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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Amazing results!!

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    • Binkles
      823 posts Send Private Message

        Well, as many of you may know, I’ve been having quite the hard time with keeping Little-Bit’s GI tract healthy for the past month or so. Her poops just seemed constantly smaller and sometimes irregular, she’d have gas episodes, and went into complete stasis once. It was un-nerving me and I was getting to be a nervous wreck!


        As many of you also may know, I decided to try something…

        I, like many other bun owners, fed Little-Bit her pellets (a small amount) at night -usually around 6:00-8:00. I had noticed that her feeding time was directly related to when she would poop the most (which was also when she became the most active) -in the proceeding 5 or so hours after being fed. Which basically put her peek ‘activity’ time at about 1:00am-5:00am, when I’m in bed -not very accomodating for a roudy bunny.

        So I decided on a whim, at my wit’s end, to simply try moving her feeding time back three or four hours to 2:00-3:00pm instead of six..

        You guys, I cannot even begin to TELL you the difference I’ve seen in EVERYTHING!!! Her poop size, poop ammount, activity level, hay intake, water intake -her darn overall happiness level! It’s been a 100% turnaround! It’s been a solid week now of absolute exceptional normalcy, and I am thrilled!!

        Just a simple three-hour feeding time change!!! That’s how important timing is when it comes to bunnies!

        So guys, all that to say, if you have a bunny who’s GI tract isn’t 100%, you might want to try moving their feeding times around a little. It MAY just be my particular bunny, but GOSH what a difference!!

        To note, I did NOT mess with her fresh greens schedule at all (and hay is just always there, of course). I only messed with her pellets schedule. (I have been feeding her less greens because I had been feeding her too much, but I started that previous to the pellet schedule change and her system was still off.)

        And one last thing of note…you guys may think it’s silly (my mom thinks it’s ridiculous xD) but getting one of those weekly pill box things and collecting poop samples from each day has really helped me to determine what is ‘normal’ for her and keep her on track. Honestly, really I think it’s a great idea and would encourage everyone else to do it with their buns. What I did typically was at the end of each day when I took up her litter, I would examine it and take out three samples -the absolute smallest, the median (more often than not, the most common), and the largest. Now I have a good reference! I think this will be a good tool for pet sitting too -your pet sitter won’t always know what is ‘normal’ for your bunny…but give them a clear container with seven different compartments of poop and they’ll have a reference!


      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          Lol re the pill box. Well……you are dedicated! Can’t say i’d try it. You being an artist, I’m surprised you didn’t sketch them – make an interesting Still Life don’t you think?!

          Thanks for posting about the change you made though. That’s a great outcome! I wouldn’t have thought to try remedy GI issue with feeding time but it makes sense. So she’s still out running about after her pellets and get her gut moving right? You pen her up at night don’t you? Is she quieter at night now?

        • Binkles
          823 posts Send Private Message

            Actually I don’t pen her up at night anymore. She’s free to run Bunny 500’s whenever she feels like it. She also likes to run around underneath mommy’s covers at night, and has NOT bitten my butt in quite a while. xD

            But yeah, she still gets active after beeing fed her pellets.

          • bunnytowne
            7537 posts Send Private Message

              Hmm a sketch of bunny poop.  Well…. thats a new one on me.      Y’all really crack me up.  I normally use my pill box for … well…. uh… pills.

              Never thought to add poop to it.  Bet that wouldn’t taste too good. I think I will pass.

              I usually just check the litterbox.  However mine are not having Gi stasis problems either.  Though if they ever do I will remember the pill box. That really does sound helpful.

              I have an extra pill box  hanging around and hubby wants it but never uses it.  I can only imagine the reaction if I decided to use it for bunny poo.

              No hon those are just cocoa puffs.  A little snack for when they go to the vets.

            • (dig)x(me)x(now)
              2517 posts Send Private Message

                bunnytowne, your reply made me do the stupidest laugh ever. I think I need sleep.


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            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Amazing results!!