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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE A Bun gone too soon

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    • Bunny House
      1241 posts Send Private Message

        I know many of you have seen Patches story on here. The end middle of May he went into stasis and we fought it for a whole month, he ended up going septic, and after a week in the hospital he was able to come home and be somewhat back to normal. He ate amazing for a week or so and the replacement vet said to take him off of his gut med(bad choice, I knew but I followed direction) a day later we went into stasis and I took him to a new vet and got him back on and nursed him for a couple of days and he returned back to normal.

        Last Monday he we squeeking his teeth so I was planning on a dental for him that Thursday, he went into stasis so I did all the normal stasis care, his app got pushed back to friday. His dental went great but he still didn’t eat saturday or sunday and his tummy expanded so much, so i called them sunday and said his abdomen felt like his cecum had fallen infant of his tummy so they did X-rays and said it was all gas in his tummy and cecum, the gas dropped weren’t working. She is very bunny savvy so I trust her. she wasn’t able to see through it and we did an ultrasound and iv fluids. Took him home and he was cold all night so i had him sleep with me in bed. Took him back to the vet Yesterday morning as he declined and we talked about doing an exploratory since he wasn’t getting better, as she didn’t see a torsed cecum or anything so we were confused. He always had pearl strings and I told all the vets he seen but they blowed it off(deadly mistake). She goes in and sees the cecum is hard, the only option was to open it up and get out all the dried hair and poop (the one organ bun parents know too well). She said he did amazing during surgery and she was gonna wake him slowly but she was still very concerned as most gi surgeries have a high mortality rate. She said his gi tract wasn’t moving when she went in and after she took it all out it started moving so I was hopeful. 30 minutes later, I get the call that he stopped breathing and then his heart stopped. I never knew my heart could drop so low so fast. I brought him home to say goodbye to my other buns and took him back. It seemed like I could still feel him breathe, it still seems surreal and a dream.

        Bunnies are so fragile and they make us love them so hard that when they leave, they take a piece of us with them. I know ill see him soon, but its been hard for me yesterday and today.I knew he had a low chance of surviving but I had a small piece of hope he would, because I mean, he made it out from being septic when most buns don’t, I knew he was such a strong fighter but the past couple of days I could tell he didn’t want to fight any longer and I didn’t want to do CPR on him to force him to fight for me. It passed the 2 year mark of having him last week, I don’t know how old he was, but he was a good fighter and I’m proud of him.

        Binky free baby boy, I love you

      • sarahthegemini
        5584 posts Send Private Message

          How awful, I’m so sorry. Patches does sound like he was such a fighter. Please take comfort in the knowledge that you did absolutely everything you could for him, but it was his time to go.

          Binky on Patches xxx

        • Gina.Jenny
          2244 posts Send Private Message

            (((Patches))) binky free, brave little fighter x

          • Vienna Blue in France
            5317 posts Send Private Message

              Binky free little patches.
              He was lucky to have found you.

            • Bunny House
              1241 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you ❤️

              • Bladesmith
                849 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m so sorry for your loss.

                • Bam
                  16978 posts Send Private Message

                    BunnyHouse, I’m so very sorry you lost Patches. You really did put up a good fight, both of you. I hope he’s binkying free now with Bam and Clover ❤️

                  • Bunny House
                    1241 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you. I hope he is too❤️

                    • Gordo and Janice
                      703 posts Send Private Message

                        It’s amazing how much and how hard he fought. Like it was second nature to him. Also amazing is how well you took care of him and how diligent you were. He definitely needed someone like you. He wouldn’t have made it so long otherwise. Thank you for being his perfect parent and treating him so. And so sorry for his passing.

                        Binky free {{{{{Patches}}}}}

                      • Bunny House
                        1241 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you Gordo and Janice. I’m pretty sure God gives me the sick animals because I always take care of them until the end.

                        • Phil
                          239 posts Send Private Message

                            So sad you did all you could for him, such a shame you never know with bunnys sometimes you think great they are gonna be ok, then you get awful news they died, it was great you had him in bed and he knew you loved him so much Rip little one x

                          • Bunny House
                            1241 posts Send Private Message

                              Thank you xx

                            • PJ'n'Me
                              68 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m very sorry for your loss.  That made me cry, they really are little fighters, they keep us going too. R.I.P little angel bunny 

                              • Bunny House
                                1241 posts Send Private Message

                                  Pj’n’Me ❤️

                                • Bobby'sMom
                                  14 posts Send Private Message

                                    So sorry for your lose. My little Bobby passed away at some point through the night. I woke up to find his body under our bed. He was only 4 months old. We feel terrible.

                                  • Bunny House
                                    1241 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m so sorry ❤️ Bobby’sMoma

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                                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE A Bun gone too soon