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Forum BONDING A trio, a fluffle or leave it alone

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    • Dface
      1084 posts Send Private Message

        Honestly its the topic i just cant seem to keep away from!
        I have had Yumi(female, spayed 3y/o) and Peep(male spayed 2y/o) bonded for about a year. Yumi had been previously bonded to my other bun Pete Sampras, but was widowed by him. Yumi and Samp were bonded in a week. Yumi and Peep took 3 months
        Peep has poor vision which i thibk led to a lot if the bickering between them, as he couldnt read the social cues, and Yumi was resident female.

        I have been considering bonding in either a single male, or a second pair(preferabley male) to my pair.

        The number one reason being after we lost Sampras, yumi went through a really rough patch. Luckily I was in college and had time to spend looking after her.
        I never really want to repeat it and hoped having more would give her in particular a ‘safety net’ of other rabbits.
        She is a demanding partner, and I would be hopeful that additional buns would help to create a better dynamic overall.

        We are also in a new house, and although the bunnies are located in the living room we have a garden and an additional 2/3 rooms they have no access to. We are planning on getting a new enclosure for them as well so we would just design it with more bunnies in mind, and it would be a good fresh start for the new group.
        It would also be a good chance to offer some extra babies a second chance at a good life. And the shelter provides bonding help which would be a huge weight off of me.

        On the grown up consideration side: 4 rabbits is a big commitment, financially, space and timewise (extra vaccines, extra vet fees, etc.)
        And there is the possibility of of a bond break between Yumi and Peep.
        It definitely wont be for another few months as we have to get landlord permission, I just like to be prepared
        I’d love to hear other peoples experiences and perspective on something like this. Am i missing anything that I should be considering?

      • Sirius&Luna
        2320 posts Send Private Message

          I know the feeling of always wanting more

          My trio did cause me a lot of stress, and I have to say there were a lot of months of misery when Nimbus broke Luna and Atlas’s bond and I had 3 separate bunnies. That said, now they’re bonded it’s really lovely, and they all have individual relationships that work, as well as working as a group. I would love a 4th, but I know that Luna would start bullying the boys again if she could smell another rabbit, and while I’m confident that I could bond them all eventually, at the moment its just not worth it to me.
          I do think because it took Yumi and Peep a while to bond (it also took Luna and At a while to bond) it is more likely that another bun could cause a fall out. And while I don’t think that most fallouts are permanent, it does cause a few months of stress, extra work, and lonely grumpy bunnies.

        • Dface
          1084 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks for the reply!
            Yeah the break up would be the biggest worry, although Yumi is very different in new locations, so Id be hopeful that she’d be stressed enough that she wouldnt be bothered about new rabbits.

            It did take me a really ling time to figure out that they got along brilliantly outdoors, and it was inside, where my smell was everywhere that caused a lot of the problems between my pair.

            Shes such a snuggley loving thing as well, I think she’d enjoy the company of other rabbits, and thrive in a group dynamic.. but if her reaction to Peep was anything to go by, she really likes to play hard to get.. !
            It is something Im not rushing into, and its getting a lot of consideration (until i see a rescue bun in need and then all planning goes out the window!)

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              Oh man, I know this feeling too! I always want more! But I know Bertha is just so HARD to bond, and I absolutely have no space for any more buns! Haha

              Some day though… I will have a floofle!

              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • Dface
              1084 posts Send Private Message

                Haha i think we are all mad bunny ladies/laddies around here! So hard to say no to more

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            Forum BONDING A trio, a fluffle or leave it alone