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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE anyone have a lap bunny?

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  • Author

    • evansvillegirl26
      254 posts Send Private Message

        Tonks has been sitting in my lap for over and hour!!!! I’m also not allowed to stop petting her either!  Anyone else have ridiculous bunnies??

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          What?! First you have one beautiful rex. Then adopt another equally beautiful rex. Now you report one has become a lap bunny? Are you trying to turn us all GREEN with ENVY?!!

        • skibunny8503
          1338 posts Send Private Message

            Archie won’t exactly sit in my lap but he’ll go by my legs and nug my knees or dig at my pants until he’s pleased with how much I’ve petted him

          • MimzMum
            8029 posts Send Private Message

              Awes! ^_^ I WISH my bunnies would chill like that! Actually, Pip will pretty much sit anywhere you put her and she LOVES being petted. (Must be part of that royal attitude, you know.)

              Fiver still doesn’t care for human contact all that much…but he’s been tending to park his rear end as close to me as he can get it without actually touching of late. Kinda funny.

              Mimzy is a spazz. If left alone, he’d do a header right off the bed. But when you pet him he puddles and you have to check his pulse once in awhile.

            • evansvillegirl26
              254 posts Send Private Message

                lol awe sorry jersey!! Tonks has always been a lap bun. She’s been extra snuggly after 5 days with no power and not getting to get out!! Tempe is still a little skiddish but does enjoy pets if I am sitting on the floor and wait for her to come up to me.

              • Splinteline
                19 posts Send Private Message

                  My Adeline sits in my lap too! When I stop petting her she headbutts me LOL

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Pepe will sit beside me on the couch as long as I pet him. He won’t sit in my lap – that’s fine with me though.

                  • kralspace
                    2663 posts Send Private Message

                      I have a neck bunny. If I catch and sit on the couch with my dutch boy Daisy (yes, you read that right) he immediately climbs up and squeezes as much as he can under my chin. I watch tv from between the ‘rabbit ears’ with whiskers tickling me.

                      I also learned to keep a towel draped over me, after a while of petting and snuggling and getting that warm and fuzzy feeling, I suddenly get that warm OMG HE JUST PEED ON ME feeling……. ;-0


                    • bunnytowne
                      7537 posts Send Private Message

                        Cotton likes my arms and hiding huddling under my neck too.  ONce he settles down with me holding him he just does 100 mph tooth purrs. He was doing this at the vets yesterday too.  Ahh nothing like the tooth purr fairy.

                        Ruby well….  I seldom get the tooth purr faith with her.  Very rarely.  But she lets me hold her and is much more calm than Cotton.

                        They both love it when I go to them and give pettings.  When I go to walk away Cotton pokes his head way out asking for more.

                        Ruby she is just weird.  I pet her from the floor she loves it.   I stop then go to pet her again same place she growls and bites. 

                        I wonder if she can’t see all that good her eyes are red.  Or maybe I am moving my hand too fast towards her face. Maybe thats why she growls and bites.  But she loves her pettings.

                        Awe a lap bunny I want one.

                      • alicat
                        40 posts Send Private Message

                          I try to trick myself into thinking that Diego is a lap bunny. If I lay on the floor very still she will crawl up on my stomach. She’ll stay there forever… as long as I don’t try to touch her unless she asks (by a quick stare and a little dig). Such a little princess!

                        • wendyzski
                          1312 posts Send Private Message

                            I wouldn’t call her a “lap bunny” but Pepper is getting more comfy with this whole “pettins” thing.

                            She often hops up on the couch to visit while I’m lying on it reading or watching TV.  Sometimes she will sit next to me an allow herself to be petted, and occasionally she will even come up and sit on my chest while I pet her.

                            (Although it’s a little disturbing when her grooming reflex causes her to lick my boob)

                          • bunnytowne
                            7537 posts Send Private Message

                              OH yes that most disturbing spot for the cotton bun to lick too.  HE digs smooths then grooms that spot.  Shame naughty cotton.

                              Naa they dont’ know the difference

                            • jerseygirl
                              22352 posts Send Private Message
                                Posted By kralspace on 02/05/2009 8:31 AM
                                 I watch tv from between the ‘rabbit ears’ with whiskers tickling me.


                                Wow! You must get really good reception!


                              • skibunny8503
                                1338 posts Send Private Message
                                  Posted By wendyzski on 02/05/2009 11:52 AM

                                  I wouldn’t call her a “lap bunny” but Pepper is getting more comfy with this whole “pettins” thing.

                                  She often hops up on the couch to visit while I’m lying on it reading or watching TV.  Sometimes she will sit next to me an allow herself to be petted, and occasionally she will even come up and sit on my chest while I pet her.

                                  (Although it’s a little disturbing when her grooming reflex causes her to lick my boob)

                                  Haha!  Well Archie won’t sit on my lap and I’m usually sitting on the carpet, so he likes to sit in between my legs…so yeah you can figure it out  

                                • wmiller
                                  1 posts Send Private Message

                                    Poopsalot jumped up on my lap for the first time today…he did it three more times after that…I wasn’t prepared for it so I didn’t know what to do. Reading your posts, now I’m going to have treats ready for the next time…

                                  • LBJ10
                                    17058 posts Send Private Message

                                      Hi wmiller! This is a VERY old thread. We encourage people not to respond to old threads because it can cause confusion, especially if someone is looking for help. Since this thread is more “fun”, I’m going to leave it open for now. It’s great that your bunny willingly got into your lap. Most people aren’t so lucky. 😉

                                    • Bam
                                      16977 posts Send Private Message

                                        It is a fun thread! My bun often jumps into my lap to energetically chin my hands and face, but he doesnt settle down for pets. For pets, he prefers to lie next to me on the sofa.

                                      • DanaNM
                                        9056 posts Send Private Message

                                          This is a fun thread! Cooper is the first bunny I’ve had that willingly jumps on my lap for pets (out of 9!). He will actually use his hide to climb up to my lap while I’m sitting in my office chair, but he’s a pretty unique little dude in how outgoing he is. Bun Jovi will sometimes jump on my lap, but usually I’m either I’m in his way, he is using me as a vantage point, or because he’s looking for treats. 🙂

                                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                        • Susanne
                                          422 posts Send Private Message

                                            I wish mine would sit on my lap! They have hopped over me in bed, sometimes pausing on me for a few seconds,  but that’s about it 🙂

                                          • prince dorian the bun
                                            767 posts Send Private Message

                                              Dorian has possible lap bun potential, he just still too squirmy. Sounds a bit more like @Bam’s bun (replace licks with chinning). He will hop up there, but just wiggles about the whole time, if I am reading he wants chew the book or drink my tea. I think it’s less calm and more adventure time. He does like to fall asleep next to or more often than not, squished behind me. He’s a pretty snuggly bun really.

                                            • WinnietheLops
                                              8 posts Send Private Message

                                                Yes! I always feel so guilty when I have to get up to go to the bathroom or need to move to get more comfortable lol. My husband loves that our rabbit, Winnie, does this because it remind him of his cat but it also reminds me of when my dogs would snuggle endlessly. Lap buns are the best!

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                                            Forum THE LOUNGE anyone have a lap bunny?