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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Are my bunnies unbonding?

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    • Cassi&Charlie
      1260 posts Send Private Message

        Charlie has gone crazy! He is chasing Layla around and around, she’s terrified and crashing into things trying to escape. He’s trying to bite her and doesn’t seem to recognise her any more. It’s exactly like before they were bonded.

        What can I do? I cna’t move the other rabbits until Wednesday! I’m really scared!!!

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Have you already got the two you’re bunny sitting? Can you pen up your two separately. I’m sure it would do them no harm to have less space just until you can concentrate soley on them again.

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            That is, pen Charlie in separate pen to Layla obviously!

            Assuming you do have the 2 newbies, do you think he can smell them/not see them and is reacting by attacking Layla?  Is he just being a butthead again?

          • Cassi&Charlie
            1260 posts Send Private Message

              The other bunnies are in the laundry, mine are penned off in their x-pens for now because he’s fine with her in there. Maybe he’s just trying to claim ownership of her? I’m worried cause this is the same problem we had when they were just bonded, that he would chase her and nip her bum all the time.

            • jerseygirl
              22352 posts Send Private Message

                Hmm….that’s odd he behaves when they’re penned together. All the same, I’d separate them if his behaviour is unpredictable. Which it might be because he’s sensing a change in his environment. Maybe the chasing/nipping is his form of play? I don’t know!

                From what I’ve read about the place here, they can have a dominance play off now and then.

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  There is a thing called ‘referred agression’ and that’ when a rabbit is angry with another rabbit, they’ll bite or be aggressive to their mate…that could definitely be what’s happening; When I’m cleaning cages Roger from our bonded pair, humps his mate-I tell him to stop but…

                • rabbitsmba
                  475 posts Send Private Message

                    Sometimes bunns will do this when they smell another rabbit on the house – they take out their frustrations on their mate. This happened to my bonded pair Ella and Scooter when I had a foster bunn for a few days. Little Miss Ella went ballistic and freaked out on Scooter – so much so, I had to keep her in a separate cage from him. Once the foster was gone and a week had passed, she calmed down and I was able to reunite them.

                    If you are bunnysitting new bunnies, keep them as far away from your two as you can, and be careful with transferring scents. If you go and cuddle the guest bunnies, change your top when you go to see your bunnies or they will smell the others off you and get mad.

                  • BinkyBunny
                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                      Many times when “new” bun smells come in, the dominant bunny wants to reiterate that they are the boss, and combined with “referred” aggression that KK was mentioning this could be what is happening. I am so sorry! What a pain. It might be better, if possible to limit their freedom – where they have more access to the smell of the other bunny.

                      You also have to be careful that if you pet the “guest” buns that you do not then rub your hands on your bunnies and transfer their scent. That can be a cause for trouble too.

                      What you can try to do is try stress bonding your pair again, and do some sessions in a neutral territory. Be sure that your own hands are fully “guest” scent free and then pet your bunnies and transfer their scent to each other. If he is just relentless, then unfortunately, you will have to separate them so they don’t hurt each other until you can supervise and do bonding sessions.

                      SO sorry!!

                    • Cassi&Charlie
                      1260 posts Send Private Message

                        Thats annoying! Oh well, serves me right to bunsit and bring other bunnies into the house. Unfortunately I wont be bunnysitting again which is sad because these two are very sweet.

                        I did some stress bonding of my two (washing machine spin cycle) and put them in my bedroom where I could keep an eye on them He’s not chasing her in the bedroom but he still is in the main living area. Since he’s fine in their pen I’ve just locked them in there tonight & will keep them there tomorrow and Wednesday until these bunnies leave. Then I will whip out the vinigar and try to de-scent the laundry.

                        It’s a pain because Charlie is SO aggressive now and even before these bunnies came I was having aggression problems with him. I’m worried that trying to calm him down to reaffirm their bond will be difficult.

                        Grr! What a pain! Wish my Charlie was more relaxed lol! I played some meditationmusic to them while they were in the bedroom with me so they’d remain calm at all times. It seemed to work so I’ll start to put together a bonding soundtrack for them.

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          I love it- a bonding soundtrack! It looks like what you have decided to do may work best. Keep us updated.

                          Sending bonding vibes.

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            i think that’s a good idea to keep them penned together until those “intruders” (lol!) leave. then i’d do a really good clean of the apartment… that is frustrating. buns really are unique creatures aren’t they?

                          • Cassi&Charlie
                            1260 posts Send Private Message

                              Intruders went yesterday evening, then I cleaned the laundry with vinigar and floor cleaner and the just boiling water…jeez…you’d think that would be enough. Apparently Layla and Charlie were saving a weeks worth of poo just for the laundry. They pooped and peed everywhere (tils thank goodness) and settled back into normal life.

                              I slept on the couch last night just to make sure they were ok free range and Charlie chased Layla for half the night. I heard this big crash at some point and turned on the light. Layla had crashed into the shoe stand and had taken up an aggressive bunny stance. Charlie looked a bit confused then put his head down for pets and *chomp* she bit his ear! I checked it and there was no bite mark but boy was he suprised!

                              Apparently they’re fine now. Layla slept on my neck all night and charlie huddled up to my face so I think I’m forgiven. It was so cute! Luckily I cut Layla’s nails yesterday!

                              Thanks guys for all your advice!!! Hopefully Charlie calms down a bit now.

                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                she slept on your neck?!


                                well, hopefully Charlie can chill out now…

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                  Good News! I also am terribly jealous of the whole neck and face snuggle! I get snuggles, but it’s me snuggling with them and them not moving away! If one of my bunnies came over and slept on my neck all night, I would die of happiness.

                                • Cassi&Charlie
                                  1260 posts Send Private Message

                                    Well I actually woke up to it so I’m not sure how long they were there for. As soon as she noticed I was awake she hopped away and acted ‘normal’.

                                  • hooty22
                                    606 posts Send Private Message

                                      Haha Felony does that too. Whenever I’m studying for finals I have a tendancy to sleep on the couch. I have this big plush velour type blanket I use. I guess when I wrap it around me I turn in a furry purple bunny and I spend the entire night getting groomed and cuddled. It’s quite a shock though to wake up with a giant mass of fur sleeping on your face licking your chin…. As soon as I wake up though, its off to the maze.

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                                  Forum BONDING Are my bunnies unbonding?