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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE A baby bun

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    • OnyxMoon
      260 posts Send Private Message

        Hello all! So, ive been keeping it a secret (kinda) because I wanted to get some really good pictures before I said anything (of course!). But, I’m welcoming a baby bunny at the end of the month!! I cant express how excited I am, but I’m so excited.

        Hopefully it’s a girl, the breeder I’m getting her from is super experienced in sexing babies. Although i totally understand that its super hard to tell the gender for a while. But all of the other people that have adopted from her, or At least the ones that left reviews on her Facebook, said she was spot on. So I have some hope, lol!

        I really wanted to get Onyx a friend, because he wasnt doing well with our other pair (they are too tightly bonded, I suppose) and I wanted it to be a girl and the opposite of Onyx.

        She is a Blue.Eyed.White Mini Rex, currently she is 5 weeks and a couple days old. I get weekly updates lol. She even is pedigree, her father has tons of winnings. Although I didn’t care about that, didnt even know it until I went and saw her and the breeder mentioned naming her.

        Speaking of names, it was a no brainer on her name. I ended up going with “Rosalie”, and im thinking her middle name will be “Opal” like the stone. Just like Onyx is named after a stone. (I know, I’m that person who gives their pets middle names lol)

        Any who!! I just wanted to know if there’s anything important I should know about baby buns. I’m already going to have her in a completely separate cage, and most likely separate room than Onyx.

        Some of you may know, Onyx has gotten sick again unfortunately. He has an appointment tomorrow, but I’m still going to keep her in a separate room for a while, until he’s healthy and I’m sure he’s good.

        I already have a litter box for her, a food bowl, I need to get a water bottle. I’ve got a 9 pound bag of Alfalfa hay, as well as young rabbit pellets (which Onyx may or may not be eating as well to gain weight ), but is there anything else I should get for her? I want to make sure I have everything before she comes home if possible. But also wanted to announce her lol.

        I’m posting this from my phone, hopefully the pictures upload! If they don’t, can anyone help attach them? If not, I’ll just reupload when I get home. Currently at work!

      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          How exciting! I’m on my phone tonight but I’ll have access to a PC tomorrow so I can fix your pix (it’s night here now).

          I can’t think of anything she’d need apart from what you have got for her. Some plain grass hay to mix with the alfalfa isn’t wrong, though. A water bowl is often better (=encourages the bun to drink more) than a bottle, but it depends in part on what she’s used to at the breeder’s.

          If the breeder introduces her to veggies you can keep giving her those same veggies, then introduce more at age 12 weeks. Otherwise veggie intro is recommended at 12 weeks.

          Many, many healing-vibes for (((((Onyx))))

        • BrunosMama
          1518 posts Send Private Message

            I just wanna add that baby buns can be so much fun! We’ve had Backers since he was born and it was so much fun to watch all the changes as they grow.

            Young bunnies are also fun because they’re usually still snuggly and not as opinionated as adult buns! Lol.

            I hope Onxy feels lots better soon so he can enjoy his new friend.

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              I fixed your pics for you

              She is so stinking cute! Congratulations, I bet you’re really excited to bring her home. Onyx is a lucky bun

            • Bam
              16977 posts Send Private Message

                She’s adorable!

              • Gordo and Janice
                703 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, “so stinking cute!” is right. Lucky, lucky! All three of you.

                • OnyxMoon
                  260 posts Send Private Message

                    Ill definitely look into getting a bag of plain grass hay to mix in then, i was thinking of mixing in some Orchard when she’s a tiny bit older. Or just have two separate hay racks for her, one for Alfalfa and one for Orchard. We feed all of our buns Orchard, mainly because Onyx is picky. 

                    I tried having Onyx use a water bowl, which i loved having because he drank more and i loved hearing the little sip sip sip through out the day and night lol  But he hopped around a lot in his cage, and would slip around a lot as well, and get wet and spill the water. So i decided back to the bottle for now. 

                    Hopefully when i move, and have him mainly free roaming except for at night because of my dog, ill have him switch back over to a bowl.  I think he enjoyed the bowl more anyway.

                    Thanks BrunosMama, i hope he feels better soon as well! I hope shes a snuggle bun, Onyx is and i hope when they bond it rubs off on her! lol 

                    Thanks Azerane! I appreciate the fix!  I am super excited, i hope her and Onyx get along whenever they meet and hopefully their bond wont be super hard after her spay! 

                    Thanks Gordo and Janice and Bam, i thought she was too cute to pass up. Blue eyed buns are way too cute!! 

                    I posted an update all about Onyx and his visit today here:…fault.aspx

                  • MountainBuns
                    513 posts Send Private Message

                      She’s sooooo adorable, I wish you, Onyx an her good luck!

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        AGH!!!!!! So much adorable!!!!! I LOVE REX’s AND WHITE BUNNIES!!!!! I miss that snuggly soft Rex fur. My first bunny was a Mini Rex. They have such big, amazing personalities too.

                        I give most of my pets middle names too. Elara Moon

                      • OnyxMoon
                        260 posts Send Private Message

                          I’ve always been in love with white bunnies as well! When i went to see her for the first time, she was 2 weeks old at the time, and she was so so soft!!  I even got to meet her dad, and he was even softer! My dogs name is Moon, its my favorite name. 

                        • OnyxMoon
                          260 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks so much EatSleepBunny! He is doing better! 

                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              Elara is one of the Moons of Jupiter. And then not really sure how “Moon” got added. I call her “Miss Moon” sometimes. I’m one of those people who are in love with the moon. I take it you are too. And something about bunnies and the moon. My next tattoo for sure.

                            • BB8
                              101 posts Send Private Message

                                Wow congratulations! She’s adorable!

                              • OnyxMoon
                                260 posts Send Private Message

                                  I love that, ive never heard the name Elara before and its so pretty! I actually have a crescent moon tattoo on my left forearm, to represent my dog. He is like my son, a literal fur baby. Also, my favorite Greek goddess is Artemis, which is the goddess of the moon. Rosalie’s name was almost Artemis.

                                • OnyxMoon
                                  260 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thanks BB8!!

                                  • OnyxMoon
                                    260 posts Send Private Message

                                      Just wanted to give an update about Rosalie. The person i’m getting her from gave me her 6 week update today, and said that she is going to be weaned this weekend. So pickup is scheduled for Thursday, super excited. 

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE A baby bun