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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Advantage II for fleas?

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    • HoneybunnySara
      34 posts Send Private Message


      • HoneybunnySara
        34 posts Send Private Message

          Can I use Advantage II on my bun? I can’t find any info anywhere.

        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

            I don’t know about the NEW Advantage II. I know that if it were me, I would talk to my vet about it. I have used the regular Advantage WITH a vets proper dosage. You can’t go by the instructions on box a it is for cats or dogs, and rabbits react differently. So my vet gives me special dosage instructions.

            So, my advice is to talk to your rabbit-savvy vet. Do you have one?

          • HoneybunnySara
            34 posts Send Private Message

              I do have a rabbit vet, he neutered my bun and seemed to know a lot about them. When I took my bun in he took one look at the pellets I was feeding him and said absolutely not to give him anymore of those! It was the mix with carrots and stuff. Whoops! I had already found out (thanks to l) what he needed to eat, but I was worried that he might stop eating if the vets visit stressed him out too much. Turns out he was just fine.

              Anyway, I called my vet and asked about Advantage II, and he said it was fine. My bun weighs 3 lbs. So I used the kitten dose. I was really worried at first, I kept watching him and analyzing every move he made lol. He has been fine, although mad cause my sister in law and I groomed him at the same time. Clipped his nails, checked his teeth and glands, ears, and everywhere else. He was furious. Not too mad to eat his treats I might add. It has been 2 days and today I was petting him while he was laying on top of a glass top table, his fav lounging spot, on my porch. I bent over to kiss his head and saw dead fleas all over the table! I had no idea my bun was such a flea bag! So at least I know it works!

              By the way, I love your site. It has been such an eye opener about rabbits. I am ashamed to say that when I got my bun my original plans were to have my hubby build him a “really nice” pen in the back yard. I thank God that for once his procrastination paid off! I did not know what wonderful house pets they could be. He is a lot of work, but I find it relaxing and therapeutic, some people garden, I tend to my bun!

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                I’m glad to hear you got clarification on the Advantage II and it’s working well for you!

                Lots of people have come to this site with misconceptions. I’m glad you’ve found useful info to improve your bunny’s life!

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Sounds like you do have a good rabbit vet! I will have to ask my vet too about it as the regular Advantage doesn’t seem to work on Jack — it still leaves a hardy flea or two — and we don’t need hardy fleas! I had to use Revolution, but I liked Advantage because it could kill the fleas within 12 hours at one point. Maybe that is why they have made a new and improved Advantage. I had read about some flea resistance happening with the original.

                  Thanks for info and I will talk to my vet as I know here flea season is already starting. Thank goodness, none have been brought into the house as of yet, but it’s not uncommon for it to happen.

                  And you are not alone with misconceptions — that is also very common.  I mean the House Rabbit type of care started really with the House Rabbit Society 20 years ago (though there was information before that about House Rabbits), HRS really spread the word, and then tons of branches of clubs, rescues, sites, continue to spread their great information.   But domestic rabbits as livestock has been around for MUCH longer.  The problem though is that the old style of care was geared for breeding and food.  However, the popularity of rabbits as companion animals has increased: — not breeding, can be spayed/neutered, littertrained, and they can live inside where temperature changes are not so drastic…and  so diet and care has really changed to fit this new way of life for a bunny.     But the old ways are still very much ingrained due to the length of time they have been in existance.  

                  So what I am trying to say is don’t be ashamed, many many of us started out not knowing an alternative way.

                  What’s really great is that you sought out information and that is the best thing you could have done.  I wish everyone would do that. 

                  Welcome to BB.  We are happy to have you here. 

                • mocha200
                  4486 posts Send Private Message

                    If my rabbits go out side to play sometime should they have Advantage II ( after asking my vet of course) even if they got treated for mites with revolution last month.

                  • mocha200
                    4486 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh also does this help with tics? we have horrible tics and last year our cat got lymes disease.

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Let your vet know that your bunny was treated with Revolution and let your vet decide which treatment would be best. The good thing about Revolution is that it covers other things like mites that can also be picked up outside (squirrels and other wild animals can have them too)
                        From a brief google search I read that Advantage II does not kill ticks.

                      • mocha200
                        4486 posts Send Private Message

                          I wouldn’t have to go in right? just call? at our other house we have a LOT of squirrels which might have been were they got their mites from. Do you know if Revolution treats tics?

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            I think Revolution is supposed to work on ticks. I just haven’t read the best reviews about it’s effectiveness on ticks in particular.
                            I don’t know if you would have to go in to the vet or not. It probably depends on how recently your bunnies have been to the vet. My vet will give me dosage amounts over the phone (as you know, you can’t just follow the dosage on the box) but she is able to advise me this way because I’ve seen her for years now and she knows all about my bunnies age, weight, and illnesses.

                            So, the best thing is to start off with a call to your vet. When was the last time your bunnies were weighed and had been seen by your vet?

                          • mocha200
                            4486 posts Send Private Message

                              Mocha and Lulu went to the vet in February for mites. The appointment was for Lulu though, not Mocha, they just weighed him to see how much meds. they had to give him. Mocha has never gone to that vet so he isn’t on their computer/files. My mom said that if they say we have to come in that she wont let me.

                            • HoneybunnySara
                              34 posts Send Private Message

                                Advantage II kills fleas, larvae and eggs, and has a growth inhibitor. It does nothing for ticks. I bought mine from a pet store as my vet is quite a far drive from my house. My vet said that I could use advantage, the kitten dose for my 3 pound rabbit. So I called around, this pet store said they carried it. when I got home I realized they sold me advantage II. I was so mad! What if I didn’t look closely and it was not safe for rabbits? My rabbit would be dead! I said all of that to say that if you can’t go to your vet, you may be able to get your flea control from another source, but make sure that you know exactly what you need, and make darn sure that you get the right thing.

                                Advantage is not prescription, so you can find it other places ( authorized dealers) and order online if you get the dosage info from your vet. Revolution is prescription only, as it also kills heart worms. You can order online if your vet would give you a prescription for it. I also got the advantix k9 for my dog and it seems to be working great.

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                  It’s true you don’t need a prescription for Advantage, but you do want to have your vet recommend a dosage.  I don’t recommend people just going out and getting Advantage without knowing proper dosage for their rabbit.  I also don’t know if other health related issue would cause problems. Just better to be safe for everyone who uses it for the first time to be sure they talk to their vet.  

                                  Mocha — I would still call your vet and ask them what they recommend based on the weight they have on file. They may give you an answer without you having to come in for an appointment.   
                                  So just call, it won’t hurt.

                                  Oh, and if you do end up using either Revolution or Advantage on them, be sure to separate bunnies from each other for 12 hours so they don’t digest the treatment by grooming each other. 

                                • BinkyBunny
                                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By HoneybunnySara on 04/29/2011 05:16 AM

                                    Anyway, I called my vet and asked about Advantage II, and he said it was fine. My bun weighs 3 lbs. So I used the kitten dose. I was really worried at first, I kept watching him and analyzing every move he made lol.

                                    So wait a minute — in the last post you said you were mad that you got Advantage II and were furious about it, but in the previous post (quoted above), you said your vet said it was fine.  I’m confused?  Did you mean you picked upAdvanage II by mistake, and then called your vet to make sure it was okay? I’m figuring that’s what happened but just making sure.

                                  • BinkyBunny
                                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By mocha200 on 04/30/2011 07:49 AM
                                      Mocha and Lulu went to the vet in February for mites…. My mom said that if they say we have to come in that she wont let me.

                                      Oye, that is beyond frustrating. Well, since with Revolution you do have to have a prescription, it looks like you may be unable to protect them against mites before taking them outside.  I would not take them outside due to your situation. 

                                      Good for you though for thinking things through enough beforehand and trying to figure things out within the limits you have to deal with. Very smart. 

                                    • HoneybunnySara
                                      34 posts Send Private Message

                                        In response to your confusion, it would be so much easier if I could just “reply” but I am on my iPad and it won’t let me!

                                        I went to the pet store and asked for Advantage, they keep it behind the counter. I asked for the kitten dose of Advantage. I also bought k9 advantix for my dog. They opened the boxes of each and removed them from the foil packaging, and just gave me the tubes themselves (dont have any idea why). The tubes are very similar in color, and the exact same size. When I got home, I looked at the tiny print to see which was which, and realized that she had sold me Advantage II. So of course I did not put it on my baby without knowing for sure it was safe. I looked online and could find nothing about it being safe for rabbits. It was late Saturday and my vet was closed, I asked on here, but you guys didn’t know either. I didn’t get a chance to call my vet right away, I work in an extremely busy
                                        attorneys office. So several days later I called my vets office. They did not know right away, so they researched it, called Bayer, found out it was safe and called me back after hours at home.

                                        Long story! Lol. So yes, I was furious because that woman had no idea that it was okay for my rabbit and she did not care. The bunnies there are all in cedar chips, the whole place just didn’t set well with me. They weren’t doing anything wrong exactly, or should I say anything that every other pet store does, but I just can’t stand it. I would never buy a pet. There are too many in shelters. Needless to say, I will not be going there again.

                                        Well I hope that made some kind of since!

                                        I also wanted to share about the cottontail cottage I bought my bun. He loves it! I mean loves it. And so do we. Although he has nearly demolished the thing. I will be buying another soon!

                                      • mocha200
                                        4486 posts Send Private Message

                                          They have to go outside in the summer because we go up to our other house and it is very small. My mom wont let them stay inside unless its raining or at night. I am going to be building a safe pen for them, but not safe from bugs. I really don’t want them to get sick! I wonder if thats were they got their mites from.

                                          Also sense Mocha isn’t on file at that vet I doubt they will give me any for him because we don’t know how much he ways.

                                        • BinkyBunny
                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                            Honeybunnysara — Ah got it. Thanks for clearing that up. I’m glad Advantage II worked without a problem. Flea free yeah. I hate those things (well, who doesn’t)

                                            Mocha — that’s right,I’m sorry, you did say they don’t have Mocha’s on file. You could still call and just ask if they could offer a recommendation and if you would really need to come in to get that. Since you have seen them before even if it was just with Lulu, you can at least ask. The worst they can say is no they can’t give the information over the phone without seeing Mocha.

                                            If your vet does not have to have you come in for an exam but will just provide a prescription for Revolution, will your mom then get it as a preventative measure?

                                          • mocha200
                                            4486 posts Send Private Message

                                              My mom said she wants to ask how much to put on them and then order it online, because that’s what we do with our cats. She says that vets charge more. But maybe I could call and ask and see if they would give me it withought an exam.

                                            • mocha200
                                              4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                I just called the vet. The Dr. that does rabbits was busy so they said they would give me a call back.

                                              • mocha200
                                                4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                  They called back and said I should use revolution and follow the instructions on the back for their weight.

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                                              Forum DIET & CARE Advantage II for fleas?