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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE April Pics!!!!

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    • Muj Mom N Bun
      352 posts Send Private Message

      • Muj Mom N Bun
        352 posts Send Private Message

          Hi All, White Rabbit White Rabbit, White Rabbit!

          I haven’t seen an April pic started so I am gonna start one. I am usually late getting my pics in but hope everyone is great and has their cuteness on hand and ready to go!

        • lovebunny
          35 posts Send Private Message

            White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit!!! and Happy April Fools day

            I took this earlier today, and made it my wallpaper on my phone. That face just makes my heart so happy!


          • Muj Mom N Bun
            352 posts Send Private Message

              Whoa Hoo! Momma! Look at all that Fluff! And those pretty pawsies! I love it when they sit with their paws just tucked out

            • lovebunny
              35 posts Send Private Message


                I know I think its the cutest when she flops over, which she does allot. She was being sweet this morning, but she can be a little spitfire. Your bun looks so chill and relaxed. I just love how much personality they have. 

              • Q8bunny
                6345 posts Send Private Message

                  Cuteness to start the month off right. Yipeee!

                • bonnie_bunny
                  83 posts Send Private Message

                    Gizmo has been a monster this week. He ruined his foam mats with pee, ate my phone charger, and then ate a chicken nugget. Good thing he’s cute.

                  • Muj Mom N Bun
                    352 posts Send Private Message

                      LOOK AT THOSE EARS!!! Oh La La! He must have wonderful reception!!! ? I had to, sorry! But I just love it when they prop their ears forward and we can see them for miles! Sounds like somebunny needs a reminder that he’s supposed to be vegan!

                      Yes, they are certainly not just docile little balls of fur, not in the least. Yesterday I had to shoo BunBun from trying to dig up the two mats (with her teeth) from the corner, she then shifted her attention to once again trying to reach the tootsie roll center of my living room sofa, thus, getting her shooed off from there. So as soon as she landed to the floor, she noticed I left the bathroom door open and she binkied off into the bathroom to wreak havoc on the bath mats! Many many Binkies worth of mischievous delight!

                    • lovebunny
                      35 posts Send Private Message

                        He is a super cute little monster!!! Marinette has claimed my daughters fort playhouse. She has not tore anything up yet but she pooped like 100+ poops in five minutes or less lol

                      • Muj Mom N Bun
                        352 posts Send Private Message

                          Give her time… don’t worry…. just give her time! They love tearing stuff!

                        • lovebunny
                          35 posts Send Private Message

                            well she is still a baby  so I’m sure you are right and its a matter of time lol 

                          • Q8bunny
                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                              It’s spring fever, folks!

                            • bonnie_bunny
                              83 posts Send Private Message

                                Is that a real thing with bunnies? I read somewhere they tend to start “misbehaving” (if you can call being a bunny that) in the spring. I got my last bunny after spring had already arrived so Gizmo is my first bun that’s gone through a major season change with me. He went from a lazy, snuggly, food driven cutie to a destructive, mischievous, binkying hell raiser! And that’s saying something because the giant breeds tend not to binky as often and he did twice in a row the other night! Not looking forward to his spring molt either. “There’s fur in my coffee…” more like there’s going to be a fur-pocalypse!

                              • Q8bunny
                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                  Yep. True story.

                                • Muj Mom N Bun
                                  352 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oh oh!

                                  • Kiki
                                    205 posts Send Private Message

                                      I found this sign at the store I work at and thought it was funny 

                                      I heard a terrible ruckus and  come out into the kitchen to find someone had helped herself to a snack…at least it wasn’t the ‘junk” food

                                      action shot – I got bunny bombed 

                                      All the pets please!

                                      My love bun, seriously how could anyone say no to this face?!!!

                                    • Hazel
                                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                                        I hope it’s okay to revive this thread, since it’s April (again 😀 )

                                        Feast your eyes on this little bunny bundle of joy I came across while shopping this morning! It’s even 2-ply!


                                        I’m so glad BB is back! Thanks for working so hard on this guys, you’re heroes!


                                      • Bladesmith
                                        849 posts Send Private Message

                                          White Rabbit White Rabbit, WHITE RABBIT!!

                                          We’re back!  I’m back!  I have had so much going on during the shutdown!

                                          First and foremost, NEW BUNNY!!
                                          After Clover passed over the Rainbow Bridge, you all know I was devastated.  Heartbroken like I’d never been.   But I’d promised myself that if I ever did get another bun, it would be a Flemmie.  Well, around Christmas time of last year, I found one that needed a home.  And lucky me, I had a new home, after moving back to Tennessee.  So I got Penelope!  Born on Halloween, a nice little girl bunny to hopefully bond with Dawn, who, I have to admit was herself depressed after the passing of her sister.  Dawn was so overjoyed to have a new friend that she found a way around every damn barrier I put up between the two so I could slowly introduce them.  Dawn wanted to make her own damn intros, and didn’t want or need my help.

                                          Lucky for me, they bonded instantly.  And they’ve been inseparable ever since.


                                          It turns out that Penelope is a PeneloHE.  Which I discovered the worst way when I found him trying to do the dirty with little Dawn.  And spraying.  NOPE!!
                                          Off to the Vet we went for a few modifications.   Which went fine.

                                          But now I was in a quandary.   What to name him?  I nominated “Ikea”, because he came with parts we didn’t order and didn’t want.  But my daughter, princess of the universe, shot that one down because it would be cruel.  So, in keeping with the mythical/legendary name choices, we settled on…….Loki!  Because as a Trickster God, he certainly pulled one over on us.  Also, Loki was known to change his sex as he wanted to.  And, because it fits this guys mischievous nature.  Shortly after he got settled in, I lost him.  Couldn’t find him.  Looked all over, called his name, etc.  Finally, I look over to the industrial strength storage containers that hold my shop gear, and I found him.  Tucked in between the boxes, 4 feet off the ground, the little monster was sleeping.

                                          Anyways, he’s 6 months old now, and weighs 13 pounds!   He’s a big goofball, an appetite with ears, and I love him to pieces.  Best of all, Dawn loves her big bunbro as well.

                                          Here’s some pics!  It’s good to be back!


                                        • DanaNM
                                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                                            Wooohooo! Welcome back!

                                            Welcome to the new buns and the new bundles of TP! LOL

                                            I lost my Bertha over Christmas. 🙁  But also just welcomed home a new bunny, Myra. Will have to do some formal introductions soon!

                                            Loki is so handsome!

                                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                                              So happy to see some of our regular members dropping in !!

                                              Hi @Hazel !  I hope your fur-crew are all well. Bun, ferret, 2 cats, dog,  have I missed anyone?? Loving the t-paper lol. How many packs did you buy though?..  Do we need to report you for hoarding?  😉

                                              Hi @Bladesmith !  Im really happy to hear you did get a new bun!  How great that HE and Dawn hit off so well.  That last pic is so sweet!!

                                              I was hoping you were able to move and get another rabbit so it’s good to see this has happened. 🙂


                                              I’ve been in touch with Dana and the other FL’s a bit. So I knew the sad news about her big girl, Bertha.  I also had some losses while the forum was down. My lop Gooseman and dog, Hunter both in May and my big girl, Ailis this year. I do need & want to make a thread for each in the RB. In happier news, I also adopted a new boy, a mini rex who bonded to Potamus. 🙂

                                            • Bam
                                              16977 posts Send Private Message

                                                Hi @Hazel and @Bladesmith!!! So good to hear from you!

                                                Bladesmith, what an adventure! Loki is the perfect name for a bun formerly known as Penelope. I’m glad you didnt go with IKEA, it would’ve been pretty cruel 🤣🤣🤣 He and Dawn look like a very happy couple!

                                              • Hazel
                                                2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Dana: I’m sorry about Bertha, losing her over the holidays must have been especially hard. I hope Myra provides some extra bunny love and nose boops to help you feel better.


                                                  jersey: I’m so sorry you lost three of your fur babies, that’s so sad. They had a wonderful life with you for their human, I know that.


                                                  Hugs to the both of you.


                                                  Jersey, I only took one pack of tp, for now… 😉 Seriously though, how can there still be people buying that much toilet paper…? My fur crew is mostly fine, thanks for asking! Bubbles is a little worse for wear. He just turned 6 but ferrets don’t age well I’m sad to say. I’m trying to keep him comfortable and he keeps on trucking. Mosby had a close call last year, he almost didn’t make it. Kudos to Dr. Liller and her team, they are a miracle workers at that office.


                                                  Bam: Great to hear from you too! *waves* 🙂 I hope you and your fur babies are doing fine!


                                                  Bladesmith: A baby Flemmie, he’s adorable! I do kind of like Ikea though 😀 You could just call him Ike for short, no one would know…


                                                  So we need pictures of Myra, jersey’s new boy and more of Ike, I mean Loki!

                                                • jerseygirl
                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Ike lol.

                                                    Hazel, it was 2 buns and one dog I lost. A dog and bun in one horrible week in May. This May is 100% going to be happier one. (I declare it – let it be so 😉 )

                                                    Sounds like you’ve had some ups and downs also. That’s sad ferrets decline so quickly. It doesnt feel like you’ve had Bubbles that long. Or Mosby for that matter. Mosby must still be young in cat years, surely? I forgot to say!!! I found a litter of kittens in November. They’ve gone off to new homes now but Ill have to put my 500 PHOTOS ( lol ) in an album link and share here.  I do have the time at the moment, with this quaratining business.

                                                  • Bladesmith
                                                    849 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Here’s a few more pics of himself himself.  He discovered snow on the deck and loved it.  And another of the size disparity of this Mutt and Jeff coupling.  And finally, when baby boy gets sleepy, he sacks ALL the way out.

                                                      I’m sorry for the crappy pics, but my phone is old, like me.


                                                    • jerseygirl
                                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Snow!!! What’s it been like getting reacquainted with the weather further north?

                                                        I dont think Im ever going to get over Loki and Dawn together. So friggin cute!

                                                      • Hazel
                                                        2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Well, Ike is Canadian, so naturally he doesn’t mind the snow. (When you guys get sick of my South Park references, let me know 😀 ) Dawn didn’t want to join in the snowy fun?


                                                          Jersey: Gosh, two in one week, how horrible, I’m sorry. 🙁

                                                          Yes please post some kitten pictures! Good job letting them go, I know you probably wanted to keep them all! 🙂


                                                          Bubbles has Insulinoma (lots of ferrets his age do). The cancer itself isn’t bothering him for now as far as I can tell, but it causes an overproduction of Insulin. So he’s on a medication to combat that, otherwise his blood sugar would crash and he would start seizing. He’s also on cbd, I don’t know how effective it is but I hope it helps with any pain he might have, and maybe slows the cancer growth a little. He’s got a little limp in his back leg from an old injury, as well as spine issues. All things considered I think he’s doing well for now.

                                                          Mosby started throwing up one night, all night long. The vet didn’t know what was wrong at the time, we figured something had upset his stomach, he got a few meds and we took him home. Then it went up and down, but after a week he still wasn’t right, and at that point started vomiting again. We took him back to the vet, there he threw up a piece of a decorative pillow I had gotten for Christmas. That’s what started it all ,but he was so poorly that the vet decided they had to open him up. Turned out all the vomiting had caused an Intussusception. Part of his bowel was dead and had to be removed. The vet said he wouldn’t have made it another 12 hours. Another week at the vets, and he was back home. Back when Lily was a kitten, she had an Intussusception as well, Dr. Liller managed to save her too. She couldn’t believe our bad luck, she sees one Intussusception a year, if that.


                                                          Sorry, I probably shouldn’t spam the picture thread with all this babbling! 😀

                                                        • Dface
                                                          1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Oh my god. @Bladesmith  Dawn and Ike..I mean Loki .. Are everything ! I love seeing buns with large size differences in love. I dont know why.


                                                            Im sorry to hear about Bubbles. And my god that ordeal with Mosby sounds horrifying.


                                                            yes to kitten pictures pls….

                                                            I still have my pair of fuzzballs and my spare danger potato (Moink) He still has no friends because he’s insane. I have a 4th bun at the moment, but he is up for adoption because apparently throwing more rabbits at a rabbit problem is not the solution(Also I cant afford more rabbits ).

                                                            Ive had the 4th bun since September-ish?  His name is Nubnub and even though he will be off to another home soonish Im still gonna post pics because he still is my baby at heart  and I like to pretend I wont need to rehome him

                                                            [attachment file=”1926455″]



                                                          • Hazel
                                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Holy smokes, Nubnub is beautiful! And a lop. Dangit, now I want him! lol

                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Lol, the danger potato / floor potatoes! 😄

                                                                Maaan, look at that pose. Nubnub is a heartbreaker!  Will you be able to get him placed with someone you can get updates from do you think?

                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Here are the kitty photos I already had uploaded. It’s a mixed bag quality-wise.  I’ll add some more tomorrow.  Sorry in advance if links don’t work!

                                                                  The BabyCats

                                                                  BabyCat Videos  (Scroll down to view all)

                                                                • Dface
                                                                  1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Oh my god those kittens are KILLING me! Too cute to cope with it.


                                                                    Aye Nub is such a gorgeous bunny, he’s going to make someone incredibly  happy (he makes me laugh every day with his shenanigans) I’m hoping I’ll be able to keep in contact but as long as its a good home is all that really matters! (although he’s not had any real intrest since February 🙁) guess noone else is a ducker for a one eared lop lol!

                                                                  • Hazel
                                                                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      What happened to Nubnub’s ear?


                                                                      Aw, those kittens are way too cute!

                                                                    • jerseygirl
                                                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Oh wow, I didn’t even notice the ear. I just thought it was just pointing away from camera.

                                                                        , im sorry I’m late coming back to what you shared about Bubbles & Mosby. I got so distracted by the mystery of the disappearing post that I never addressed it’s content once it was back!

                                                                        I do hope you can managing B’s condition with current meds. Really interesting about the cbd. Seeing a lot more use if it for rabbits now. Hope it helps!

                                                                        That was so scary how close you came to losing Mosby! 😢 Will he have any side effects from that going forward or does a successful surgery usually have things as good as new? Horrible luck that you’ve had this happen with both cats.  I first learnt of that term in rabbits but think it’s uncommon with them or undetected probably. I suppose it’s something that can happen to all mammals, including us. Happy to read Mosby came through it- thanks to you guys and amazing vet but the sounds of it!

                                                                      • Dface
                                                                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Yeah he is a little one eared wonder!

                                                                          We dont know what happened it to be honest, I like to hope mammy bun just got a bit overzealous when cleaning him. To be honest he prefers to use that ear for listening, so really if you asked him that’s his good ear!

                                                                          It annoys him a bit, because he cant get at it properly to clean it, and it gets dry skin from him worrying at it sometimes(not mites just him trying to clean it )


                                                                        • Bladesmith
                                                                          849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Oh it was wonderful!  I hate hate hate hate HATE being hot.  I’ve sweated enough for a dozen lifetimes, and I’ve sworn I’m never sweating again because of the weather unless I want to.

                                                                            That first tiny snowfall of the season had me GLUED to the windows like a kid at Christmas. (There may have been window licking.  Don’t judge me.)

                                                                            And Loki LOVES my deck.  Every time I open the slider to go and feed the birbs, he’s right at my heels.  I have to regulate his outdoor time because I’m concerned about him getting his head between the railing and possibly falling.  Soon as this virus is done, I’m putting up wire barriers to keep that from happening.


                                                                            I got him a harness!  I’m going to teach him to walk on a leash!  The plan is for him to become a therapy bun, but we have to get him past the punk teen age first.  Right now he’s in the “Don’t touch me, you’re not the boss of me!” stage of things.


                                                                            I love it here.  I am at peace here.  Now (Downer alert!)  because my odious ex wife can afford lawyers and I cannot, she was able to force my daughter to have to live with her and not move here, with me, like my daughter wanted.  I miss her horribly.  And as soon as my kid can legally bail on her mother, she’s headed here with her tail on fire.  She hates Florida, and because of her actions, she’s not real fond of her mother, either.

                                                                          • Hazel
                                                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              jersey: No worries! 🙂 I know you’re very busy getting BB back up to speed. And I’m not helping by making extra work for you with my disappearing posts 😆

                                                                              Mosby is back to normal and hasn’t suffered any long term damage. If I remember correctly, she took out about 7 inches of bowel. Sounds like a lot but she said it’s not enough to negatively impact his digestive functions. Yeah we definitely had some bad luck in that regard. If one of them comes down with similar symptoms again we should probably just go ahead and assume it’s another intussusception. 🙄 Lily’s got caught early so there was no dead tissue, but Mosby cut it way too close!


                                                                              I tried to attach some pictures, but it says I’m not allowed 🙁

                                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                @Hazel, was that using the Add Media feature? It’s new. I just tried it and something is not right. It worked great for me the other day. I’ll report it and see if we can get it back working. Pic sharing is like the most important thing here at BB!


                                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  @Bladesmith I’m really sorry things went that way with your ex. What a gut punch. 🙁 Weren’t you your daughter’s primary caregiver all this time? I hope she can join you during school breaks provided  school returns to normal & travel restrictions are lifted.

                                                                                • Hazel
                                                                                  2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    jersey: Yes I was using the add media feature. It seemed to work at first, but as soon as it was finished downloading the picture it said I’m not allowed to add images to my post.


                                                                                    bladesmith: I’m sorry that your daughter didn’t get to move with you. How long will it be before she’s old enough?

                                                                                  • Bam
                                                                                    16977 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      @Bladesmith, that’s so sad with your daughter ☹ I hope she can come visit you often, once travel is allowed again.

                                                                                      , that’s scary with Mosby ! So glad he’s doing better now.

                                                                                    • Bladesmith
                                                                                      849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        I was.  Ex HATED that.  This is her revenge, I guess.  But I’ll have her back in a couple weeks.  I’ll drive half way down and make the exchange.  She won’t be free until she finishes high school.  It’s life.


                                                                                        And our little Dawn is doing better, but shes never going to be as good on her feet as she was.  Age comes for us all.  But, in deference to her Spondylosis, I’m building her a ramp to up the stairs to the second floor so she can keep up with her little big brother.  I’m such a sap.

                                                                                      • Bam
                                                                                        16977 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          You’re the best sap, @Bladesmith 😆 Lucky Dawn! We got ramps and soft mats and stuff for our dog when she got older and her back wasn’t cooperating. It’s sad, but you can often do quite a lot to make them more comfy. Dawn has a husbun now, so she’s probably very happy. Is she on any sort of medication?

                                                                                        • Bladesmith
                                                                                          849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Update on Dawn:  She’s better on her feet, refused to use the ramp.  There’s 50 bucks I won’t get back…little stinker can get upstairs on her own just fine, she was shamming.  I spent WEEKS carrying her up and down the stair, with her probably laughing the whole time.

                                                                                            But now she’s suddenly started having seizures, out of the blue.  3 so far, all grand mal.  I hold her until they pass, prevent her from hurting herself, and when they pass, she’s back to normal.  She’s almost 7, which is getting up there in age, but I’m concerned there might be an environmental cause.  So I’m getting rid of anything she chews on that might be suspect.


                                                                                            The seizures all happen in the same time frame, between 10 pm to 1 am.  I’m concerned, because I don’t want her to suffer or hurt, and I can’t afford the massive battery of tests they mention regarding seizures in rabbits.  A spinal fluid test?  Yikes.

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                                                                                        Forum THE LOUNGE April Pics!!!!