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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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    • RabbitPam
      11002 posts Send Private Message

         I hope Beka will allow me to pass on the sad news that her beloved Max has crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. Please send your hugs and condolences to her, her family, and his soulmate Meadow. 

        I am very, very sad about this. We all loved Max.

      • Jessie1990
        393 posts Send Private Message

          On no!!! Binky free, Max! (((Beka)))

        • colleenbunny
          335 posts Send Private Message

            (((Max))) (((Beka)))

          • tanlover14
            3617 posts Send Private Message

              ((BINKY FREE, MAX!))

              Vibes for you, Beka. <3 Stay strong!

            • Monkeybun
              10479 posts Send Private Message

                Poor Beka and Meadow Max will always be missed here at BB! Binky free, sweet man.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh Beka I’m so sorry!
                  This is such a shock.

                  ***Binky Free Max!*** you are loved and will be missed dearly.

                  (((Beka & Meadow)))

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you everyone…

                    It was an absolute shock. He was fine the night before. He’s always been a big eater, great pooper, perfect… everything. To be honest, I always expected Meadow to go first because she has a finicky stomach…

                    The night before (Friday night) I noticed that they still had a handful of veggies left in their bowl, but both were hanging out totally contented. They both took treats from me, they were both still eating hay, lounging around. I figured I either gave them a handful too much (they’ve always shared 5+ cups of veggies per day), or they just weren’t in the mood for veggies. Not a big deal. I had cleaned out the boxes Friday afternoon, and they were already “filling up”, so everything seemed to be just fine.

                    Saturday morning, we were in a rush. Michael is in a running club at school and he was going to run his 2nd 5k race. We woke up, got dressed in a hurry and left for the race at 8am. When we left, the buns were lounging in the house part of their “sideways E”, so I decided to not disturb them.

                    (I’ve always been pretty casual with feeding times because our daily schedule varies so much. They get veggies in the morning, anytime from 8am to about 10am. Pellets are in the evening between 6pm and 8pm. Hay is always available obviously.)

                    Well, the race activities went longer than expected, we didn’t get back home until a little after 10:30am. I went to feed them, Meadow came out for her veggies, Max didn’t. I called him, still no Max. This was odd because he was the little piggie. I looked in the doorway to their house, saw his little feet, kicked out… just relaxing. I called him again. No movement, not even a foot twitch. I lifted the house, expecting to “startle” him (you know how a flopped bunny will jolt upright), but there was no jolt. He was just gone.

                    So… I don’t know when he passed. It was either late friday night after we went to bed or early saturday before we woke up. I’m guessing he was already gone when we left the house for the race. I thought he was just lounging.

                    It sounds cold, but I’m actually thankful I didn’t know before Michael’s race. He did such an amazing job, he had been looking forward to this event for months. We were able to have a great morning… before the bottom fell out.

                    I gathered Max up in a towel and held him for a little while. He was never a very snuggly bunny, although I would “steal” a snuggle from time to time. I petted his side, and rubbed his ears. Michael was distraught but he also took a few minutes to pet Max.

                    I kept Meadow in the pen, but I took him out. He was out for about 30 minutes, then I decided to put him back in. As soon as I did, Meadow started grooming him. She licked his ears and laid next to him. I watched and cried. That was the hardest part, watching her with him. What I considered a “difficult bond”, in the end, really wasn’t. Three weeks and they were inseparable.

                    My heart is breaking for her. I loved having a pair because I didn’t have to worry about them. They had each other, so when my schedule was crazy with school or Michael or work or life in general… I knew they were good. But now she’s alone.

                    We’re not getting another bunny. We decided a long time before this, that we were not. So I need to help Meadow the best I can. I’m just at a loss…

                    Max was between 8 and 9 years old, I think… but on his last day, he looked like he did the day I brought him home (although his feet were whiter and his fur was silkier in my care). He never lost weight, his appetite/potty habits never wavered.

                    We were coming up on his anniversary; on this coming Thursday, he would have been home with us for 5 years…

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                    • IsabellaRobyn
                      592 posts Send Private Message

                        How sad . I’m sorry to hear that Beka, my best wishes to you all. I’m sure he’s happy and binkying up there.

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          What a cute video Beka – sending big hugs to you and Michael.

                          Meadow will be fine, really she will.

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            Sweet Max. He just slipped away.

                            It must be hard for Michael. The buns have been around since he was a little one.

                            As Sarita has said, Meadow will be ok. With time.

                            I think touching them, just patting or sitting close can help. You see with bonded bunnies they’re are so often touching. It might give her some comfort if she normally enjoys being pet.

                            I think it comforts us too.

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              I understand how you feel about not discovering him until after Michael’s big event.
                              And you know for sure that Meadow had time to say goodbye and fully know that he was gone as well.

                              It just seems like yesterday that you tried to find a mate for Meadow, and had your wonderful bonding stories about Max and the sessions on top of the dryer.
                              I figured out that you’ve had him for 5 years, but for some reason I thought he was a full grown adult when you found him, but was not quite a year old. It makes more sense now to learn he’s around 9. What a wonderful home and mate he’s had with all of you.
                              Love that video.

                            • MoveDiagonally
                              2361 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m sorry about your loss, Beka. It sounds like he went peacefully. Binky Free Max!

                                (( vibes for you and your family ))

                              • FrankieFlash
                                1710 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’m so sorry Beka.

                                  Binky free Max! *Hugs to you and Meadow*

                                • mocha200
                                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                                    Aww! Binky free Max!

                                  • MimzMum
                                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh Beka…I’m devastated to see this… ;_;
                                      I’ll light a candle for dear Max. What a shock to come upon him that way, but sadly it does often happen and we have no answer why.
                                      I hope Michael is coping okay. I’m glad to hear he had a good day with his run.
                                      Thinking of you all. xx ((((((Big hugs)))))))))


                                    • LBJ10
                                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oh my goodness, not little Max! =( It makes me so sad to see this. I agree with was MimzMum said, it does happen and a lot of the time no one knows why. It doesn’t make it any easier though. Don’t feel bad about not knowing before the race. It just would have made him upset and it was something he was so looking forward to.

                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m so very sad to hear about Max’s passing. My deepest condolences to your family.

                                          It really is a blessing and a curse how they hide their illnesses so well. On the one hand, you don’t have to see your bunny sick but on the other hand, it’s such a huge shock when it happens like this.

                                          Please send along my love to dear little Meadow. My heart truly goes out to you both.

                                          ((((Binky Free Max))))) You will be missed.

                                        • tanlover14
                                          3617 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh gosh, Beka…. your story just teared me up. Especially watching Meadow groom him. Be strong for her as she will need it.

                                            I’m so sorry again for your loss. Keep strong and remember he went peacefully. All stretched out like he was just lounging around. He was lucky to have a wonderful family up until his last days.

                                            I hope you and Meadow can find comfort in each other as the days pass. <3

                                          • Elrohwen
                                            7318 posts Send Private Message

                                              I was so so sad to hear this yesterday. What a shock it must have been. I know what you mean about being glad you found him after your son’s event – it’s nice that you could enjoy his race as a family before the shock of Max’s passing.

                                              I’m sure it doesn’t feel like it now, but I think it can be a blessing when animals go quickly like this. He was home with his Meadow, enjoying life, and went quietly in his sleep. It’s so hard to deal with when it happens, but I would prefer this for all of my pets over prolonged illness and having to make the euthanasia decision. Max was blessed with a loving family and a best friend in Meadow. Big hugs for all of you guys and nose rubs for Meadow.

                                            • Beka27
                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                Thank you everyone. I’m a little bit more clear-headed today. I still get teary when I think about him, and I’m not expecting this will go away anytime soon, but I’m surviving.

                                                I completely understand and agree with you, LPT and Elrohwen. I’m thankful I didn’t have to see him suffer, fight with medication, recover from painful procedures/surgeries. It helps knowing (thinking… hoping) that he went peacefully with Meadow snuggled up to his side. But at that same time, it breaks my heart that I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye. Like most of our buns, I didn’t pick him up often. When I was in the mood, I would scoop him up and give him snuggles for a minute or two, and then get thumped at for 10 minutes. I’ve been trying to remember, and besides cutting nails a couple weeks ago, I don’t think I have held him since then. That makes me sad. When Jennifer (BB) was losing Jack, she knew. When Stephanie (LPT) was losing Stormy, she knew. And Sarita has made the decision for most (all?) of her senior bunnies. I’m very conflicted. If I knew, even an hour before, I would have snuggled him and said goodbye. I would have given him an extra carrot or big piece of banana or… (what the hell?!) an entire box of raisins…

                                                But I guess that’s life. You don’t always know.

                                              • RabbitPam
                                                11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                  How is Meadow doing today?

                                                • hannaroo
                                                  317 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I’m so sorry for your loss it looks like he had an amazing life and was a very happy bunny. I hope your okay and I’m sure Meadow will be fine soon x

                                                  • Beka27
                                                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Posted By RabbitPam on 06/03/2013 02:10 PM
                                                      How is Meadow doing today?

                                                      I don’t know. I’m trying to pay her extra attention, but as soon as I start petting her or just talking to her, I start crying. I’m second guessing everything… I’m second guessing his behavior, was he sick and I missed the signs? I’m now thinking that Meadow is horribly distraught, when really she might just be sitting or lounging. I thought she wasn’t eating enough, until I realized I was still feeding food for two bunnies. I cleaned out litter boxes today and was shocked by the lack of poop/pee, but really… It was only empty compared to the usual two bunny amount. 


                                                      So… I’m not sure. I’m going to need a week of acclimation to figure out the new normal. 

                                                      I was never this type of person, but I suddenly “get” the desire to run out and grab the nearest adoptable bunny. I know this isn’t the answer, but if I could find a complete Maxie clone… It would be tough to resist for her sake. 

                                                    • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                      12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                        **Binky Free Max**

                                                        I sent you a private note Beka, with lots of love for you and your family and Meadow. It truly seems like yesterday you were trying to bond the two of them.
                                                        I don’t think either way is easier-knowing, trying to help them and failing, having time to grieve ahead or knowing they didn’t suffer but you didn’t get to say a proper goodbye. I’ve had it go both ways and either way it’s just -just awful. The expression, ‘left paw prints on our heart’ is true.

                                                        Meadow will be fine, with all the attention you and your family shower on her, she’ll adjust. She got to say goodbye for you and was with him when he passed, so he was comforted and she knows where he is. Give her a couple of raisins from me, Kahlua and Rupert.

                                                      • MimzMum
                                                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Oh Beka (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))
                                                          I’m sorry this is happening. It’s hard enough to say goodbye, but the aftermath can be such an intense struggle.
                                                          I totally understand the wishing that we knew when it was coming so we could do special things and prepare. I am always afraid that I will find Mimzy gone one morning when I get up because he hasn’t been a cuddly bunny since his tilt. But really I think the ones that don’t ‘appreciate’ the attention as much still absorb our presence and that gives them comfort.
                                                          Bunnies live in the moment. Max likely saw everything you did for him as an act of love; even trimming nails, feeding veggies, making sure his and Meadow’s condo was clean, putting the maze haven up for them, giving them their space… All of this spoke of your love for them.
                                                          So many bunnies have very lonely lives. Max was not one of them. Just in how meticulously you are looking back and questioning shows the level of devotion you had to him as a bunny mom. He knew that. That video of him nomming so happily… My bunnies love their food but none of them eat with that kind of gusto!
                                                          He knew you loved him. <3
                                                          ((((((((((((((((((Hang in there)))))))))))))))))))))) xxxx

                                                        • Beka27
                                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                            He was definitely a piggie! When we got him, our veggie costs tripled. I’m giving Mead less now, but she is still not eating it all. They shared all the food obviously, so over time I will figure out what exactly she needs. Since I’m going to be buying less now, I’m going to try to give her a greater variety than they had before.

                                                            I received the private messages. I’ll respond properly tomorrow from my computer, I’m on my phone now…

                                                          • tanlover14
                                                            3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Oh Beka. I can’t even imagine your pain right now. Don’t second guess yourself or anything you did – you are a wonderful bunny parent and you have helped so many (including me) be successful bunny parents also. You’ve been here since the beginning of my bunny journeys and if there is one thing I know it’s that you’re great with rabbits and have always given your buns a great home and life.

                                                            • Hazel
                                                              2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I’m so sorry, Beka. I hope you can take a little comfort in knowing he seems to have gone peacefully.

                                                                Binky free, little Max!

                                                              • bunnygirl
                                                                636 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Beka remember we’re all here for you, and we all speak the truth. Max was loved and cared for with such loving devotion, and he’s your guardian angel now! You’ll meet again someday, but till that day, Max will look down from heaven and still be loving you with ever little piece of his heart! <3

                                                                • TBpony414
                                                                  166 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    So very sorry for your loss. Max was a wonderful addition to the family and he was well loved and cared for. Please don’t doubt yourself… Meadow will adjust in time to being a single bun, I’m sure she’ll love the individual attention.

                                                                  • RabbitPam
                                                                    11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      I think Vivian sets a good example of how a closely bonded bunny can adjust well after the loss of her mate. She’s doing fine with the individual attention, and I think Meadow will as well.

                                                                      I know that feeling of wanting to go out and get another right away. But really, it’s wanting to look for – and find – Max. I felt badly for a long time when I didn’t seem to have the same relationship with Sammykins as I did with Spockie, and missed him. Sadly, they are so individual that they are irreplaceable. I eventually had my own style with Sammy instead.
                                                                      But when either you or Meadow find you need a new friend, you’ll take her on dates. But it isn’t required. She may like being a solo bun now that she’s older and is so close to the whole family.

                                                                    • JK
                                                                      2223 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        OK it’s August 13th and I am just seeing this. Haven’t been on BB for such a long time until recently. Beka – I remember when you thinking about getting Max and all the bonding issues. I can’t believe it. I am soooo sorry to hear about him. In some ways if he had some kind of unknown issue it’s better to go fast than have it drawn out. Even so, it just sucks. I am sooo sorry. XXOOOO

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                                                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Beka’s Max