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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Are bonded bunnies less affectionate towards their human?

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    • Kayleigh
      6 posts Send Private Message

        Hi there!  My 11 year old Netherland Dwarf passed away recently… it’s been really tough without her, I’ve been thinking it over for a while and I want to let some new buns into my life!

        My worry is that if I adopt more than one, will they be less affectionate? My last bunny used to follow me around, run really fast into my face when I’d lie down for snuggles, and she would hop onto the couch / bed and into my lap whenever she could. I’ve always, always wanted more than one bun… my parents have agreed that I can get 2 if I want to, my only concern is that if they are really well bonded.. will they still get attached and be affectionate towards me?

        I know a human can never replace a bunny companion, but bunnies are something of a companion animal for me.. my last bunny was more like a cat or a dog all in one wiggly-nosed package! That’s basically the type of bond with my rabbit I’m wanting in a new bunny.. does anybody have experience with two buns vs. one bun? I want to be absolutely sure before I buy two bunnies!! 🙂 

        Thank you so much!!! Please let me know your experiences / thoughts <3

        – Kayleigh and Stew (my rainbow bridge bunny)

      • Harley&Thumper
        444 posts Send Private Message

          None of my three bunnies are particularly affectionate but my pair and single both run up to me for head rubs when I enter their area.

        • Bladesmith
          849 posts Send Private Message

            Our bonded pair is pretty mch the same bonded as they were unbonded. Clover loves pets, and Dawn tolerates them, if she lets you touch her at all.

          • Sirius&Luna
            2319 posts Send Private Message

              My trio is pretty much as affectionate as they were when they were unbonded. If I sit on the floor then I get swarmed by them, but they’ll also hop up onto the sofa to see us occasionally. It’s still easiest to get their attention with food, but Luna will settle down for pets next to me, and the boys will dart past and give me a nudge or lick.

              I think age is a big factor as well – my younger bunnies are so busy all the time, but Luna, who is nearly two, is a bit more chilled.

            • Daisy
              199 posts Send Private Message

                This topic has roughly the same question as yours and has responses to it that may be helpful to you:


                My single bun was much more people oriented than any of my pairs ever were. She would actively seek you out and enjoy pets. My pairs were/are more focused on each other and mind their own.

                I now have a bonded pair called Muffin and Monster and I can tell that Muffin is very responsive to – and interested in humans (she doesn’t like being pet though, she prefers crawling over you looking for treats). I think she might have been a single bun before I adopted her, having a human as her only companion whereas Monster used to have a mate before I adopted him and prefers to mind his own business. He only comes to me if I’m actively waving a treat around to lure him or if I’m in his pen (because by now he knows me in his pen = treats).

              • sarahthegemini
                5584 posts Send Private Message

                  I don’t think so. My pair are reasonably affectionate, no less than before they were bonded. In fact, I think Peanut is actually more affectionate which I attribute to him being more confident

                • BunjaminML
                  32 posts Send Private Message

                    I think it just depends on the rabbit. My first bunny, Bunji, was always a single bun until we adopted Mochi. Bunji was never too social with us and he still isn’t even with Mochi around. Mochi was always curious and friendly, and she still is even now that they are bonded.

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                Forum BONDING Are bonded bunnies less affectionate towards their human?