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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE a memorial to the class pet

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    • dlscanne
      149 posts Send Private Message

        I feel horrible.  The school I work at got two guinea pigs a few months ago.  The originally wanted to get rabbits, but I strongly advised against it, and they decided to veto the rabbit.  I was thrilled.  However, I came in one day to 2 guinea pigs.  I was so nervous about it and asked the teachers if I could give a class on guinea pig care (I used to have 2).  They agreed and I taught the kids proper handling, got out library books, etc…  It became clear they weren’t being given proper food, so I explained to the teachers about hay and junk free food, etc…

        However, my worst fears were recognized yesterday.  I wasn’t there, but apparently two kids chased the skiddish pig Penny behind  her cage and crushed her when they tried to get her out.  One of the kids told me today she was bleeding from her mouth and ears for 4 hours before she died.  They knew she was dead because she stopped squealing so they went to check on her.

        I feel at such a loss.  One of the other teachers agrees with me that the kids shouldn’t have pets at school.  I’m leaving the school soon though, and I’m so worried about Snickers (who has been so traumatized she hasn;t come out today).

        I’ll do the best I can.  I’m just comforted by the fact that Penny is being kept company by my two passed pigs, Mr. Bojangles and Miss Piggy. 



      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          That’s very sad. I agree that there should be a ban on all school pets. I always get mad anyway that they want to choose a piggy or a rabbit…why not a cat or dog! But honestly there is no good that can come for any animal who is a class pet.

        • Kokaneeandkahlua
          12067 posts Send Private Message

            Oh my gosh how awful!!! I cannot believe they left her there for so long with no vet trip
            I can’t imagine how your feeling-you tried so hard and you DID save a rabbit. *HUGS* It’s so frustrating when people don’t see what’s obvious-that 30 noisy little kids cannot look after a pet….

          • dlscanne
            149 posts Send Private Message

              i’m so angry right now. I know it wasn’t the kids fault, it was that they didn’t have proper supervision. The teacher who was there I just learned wanted to throw her out in the trash in front of the kids. can you imagine? what are they teaching the kids! another teacher convinced her they should be allowed to pick a spot and bury her.

              I’m going to speak with the teachers about the remaining pig and see if we can find her a better home. maybe now they will understand.

            • jerseygirl
              22353 posts Send Private Message

                This is really disturbing. I’d want to make some noise about this too. It is not okay for children to see an injured animal like that and hear it die in pain. Doesn’t it teach them it’s okay to stand by and let something suffer? The teacher wanted to throw it in the bin? This worries me! Aside from the lesson it may teach or trauma it may cause those kids, the trauma that those animals went thru and the remaining is going thru is just not on.
                dslcanne, I’m so sorry!

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh that IS disturbing. I can’t even come close to understanding that kind of care – and then to just throw it away in the trash.
                  I’m so sorry. At least now that little GP is at peace, and I hope you are able to convince them to give up the or GP to a loving home.

                • PEPPA GEORGIE
                  268 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh god, someone has to take that other guinea pig home before it happens again, that just makes me want to cry how horrible. Dont feel bad you have tried your best and you did manage to stop them getting rabbits. Maybe if you are leaving you could contact a rescue or rspca type place who would go in and maybe advise them not to have pets. Oh you poor thing you must feel terrible not being able to do anything xx Could you just take the guinea pig, sounds like if no one noticed it happening, they wouldnt notice anyone taking the other one away. Like a rescue mission then figure out who could home her once she is safe.. Sorry that is prob a silly idea pet stealing from the place you work, just hate the thought of her being left there all scared. Let us know what happens x

                  • MimzMum
                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                      I have blood shooting from my eyes at this. How can people be so stupid and cruel? I feel for you, what a horrible, sad thing to happen!

                      I am not big on piggies, but they are cute and adorable and deserve loving care all the same. It’s odd, I can remember not only having two guinea pigs in my 6th grade classroom, but some fish, a garter snake and (miraculously) a full grown squirrel as well. Every child in class was supervised in the care and cleaning of the animals and their cages and we always brought them all close to the front of the class with us at story times and such. We looked forward to interacting with them and I never saw an unkind hand lifted to any of them at any time. What has happened to children (and adults as well) in the last 35 years that has brought about this kind of irresponsibility?

                      I wish I could take the little piggy…how sad that it lost it’s friend like that and the poor thing…my heart is just broken right now. ;_;

                    • dlscanne
                      149 posts Send Private Message

                        I think everyone had good intentions, but the school is a small (20 kids) private school, and not all of the kids have disabilities or disorders, but a high percentage have autism, ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders, etc…. Even with responsible teachers it is impossible to keep the guinea pigs safe in this situation. it was a tragedy waiting to happen. Even when I supervised the kids cleaning the cage, there was one boy who kept trying to smack them with a dust pan and laughed the whole time. He was involved in the guinea pig’s death. I don’t blame him though. The guinea pigs just should never have come to the school in the first place.

                      • 2lops
                        347 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh that’s so sad
                          Rest In Peace Penny ♥
                          I hope you can get the other piggy out of there.
                          I remember when I was In a “before kindergarten” school and we had a rabbit.
                          Dutch I believe. Looking back at the situation I feel so bad for that rabbit…

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            I love guinea pigs.

                            I am upset about what happened to this poor pig….

                            –do you think, dlscanne, you could convince the school to adopt the remaining pig out to you? Maybe, you could approach it from the health angle; many parents are actually against class room pets thinking allergies, sallmonella associated with rodent pets, etc. … Obviously, there isn’t a genuine care about the GP…. you could suggest implementing community visitors instead; pet people from the coommunity to come in and present about animals… that way, no animal would actually have to be kept on premises.

                          • dlscanne
                            149 posts Send Private Message

                              Although it would be great to adopt the remaining pig, I really dont have the resources to take one in. My two bunnies take a lot of my free time and $, and I always want to keep extra funds for vet care. Thats the main thing. I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t get another pet of any kind for awhile (although I would love to) because I don’t think it would be responsible. I give my bunnies the best life and most attention possible, and I don’t think I could do that with another animal at this point in my life.

                              The teachers have brought up finding a new home for Snickers, but instead decided to send notices home and talk to the kids about responsibility and better care. Which I don’t think means all that much. I’ll keep trying.

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                I totally agree, it wouldn’t be the right thing to let your rabbits receive less than what they deserve in care, I got ahead of myself a little when I said ‘adopt’ the GP… maybe see if you can’t find a home for Snickers. What kind of piggy is he?

                              • cocomimi
                                6 posts Send Private Message

                                  We had a similar situation in our Preschool last year but with a very different ending. One of the other teachers had a white bunny “Thumper” at home for her daughter but she didn’t want it anymore. She asked our supervisor if she could keep it at the school as a school pet and rotate the bunny from room to room. For some crazy reason the supervisor said YES and the problems began. First non of the other teachers wanted to “deal with the rabbits smell or mess”. Everyone there knows I love animals so they said “Leave it in Rachel’s room and the rabbit will be taken care of” Long story short – I had a great asst. and we all loved the bunny and took care of it but it did take 2 of us and alot of supervision!!!
                                  Our custodian had a 14yr old daughter and every weekend either she would take it home or I would. We both fell in love with Thumper but at the end of the year I let her keep the rabbit. Thumper went to a wonderful home and even now has a husband.

                                  Since we missed Thumper so much my daughter (16yrs old) and I went and got our own bunnies. Thats how we fell in love with bunnies.

                                • PEPPA GEORGIE
                                  268 posts Send Private Message

                                    Arrr thats a lovely story glad thumper got a nice home and lots of love x

                                  • 3crazybuns
                                    222 posts Send Private Message

                                      I hate hearing about class pets, there should be a law against them! I am however glad Thumper got a good home in the end!

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        This is awful. Poor, poor Penny.

                                        Did no one in the school seek out vet care while the piggie laid dying? What kind of lesson is that to the children? I am sure the piggies were purchased to teach the “value of life” (or something) and then the people in charge completely FAILED.

                                        This makes me mad. I can’t even fully express my anger.

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                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE a memorial to the class pet