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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Bindi Loo and Olivia – Step 1

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    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        So I’ve decided to finally start bonding Bindi Loo and Olivia. For those who don’t know Bindi Loo is a neutered Mini-Lop and Olivia is a spayed small mixed breed. They are about the same age (at least I think Olivia is around the same age) and pretty similar in size. He is usually an easy going guy and she tends to be the territorial dominatrix type The goal is to eventually throw Stormy, my 5 year old neutered Mini-Rex into the mix as well.

        I’m starting out very slowly since the reason I’ve waited over a year to start the bonding process is I’m very afraid of injuries (I’ve seen some nasty ones here on BB!), and I have been bitten at least once by them so I know they are capable! So tonight I put Olivia’s cage directly next to Bindi’s lenghtwise. They are as close as I can put them without them being able to bite each other. If they seem too stressed out about it (Olivia does right now, Bindi is mostly going about his business), I’ll separate them and try them together for a few hours a night, side by side until things improve. They are usually in the same room, close enough they can both see each other so it would be easy to seperate and replace Olivia’s cage as needed. They are doing a lot of sticking their noses through the bars as far as they can. Looks like they wanna kiss (but I’m assuming that’s not the case). Olivia is a compulsive growler and will often growl when a human goes too close to her cage at her level or opens her cage door so I expected to hear her growling at him, but she hasn’t yet.

        Does this sound like a good way to start a slow, careful bonding? Does anyone have any tips or suggestions.

        Olivia has several stuffed bears that she loves, I was thinking I could give them to Bindi for a little while to give them a good chinning.

      • MimzMum
        8029 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t think it will be necessary to give them all to him, maybe just one or two (depending on whether he thinks they need chinning or nibbling…I know you don’t want to see him go through stasis again due to eating a plushie)…I think I had one stunt bunny for between Mimzy and Pip and eventually Pip got tired of the stuffie and started chewing on it. By then they had seemed to have bonded and then Mimzy got sick right after that and they’ve been separated ever since, because I can’t find the cause of Mimzy sniffles.

          It’s so funny, Pip is a mix breed (lionhead/palomino), Mimzy is a lop and Fiver is a mini-rex…I hope to have the same threesome as you eventually, if I could just get Mimzy well!

          I find that Mimzy and Fiver do seem to like to sit close to each other, even though the pen bars separate them. They show signs of being happy to see each other when I have one of them on the bed next to Fiver’s pen. (Although Mimzy peed on the bed last time.) Pip pretty much ignores Fiver. (I keep thinking of Georgette and Tito in Oliver & Company.)
          All I can think of is, watch their body language when they are together, that should five you some idea of how they are progressing. And be ready with a squirt bottle in case they begin to fight. (Neutral territory would be best of course.)

          Good luck! ^_^

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            Sorry – no advice from me…. I just want to say “Woo Hoo!” and binky around crazily.

            Many sucessful bonding vibes to you.

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              Don’t worry Mimzmum, if Bindi gets one of Olivia’s bears to chin it will be under supervision only!!! Although that does bring up the question on what I should do if I eventually get them in the same cage. Olivia loves her bears, one of them especially,she sleeps with him. I’d hate to take them away. Maybe she’d be content with Bindi as her big snuggle bear?

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          Forum BONDING Bindi Loo and Olivia – Step 1