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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › A little update
So my phone and laptop were both stolen. I’m now using an ancient laptop that is slower than any snail on earth.
Moonshine is still humping everything in sight and now has progressed to being aggressive. He has always been super sweet (although
Other than that he is his normal goofy clumsy self.
We did have a flea issue for a little while. He had a couple of fleas even with his monthly treatment. So the vet sent some more revolution for him. I thought it was working since I didn’t see any fleas and he wasn’t scratching. Then one day I was feeding him and noticed something on his nose. I scratched at it and it was like his entire face turned black with fleas. I FREAKED out. Took him in and they literally flea combed him for almost an hour. He
How old is he? I know that a buns personality changes when they mature (in which case, he could be neutered to hopefully help if he isn’t already), but if you are going to the vet about this, then they would know best.
Bummer… you’ve had somewhat of an unfortunate streak this year, Sonn. I really hope things turn around.
That is rather strange about poor Moonshine…. the fleas and now the perma bunnytude. Let us know if Tuesday’s tests shed any light on this mystery.
Oh my goodness, you have had a tough run of things.
Wishing all the best for Moonshine, hopefully you can figure out what is causing this change in behaviour.
Sorry to hear this, Sonn. Crossing my fingers all is okay. Keep us updated.
How is your Tigger doing?
Hi Sonn! Nice to see you! Thank you for the update, although I think we were all hoping for something a bit more positive. I suppose the good news is that he seems otherwise healthy. The whole thing is rather odd, you’d think he was somehow possessed by Monty. Well… the attacking part, not the humping part.
Wow, it is surprising about Moonshine as he is a young rabbit really. I hope you get some answers.
I was asking my vet recently about adrenal tumours. He’d said while they can occur, it’s more likely changes in pituitary gland affecting the adrenals. Unfortunately though, it’s harder to get see whereas physical changes in adrenal glands could be picked up in a scan.
Is the hormone test to measure testosterone levels? I’m very curious as I’ve not had much luck here getting that done.
Just a thought, has vet scanned for female sex organs in him?
Meesh – Moonshine is 2 years old and he’s been neutered for a little while.
Q8bunny- The fleas are thankfully gone now. That was an ordeal, to say the least.
LPT- Tiger is doing well. He has regained most of the control of his poop but still has very very limited control of his bladder. He is no longer anxious and no longer has to take medication for that. But he is still quite wobbly when running or trying to get up high so I’ve had to lower towers and made platforms for window sills. The vet has told me he will likely be on and off of pain medication for the rest of his life. He seems to have flare ups of pain now and again. And he still hates his diapers.
LBJ- I don’t think anyone will rival Monty’s attack streak. Lol. I still have the scars from him.
Jersey – I am not sure what the hormone test was called and the vet said that they rarely run any type of hormone tests on rabbits. And that the results of that will no be back for at least 2 weeks. The vet hasn’t scanned him for female sex organs and at this point, I will be suggesting it. Can’t figure out what is going on with him.
The scan of his adrenal glands came back normal. The hormone test will take a little while to come back. For now I am dealing with it by giving him the entirety of the back of my house. I lure him into his cage at night with parsley and out with bananas. I pet him from above a baby gate so he can’t bite or hump me. Lol. The cats and dogs are not allowed near him until this is sorted out. Tiger still lays by the gate and they hang out like that (Moonshine and Tiger are pretty much inseparable when Moonshine is out).
Just wondering, while he’s like this, do you still spend time with him (like walking where he can see you, sitting on the floor watching – but ignoring – him)?
I hope you figure out what’s up soon…
Posted By Meesh on 7/05/2017 4:55 PM
Just wondering, while he’s like this, do you still spend time with him (like walking where he can see you, sitting on the floor watching – but ignoring – him)?I hope you figure out what’s up soon…
His routine has remained the same except instead of having the whole house he only has the back half and instead of me being reachable freely I can reach him but he can’t go after my legs.
He acts normal (eating, drinking, playing with toys etc) other than the humping and unpredictable bouts of aggression.
Jersey – I am not sure what the hormone test was called and the vet said that they rarely run any type of hormone tests on rabbits. And that the results of that will no be back for at least 2 weeks. The vet hasn’t scanned him for female sex organs and at this point, I will be suggesting it. Can’t figure out what is going on with him.
Yes, this was the difficulty I ran into also. Something about they don’t have the normal hormone assays for neutered rabbits..
I don’t know why I remembered this while reading about Moonshine, but Im reminded of a story a vet told me once about a rabbit that became aggressive.
The owners and vet had tried to figure it out but without much success. It got to the point they were going to have him pts. The vet decided one more time to test for mites (I can’t recall exactly – it may have been they decided to just treat for mites) even though previous tests hadn’t detected them. It turned this rabbit around!
I always remember it and think I’d go ahead and treat a rabbit with unexplained aggression with Revolution, because – nothing to lose, right?
It doesn’t really apply to Moonshines case, since you had to treat him for fleas. What flea med did you need use on him though?
I know when I adopted my dog we didn’t know if she was spayed or not so the vet ran a test to measure the luteinizing hormone in her blood since most spayed females have high levels. But that wouldn’t work on a male rabbit. I’ll have to find the paper when I get home to see what the test was called. It measures the testosterone levels. But since it isn’t a commonly done test in rabbits she isn’t sure it will even work.
Moonshine was treated with Revolution twice. I won’t be putting Moon down unless he gets to a point that his quality of life is terrible. I don’t have any animal pts due to aggression. I mean I had a feral dog that wouldn’t let me near him without trying to rip me apart until he let me scratch his head 2 years later. Right now the aggression seems to come and go. For instance, this morning when I let him out he was perfectly fine and was more interested in his veggies and getting nose scratches than growling or lunging at my legs. But last night he was nipping at my legs every chance he got.
How extremely weird ;( I’m sorry you have to be dealing with this. I hope you’ll find some type of solution.
Could you be carrying a new scent on your clothes without even realizing it, Sonn? Like maybe the city sprayed something in your neighbourhood or at work?
Posted By Q8bunny on 7/06/2017 11:22 PM
Could you be carrying a new scent on your clothes without even realizing it, Sonn? Like maybe the city sprayed something in your neighbourhood or at work?
Do you know I never even thought about that! I’ve worked at the same vet’s office since before I got Moonshine. I recently transferred to a closer office! I don’t live in a neighborhood I live way way out in the country with one neighbor. The city doesn’t spray here.
I am definitely going to be testing this. I had something similar happen with one of my past rabbits but not to this extreme. I’ll start the same routine I had to do with him and have unexposed clothing and take a shower as soon as I get home.
If this has been it the entire time I will be so very happy! Thank you for the suggestion!
Bit of more bad news to pile onto my already awful week. My hedgehog Ricochet had a suspected oral abscess the day after his 4th birthday. He started treatment but the growth just got bigger. Took him back and he was diagnosed with oral cancer that has moved into his sinus cavity. Neither are operable. He has been given antibiotics and metacam. His outlook is 1-2 weeks maybe a month. I am so so sad aside from rabbits and dogs he is my favorite pet. I’m so sad.
Oh, Im sorry about Ricochet. xx
If the issue with Moonshine is scent on your clothes – wowzers! That would be much easier to deal with then lots of expensive tests and no answers. It’s funny, with rabbit that live in multi-pet households, I always think they’d be so chill and not bothered by another animals smell but id never even thought about how they might be able to detect others scents that are not part of household. Interesting!
Thinking about it now, I do see difference in how my rabbits (that are not bonded to each other) react to each others smell v’s if they detect when Ive been around friends rabbits. I usually take care to change clothes and shoes those times, but not for between my rabbits at home. My single bun is the one that reacts the most.
Also, when Jersey was alive, there was a time she was really aggressive and it was Id been handling a young, undesexed male bun. I already had TimTim (he was also too young to be desexed yet) but I’d taken care to not transfer scent, but with this visiting bun, Id been holding him and later took of my jacket and left it in the living room. When Jersey came in the room, she went a little nuts trying to source when the scent came from. She got on up on a table a peed (completely out of character) and then found the jacket, I went to move it away and she attacked! I actually filmed it at the time as I’d not seen that degree of aggression in her before.
Keep us updated.!
Oh, that’s a good thought Q8!
Sonn – So sorry to hear about your hedgie. That’s what mine died from. I was told by the vet that it was common. =\
I’m so sorry, Sonn. Hedgies are amazing little creatures. I hope his last weeks with you are as comfortable and happy as they can be.
Jersey – I can’t remember which rabbit it was but they would have a bit of a freak out when I would come home.
LBJ – My vet said the same that most hedgehog he sees end up with oral cancer. It’s sad to look at my little guy with a big mass on the side of his mouth.
I came home took a shower and changed clothes. NO HUMPING! He did have a little lunge at first but otherwise, he was completely fine! I am going to try this for a bit longer before I conclude that this has been the issue as well as wait on the hormone test results. But I was amazed that I was able to walk around him without him nipping at me or trying to hump me! Amazing suggestion Q8bunny!
Fingers crossed it’s a lasting fix.
Very sorry to hear about your little hedgie.
We are a lot alike, you and I, in that we have, unfortunately, so many animals with problems.
Positive update on Moonshine! So far the change of clothing and showering when I get home has put a stop to the aggression and humping! He is back to his big goofy self.
Not so positive update on Ricochet. The vet he goes to has proven to be difficult to work with in Ricochets final days. I called to set up an appointment to have him put to sleep. His face is so very swollen and he no longer has any interest in food. The vet informed me that it would be $450 (not even remotely feasible for me at the moment) and I would not be allowed to be present when he is euthanized. I am not okay with either of those things. I’ve called every other vet clinic within driving distance and no one treats or is willing to euthanize a hedgehog. I have no idea what to do. He is clearly suffering. $450!!!
I cannot stand the way some vets around here try to take advantage of situations just because they can.
I’m happy to hear about Moonshine but my heart is just breaking for you regarding Ricochet. Not being present is not okay, I agree with you. And that is an insane amount. I love my vet, but honestly, sometimes the amount they charge just makes me super angry. Have you tried calling an animal shelter? Maybe they can help you out?
I’ve never had a vet tell me I couldn’t be there when one of my pets pass. Ricochet is terrified of strangers but they want me to hand him over so he can die alone and afraid. That’s not okay with me in any way. He’s a tiny popper who shouldn’t have to go through that. I was completely shocked when they told me $450. When the vet came to my house for my dog’s euthanasia it was only $125.
The vet’s office I work for would do it but none of the vets have any knowledge about hedgehogs (not a popular pet where I live) and are afraid they will end up making him suffer through what should be a quick and painless death.
I’ve tried the shelter in my area but they no longer “accommodate” personal pets end of life. It is under a new owner who is not exactly compassionate when it comes to animals that are not dogs or cats. I am going to try the old shelter I used to volunteer for it is a long drive but if they can help I am willing to make the drive. But they too have a new owner so hopefully, they are more caring than my local shelter.
Shame that is sad, and what a crazy price. I hope u can find a better arrangement 🙁
I’m happy about Moonshine, but its so terribly sad about Ricochet. No way I’d not be present when my pet was pts. I find it outrageous, and suspicious. How do they motivate it? And the price, do they have to use some special frog arrow poison imported from a remote rainforest or something?
I do understand that pet owners shouldn’t be present for all procedures a pet has to have, but not to be allowed to be there for the animal when it’s entering on its final journey?
This made me upset, Sonn, I can only imagine how upset you must feel.
Oh no. <img That is so unreasonable.
It makes me wonder if one of those instances when you’re quote an exhorbitant fee because the clinic wants to avoid working with an exotic and knows the fee would most likely turn people away? And not being able to be present probably a deal breaker for most, so again, the day that in hopes that people go elsewhere?
Would contacting a wildlife rehabber be worthwhile?
So glad you have resolved the situation with Moonshine. Great outcome and a relief for you, I’m sure!
bam I said something similar when they quoted me the price.
No, I wouldn’t want to be present during a major surgery or something like that. But to have to hand him over to strangers that he is afraid of and him die alone and scared is not happening.
Jersey I thought the same thing that they just don’t want to deal with it so they are making it difficult or close to impossible. I took your suggestion and contacted a rehabber that I know and he is seeing if he can find anyone who is willing to help.
As of now, there is no update other than he was put on prednisone to reduce the swelling in his face. I have been unsuccessful in finding a vet who is willing to help him cross the bridge.
The prednisone has taken the swelling down to the point that other than the tumor on the side of his mouth his face no longer looks deformed and he is more active and alert.
This situation is harrowing.
The very people who should have the most compassion seem to have lost their humanity. Long live the almighty ducat!
The rehabber has found an exotic vet who is willing to travel nearly 100 miles for Ricochet! I have mixed feelings. I am so so happy that someone finally has compassion for this tiny creature that relies on his human to help him. But on the other hand, he now has a definite time stamp on his life and that tears my heart apart. But for now, I am making his last days as comfortable and as happy as possible. He no longer has the ability to eat his favorite foods but does not mind the liquid diet since it doesn’t hurt his mouth. He is getting lots and lots of cuddle time and still likes popping at his favorite toy.
On another note, I am now caring for an orphaned kitten. A feral cat brought her single kitten to my back porch around 2-3 weeks ago. She would not let me anywhere near her or the kitten so I just set her up and box with bedding and gave her food and water. She was content with this and didn’t try to leave with her baby. I live in a remote area where my drive way if you can call it that goes way down and up a hill to another “road” out of my holler. I came home after a work trip to find momma had been killed in my driveway. I suspect either my neighbor who insists on using my driveway instead of his own or the mailman who is very loud about his distaste for animals. No idea how long she had been there.
The baby was still alive but struggling. She was obviously dehydrated and starving. She was kept overnight at the vet with a feeding tube and fluids. Now the little ball of claws is a feeding machine and I am a sleepy sleepy woman.
That seems like a very kind vet. It’s so sorry Ricochet must leave you, but letting him suffer is of course a million times worse.
Poor mama cat kitten to lose her mum like that. Very, very clever cat mum who brought her only child to you. How old is the little one, do you think?
I agree I would much rather let him go than watch him continue to suffer.
Stray and feral cats have a habit of coming to my house when pregnant or with a new litter. I usually trap them have them fixed and release them once the kittens are weaned.
The vet estimates her to be between 2 and 3 weeks old. Not quite 3 weeks but older than 2 weeks. She is doing great now and boy does she have some lungs on her.
So glad you took the little dear in. Such a sad situation
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › A little update