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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Advice required – getting a new rabbit to bond

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    • Cazza108
      7 posts Send Private Message

        I had 2 sibling rabbits who were unbelievably close. They went to get spayed on Monday however one did not wake up from the anaesthetic. I am obviously now worried for my remaining bunny Cooper being alone, and she has started to chew on everything in sight.

        does anyone have any advice on introducing a new bun? The vet said to wait a month but obviously I would need to neuter the new bunny and give him time to recover post-op. Is it harder to introduce if she has been alone for about 4 months?

      • jerseygirl
        22351 posts Send Private Message

          Oh Im really sorry that happened. Was the other rabbit a female also?

          Would you consider getting an already desexed rabbit from a rabbit rescue?  I know that might be challenging at the moment due to Covid19 but it could be worth investigating if some placed are allowing adoptions to go ahead.  Some might still be looking for foster carers also. That would be a good way to trial a new rabbit in the house before commiting to adoption.

          Bringing in a new, intact rabbit could have an undesirable affect on her behaviour.

        • Cazza108
          7 posts Send Private Message

            Thankyou very much for replying! Yes they were both little girls.

            There is only one local animal sanctuary who I have been in contact with. Unfortunately they have no single bunnies at present and are also closed due to Covid.

            I am in such a dilemma as to whether to:

            A – wait it out until the shelter has a single bunny and reopens but this is a complete unknown of how long this would be. Would she be lonely waiting or unwilling to accept a mate after this length of time?

            B – get a new male bunny and have him neutered but keep them apart until he has recovered from his operation. By the time he is old enough to be neutered and wait 6 weeks for hormones to calm down this is likely to be at least 3 months down the line anyway.


            Such a tricky situation 🙁

          • jerseygirl
            22351 posts Send Private Message

              It really is. Especially as everything is so out so the norm with covid.

              How has her recovery been?  Did they give you some pain meds to take home for her. Her behaviour could certainly be due to losing her friend but it could also be related to the spay. If she is feeling some discomfort. Or if she’s reacting the changing hormones. It is not uncommon for some rabbit to go through a bit of a crazy period after desexing. More common with the boys, I think.

              How old is she?

            • jerseygirl
              22351 posts Send Private Message

                I’m normally one to advocate to adopt already desexed rabbit, but right now, that is not much of an option. There may be an influx of rabbits coming in post-Easter. Often they will be young rabbits starting to act out.

                It is no guarantee that Cooper will automatically accept a new companion even if it is already desexed. But it does mean you can start a bonding process sooner.

                But I do see the appeal of bringing in a baby rabbit now. Especially since you have had a loss and if you’re at home more then usual at the moment.  Again, there is no guarantee Cooper would react well to a newbie. She might do okay with a baby but its only a matter of weeks before that changes and you’d possibly have to separate them, wait until new one is desexed and start again with bonding. My guess is you’d have about 2 weeks where she would have a companion before you would likely need to separate them/

              • Cazza108
                7 posts Send Private Message

                  We had a bit of trouble post-op; she stopped eating completely so I had to syringe feed Critical Care. She was also on Metacam for 4 days but I have stopped this now as she doesn’t seem to be in much pain. It is hard to put her behaviour down to one thing as she only had her operation a week ago but also lost her partner on the same day 🙁 she still won’t eat pellets but is managing some hay and veg so I have stopped syringe feeding.

                  She is only 4 months so still a baby herself really!

                  Do you know roughly what the success rate is of bonding rabbits? Would find it so difficult to get a partner and get attached only for them not to get on 🙁

                  But you make a great point regarding a baby rabbit – perhaps not worth upsetting her with a new companion for a couple of weeks only to have to separate them again. Would it annoy her to have a new rabbit in the same room overnight but not allow them to meet until well after desexing? Also what age would you suggest is best to neuter a male? I have continually blamed myself that 4 months was perhaps too early to get the girls neutered 🙁

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              Forum BONDING Advice required – getting a new rabbit to bond