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Forum BONDING 2 males bonded. will they unbond?

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    • rosalie68
      193 posts Send Private Message

        my 2 males are bonded and living in the same pen. they have never had any aggression whatsoever towards each other. i had bonded them about 2 months ago and now they are neutered. i think they are somewhere around 7 or 8 months but im not exactly sure. people keep telling me that they arent going to stay bonded bc they are the same sex. is this true? has anyone ever had 2 males unbond? did it happen years or months later?



      • mocha200
        4486 posts Send Private Message

          someone told me that to, they said that bunny’s get to aggressive and you cant bond them, but they breed bunny’s so they never had a neutered bunny. neutered bunny’s aren’t as aggressive. so i think that your buns are just fine.

        • Monkeybun
          10479 posts Send Private Message

            I’d say keep an eye on them now that they are neutered, there might be changes in personality and such that may require you to do some bonding sessions, but then again, there may not be. It really depends on the bunnies themselves. It’s pretty much a wait and see kind of thing.

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              people keep telling me that they arent going to stay bonded bc they are the same sex

              Not true!! Many members here have bonded males. One member thought she has a female who turned out to be a male. They bonded before one was fixed but they remained bonded. There was a little moment when the young ones hormones started to effect the bond but he was fixed and the bond was mended promptly.

              You may find issues arise between Charlie and Jack just after the neuter as their bodies are going thru a change. I have also heard that sometimes there is a testosterone surge because of the testes being manipulated during the procedure. Either way, they will have hormones still in their systems for roughly 4 weeks. So do observe them closely.

              If you see any deterioration in their bond, separate them. After they’ve settled from the surgery you can rebond them. I would not think this would take long at all. But for you to have them bonded pre-neuter and that you are seeing no issues at the moment – I’m guessing you’re going to have no trouble with these too. Lucky you! All bonded bunnies, regardless of sex, can have a falling out for various reasons, but it can be mended.

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                So they are together now for recovery? I’d also recommend you keep them together as long as they are not bothering each other: no humping, no chasing, no aggression. It is possible for them to glide smoothly into a post-neuter bond. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that they maintain their relationship.

              • rosalie68
                193 posts Send Private Message

                  i put them together in a new pen about 5 days before they were neutered. there was no humping at all in the new pen. they have been perfect so far. they love each other and always cuddle! i hope they stay happy together.

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Ditto Beka.
                    The important thing in your situation was to get the neuter done early enough before the unbonding would have happened.

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                Forum BONDING 2 males bonded. will they unbond?