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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Advice needed

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    • angelicvampyre
      754 posts Send Private Message

        Ok Anya and Bugz have been allowed to be out together and have become fast friends, Anya follows Bugz as if he is the BEST thing that was ever invented and when she gets tired he will sit still for hours grooming her and sleeping with her, now for Bugz this is HUGE heck he was binkying around the room 2 hours after I got him home from his op to get the snip he does not stop for no one!

        They will share a litter tray and food bowls (all Bugz’s) when they are out, however  I have been putting Anya back in her cage and Bugz in his and locking them up seperate if I have to leave the house or late at night when i go to bed.  Last night they both made a racket, to the extent i am going to have to replace a few NIC cubes as both of them have chewed them to bugger trying to break through to each other.  The vet said that she would be happy for me to start the bonding process and not to worry about Anya getting preggers and i am not worried about that but more the bounding has gone so well, a little to well.  We have not had any fights and they seem to have loved each other from first sight and I was all prepared for all the bad stuff to happen and I have not had anything.

        Today I came in and found them both asleep together on the sleeping platform so wondering if I should just put them both in the same cage overnight?  Is it to soon?  Tomorrow I am going to be out most of the day so they would spend a large part of the day in the same cage and also tomorrow night I have to work late so maybe I should wait 24 hours and do it over the weekend?  but them seem so stressed being split into seperate cages… but they could kill each other… oh please advice needed!

      • MarkBun
        2842 posts Send Private Message

          Male rabbits can still impregnate female rabbits up to 4 weeks after they are neutered. If that’s not a problem (as Anya is already fixed) then I’d say you should be okey with the bonding issue as long as the cage is big enough so that they can get away from one another for a breather.

        • angelicvampyre
          754 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks MarkBun, we are 3 weeks into this 4 week danger zone however the vet said that Anya was to young to get impregnated so start the bonding which i have done. In the past week they have been out together every night and Bugz has shown no intrest in humping or mounting her so I think his hormones are not in overdrive or anything. Think I will put them together on Saturday when they have all day out of the cage and only a SMALL amount of time in the cage overnight (from about middnight to about 7am) if they can do this then I will go from there. I am waiting for my barrier door to be made and then once that is done they will be allowed out together 24/7 as the room will then be 100% bunny proof

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              That’s so promising. I think putting them together for long when you’re about more is a good idea. They can wait – not good to give in to the EVERY demand right?! Bonding does not always have to be a long arduous process. I think this Bonding forum plus articles etc may give wrong impression. Articles may go step by step how to get thru potential issues that arise. And members here post about same – but not so much about the quick, easy bonds. So it’s nice to hear of them to balance things up.

            • angelicvampyre
              754 posts Send Private Message

                thanks, I was starting to think something was wrong with them, I mean you hear all the horror stories and all the ways you can work around them but I am yet to come across a story that pretty much says “Put them together, they loved each other end of bonding porcess” which has pretty much been my experience. I spent weeks researching, I had the bath tub ready, I went and got welders gloves and then my sister just lets them out together one night and nothing happens, it was ALMOST a let down

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  haha! Well they do happen. Instant Bonds. Much to the envy of many of us. It was good you were prepared though. I’m sure some people just figure rabbits can be put together any old time and not be aware of how vicious they can be if they have problem with one another.  You’ll also be prepared now incase the bond is challenged when Anyas hormones rock up.  Things may stay sweet during this time also – so you may be lucky twice.

                • angelicvampyre
                  754 posts Send Private Message

                    I have been freaking out! I was at the vets getting their food a few weeks ago and a lady in there had her Bunny that was missing a good 1/2 his ear after a bonding session went south. Then again I think if I had it my way they would both be 10 before I risked putting them together!

                  • MarkBun
                    2842 posts Send Private Message

                      Rabbits can get seriously injured during bonding sessions if the person isn’t in tune with their rabbits. Even with the viciousness that Maryann showed towards Dono, I was able to know when she was about to launch and be there to interrupt the fight almost immediately. Some people believe the way to bond is to simply throw them in together and let them sort it out for themselves. That’s when the worst injuries occur.

                    • angelicvampyre
                      754 posts Send Private Message

                        MarkBun I know alot of people who are non Bunny people who I have spoken to who said this but My dad breed horses and cattle for years. The cattle he would throw in together because the worse that could happen was a kick but the horses where introduced slowley over a period of days before being put in paddocks or if they came in on a truck where all left in the same paddock. He never had a major injury from introducing new horses and people said he was nuts to just let themself sort themselves out but he always refused. One year one of the top stallions in the polo work recieved a blow to this balls and could no longer be used for breeding when my dads stallions breed upto the day he died (we put a mare in with him that morning and that evening he passed away from skin cancer and I have the foal that came out of the union). Also with birds I have seen Budgie rip the heads of other Budgies they they don’t like in “their” space. On other aniamal forums NO ONE warns you about birds or Horses not bonding and the damage they can do. So you come onto a rabbit forum and you get hit by it and it really freaked me out!

                        Anyway excuse the ramble – update thy spend last night together and I went to let them out today and they where both asleep on the sleeping platform, Bugz came down and got hs nose rub which he gets when I open his cage Anya stayed on the platform. Bugz came out ran around looked behind him and relized that Anya was not with him so went back up onto the platform and started grooming her, worked out she was not going to come down with him to play so did a big floopy down next to her and went back to sleep. Do I get a metal for the easiest bond in the history of manind?

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          Ha ! Ok – maybe 2nd place though – sorry. K&K has had 2 instant bonds so far. Kokanee and Kahlua, then Noot and Chuck. Who needs a medal anyway when you have 2 bonded bunnies to watch.

                          Edit:   Ahem.  I may polish up your medal if you give us a pic of the 2 together….

                        • angelicvampyre
                          754 posts Send Private Message

                            when I find out where my sister put my camera I will be posting like mad!

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                        Forum BONDING Advice needed