys.
I got cast to play a donkey twice when I was a kid. I think that tells you a lot about my acting skills.
Which end ?
Vienna: Pfff… figures the appliance police would show up
Lol. Q8, I was going to suggest line drying, and handwash only, but I figured that might be too cheeky and a lil too literal for some!
(Hmmm, their ears WOULD peg over nicely on a line….. D )
(JOKE, donkeys !)
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