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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Autumn learns to climb stairs

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    • Autumn's Dad
      208 posts Send Private Message

        Hey all,

        just a fun post. It was very hot today (for the UK anyway ) so I took her out for some exploring in parts of the house she doesn’t normally go. In classic Autumn fashion she found the stairs and climbed her way right back to her room  It was pretty funny to watch as she’d never climbed stairs before but remembered her way back home from vet trips. As she got back she did a huge binky through the hall and flopped in her room. A good day in the end

      • ThorBunny
        824 posts Send Private Message

          Sooo cute!

          Did you get pictures?

        • MarkBun
          2842 posts Send Private Message

            When I had a vet visit in the middle of the day or they were spraying for bugs at my apartment complex, I’d often bring my rabbits into work with me. I was one of a number of cubicle workers but I would let my rabbits hop on out into the maze of walls (with my supervision of course). They’d go exploring, visiting people and making everyone smile for some time.

            But then I’d say, “Ok, guys, back home,” and no matter where they were in the building or how they got there, they’d take the shortest path back to my cubicle and into their carrier. I was always impressed with their ability to know where they were.

          • Autumn's Dad
            208 posts Send Private Message

              ThorBunny: after a long day  she was so tired she forgot to close her eyes

              MarkBun: that’s really cool! that must have been one of the best days ever at the office for some of your collegues  they really can become quite trained

            • Q8bunny
              6345 posts Send Private Message

                Aw… beautiful girl! Look at that velvety wittle mouf

              • MeketatenBun
                178 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh my gosh, my first bunny Nefertari used to do that! One day I guess I wasn’t watching her as close as I should have been and then I saw a glimpse of her before I saw her run up the stairs, to her room, and into her hutch as if to say “enough socializing, it’s nap time now”. Bunnies are so smart, they memorize where things are very easy!

                • sarahthegemini
                  5584 posts Send Private Message

                    How adorable!

                    I remember the first time Buttercup went up the stairs – it was after our first bonding session which was in the bedroom. Both buns were taken back downstairs for the night. Now up til this point neither bun had dared go on the stairs so we didn’t feel the need to block it off. Fast forward an hour or two, I wake up to crinkling noises. I open the bedroom door to see Buttercup sitting on the landing trying to get into the bag of plantain that we’d left from the bonding session. She loved it, she was hopping about and then relaxed on the floor which was comical but we had to encourage her down because she was a bit scared!

                  • Sr. Melangell
                    1708 posts Send Private Message

                      Well done, yes it is very very warm in the UK, so warm I’m going to put my bikini top on and mini skirt, it will scare my neighbours.

                    • lavendarlapin
                      28 posts Send Private Message

                        Awlll. My bun was cautious first few times but now he can climb stairs no problem. Well the problem is me being worried he could slip.
                        Even after moving a lot my bun still quickly learns his way around and remembers. I’ve taken him back to old places before and he remembers things there perfectly too it’s really something.

                      • Autumn's Dad
                        208 posts Send Private Message

                          Wow, thank you for all your replies!
                          Q8bunny- Autumn would thank for that I’m sure
                          MB- that’s one of the things that make them funny to be around, they have no idea of how abrupt they are
                          sarahthegemini- that must have been pretty funny to see, they’ll go to great lengths for food
                          CA- haha hopefully not
                          LL- yeah, thankfully she hasn’t learnt to descend, only climb so the risk of falling is less but I still watch her. I find it fascinating how far back they can remember things like that, very impressive for such a small animal.

                        • Blue Moon
                          436 posts Send Private Message

                            Cedric knows how to climb stairs too poppy kind of does too

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE Autumn learns to climb stairs