We had to make the most heartbreaking decision to put our bunny to sleep after he broke his back at the vet yesterday. He was going in for an oral exam/teeth filing but he struggled while they were trying to anesthetize him.. the vet said she had never had this happen to her in 10 years. We only had him for 3 months. He was 5 years old.
Earlier last week we came home to find that he hadn’t finished his breakfast or drank his water and was not moving. By this time most animal hospitals were closed and we frantically started calling around, asking anyone if they had a rabbit vet on staff. One vet said that “he had seen rabbits before” and told us to bring him in. He looked at him and said that there was nothing we could do, that he had a very poor chance of living and our only choices were risky surgery, extensive hospitalization or euthanasia. He kept dodging our questions and looking back on it now we are sure that he had no idea how to take care of rabbits and only wanted us to spend as much money as possible. We knew GI stasis was serious but from our research also knew that it was often treatable and instead asked him to give him fluids, antibiotics and painkillers and took him home. We stayed up with him all night giving him baby gas relief and stomach massages. The massages and baby gas relief worked almost instantly–he immediately started pooping, and a few hours later started drinking and eating veggie puree on his own. By 6am, he was up and hopping around again. We were so relieved.
A few days later however, we noticed he had one watery eye and we made an appointment with a qualified vet as soon as possible (we did a lot of research this time and she seemed far more knowledgeable). She looked in his mouth and said that she saw some uneven tooth wear and that his teeth burrs were poking him, and that she would need to anesthetize him to take an X-ray and get a better look. She told us not to worry, that it was a fairly common problem (*most likely from not getting enough hay during his years at the shelter) and in ten years has yet to have an incident. I dropped him off the next morning with an uneasy feeling, but tried to shrug it off.
I couldn’t believe it when I got a call from the vet a few hours later asking me if I had a minute to talk. She said that Crumpet had struggled and broke his back and I needed to come right away, and she was so sorry. I still haven’t stopped crying.
I know that rabbits tend to die suddenly but we are so heartbroken. We feel that so many humans failed him: his first owner who abandoned him, the “shelter” that didn’t feed or take care him properly, the 2 potential adopters that returned him and 2 different vets. We are appalled by the lack of support for these guys and their parents. He was our first bunny and we only had him for a terribly short time, but we loved him so much. He was so affectionate, and so brave for such a tiny creature. He loved following us around, greeting us at the door, getting pets and giving licks. No one can ever replace him. Part of me wants to try to give another needy rabbit a home someday, but the other part is so afraid of getting so attached only to have them ripped away so quickly and painfully, or that I will never be able to feel the same way about another rabbit. Has anyone experienced this/had these feelings?
*the shelter turned out to be a house with stacks of wire cages, they didn’t give us any medical records, most of the animals were unneutered/unspayed, and they recommended 2 cups of pellets per day which we quickly decreased to 1 very small cup, with 2 cups of dark green veggies and constant access to hay. Again in hindsight it probably wasn’t the best place, but he was the first one we saw and we just couldn’t leave without him.