My rabbit has literally destroyed my house and my mental health and I don’t know what to do anymore. I know this is a lot; please bear with me.
I rescued my first bunny (4 y/o & spayed) three years ago. She seemed lonely, so I adopted a second bunny (3; also spayed) over a year ago. They get along fine. I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re “bonded” or go out of their way to play together (no matter how hard I’ve tried to make it happen), but they never fight or show physical aggression towards each other. They’ll sit next to each other and share food and toys, but that’s about it.
However…since the day they started sharing their space (they have free roam of my upstairs sitting area, bedroom, and the hallway in between the two), my first bunny has become so territorial that she’s destroyed quite literally everything and absolutely refuses to use her litter box.
And yes, I have tried. I have tried so, so hard to re-litter train her. I’ve closed her in a playpen (both alone and with her “friend”) for weeks at a time with nothing but multiple litter boxes, and she will not do it. She pees right in front of it, every single time. No matter how clean the boxes are, no matter how many I give her, or how much I shampoo her pee out of my carpet, or how much vinegar I use to neutralize the smell…nothing. And she knows how to use a litter box; she used to use it meticulously. It’s just like she’s choosing not to now that she has to share her space. But how has she not gotten used to this?
The peeing everywhere is the worst part, but it’s nowhere near the end of the list. She has gotten so much more destructive that no amount of bunny-proofing can prevent it, though she has every rabbit toy imaginable. She was not always this way, and it’s gotten far beyond normal rabbit destruction.
I don’t have space to be able to enclose her in a playpen that’s suitable to live in permanently, or space to have separate/divided areas for her and my other bunny. And any time I’ve put her in playpens or taken any of “her space” away, she gets extremely aggressive and will pounce and grunt at me, scratch and bite me, scratch the floor, and rattle the cage bars for hours on end.
This rabbit went from always making me the happiest to making me sob tears of frustration every day for over a year. I am at such a loss and I feel like I’m out of solutions. I’ve brought this to so many other forums to no avail. I’m quite literally losing my mind and I cannot keep scrubbing and shampooing my carpets every day of my life. She’s done irreversible damage to a house I don’t own, and I have no idea what to do anymore. Please, please help.