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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Maxine’s 2nd visit to the Holistic Vet

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    • Sarita
      18851 posts Send Private Message

        This is a totally different experience than the traditional vet – it’s a bit intimidating and my head is always reeling from the information overload after I leave – needless to say, I’m not retaining as much as I would like and I have ALOT to learn about this approach.  My holisitic vet does the whole spectrum of holistic treatments including acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, chinese herbal medicine, chiropractic, & massage/reiki. 

        I had mentioned to her assistant that after the first acunpuncture treatment Maxine was pretty tired.  She thought she had done to much and did less for this treatment.  She wants to try some herbal medications and has met a colleague who has lots of experience with exotics who she is going to consult with – my vet has not worked on rabbits before (Maxine is her first).  She is going to find out about some herbal medicines to give to Maxine.  She thinks that Maxine has some kidney and spleen problems and wants to do some herbs for her on this.

        She said Maxine’s Chi is sluggish. 

      • KatnipCrzy
        2981 posts Send Private Message

          Are they doing acupuncture on Maxine or something else?  I can’t remember what her “treatment” is.

          Hopefully the additional herbal remedy will be something that she likes!

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Right now we are just doing the acupuncture and yesterday was the 2nd one.

            She wants to seek some advice on the herbal from her colleague who does exotics since she has never treated a rabbit before. She has an idea of what she would like to use but needs to find out if it’s okay for rabbits.

            So right now her treatment is only acupuncture. She’s learning about rabbits and I’m learning about the holistic treatments as we go along so it’s a win-win for both of us.

            I just hope that in the end it will have some positive effects on Maxine – if it does I’d love her to see Twizzler my bladder sludge rabbit and treat her as well.

          • Kokaneeandkahlua
            12067 posts Send Private Message

              I’m glad your exploring other avenues with her treatment-I hope she feels better soon! {{Maxine}]

              Sarita-is there a database or list somewhere of homeopathic vets? I’d love to find one who can perform acupuncture on Mandy.

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message

                I never thought of a bunny having chi before. It’s strange because I’ve studied human chi for my breast cancer therapy and I know all living things have it, but I just don’t consciously think about it. I couldn’t imagine performing acupuncture on a rabbit. I can’t get mine to sit still for a nail trim. :-/
                I wonder if there’s a massage technique that specifically targets chi that could be performed on my bunnies every day to give them higher quality of life? I would be interested in learning something like that.
                Would your practitioner be willing to let you video tape what she does, so you could review it at home? Perhaps you will be better able to absorb the technique if you can look over the session from the comfort of your home and at your leisure?
                Feel better vibes to Maxine! ((((((((hugs)))))))))

              • katie, max & penny
                956 posts Send Private Message

                  mimz, the video idea is really smart. and forgive me for my ignorance, but what is the “chi”? and is it pronounced to rhyme with tea (ch-ea) or eye (ch-eye) or (k-eye)?

                • MimzMum
                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                    It’s pronounced “chee” I believe. Or “cheh”…I’m not sure. :-/
                    It’s been awhile since I’ve been into holistics. I really should reacquaint myself.

                  • ScooterandAnnette
                    1090 posts Send Private Message

                      I’ve only heard it pronounced “chee”, and it’s basically that energy lifeforce that is in every living thing (and in some theories every thing) and also surrounding us. One of the purposes of feng shui is to try and direct the flow of chi so that it results in positive outcomes and ensure there are no kind of dead spaces in the house where chi can’t flow.
                      – Annette

                    • katie, max & penny
                      956 posts Send Private Message

                        oooh interesting! well i hope maxine’s chi gets better

                      • bunnycutie
                        549 posts Send Private Message

                          sooo holistic is like a “all natural” vet? im guessing… i have noooooo idea. i have heard that aupuncture can solve many health problems in rabbits, or at the least, improve them. whats maxine’s Chi? whay is it sluggish???

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            I am interested in all of this too as Jack is suspected to have arthritis (especially in his right paw) and he was put on a glucosamine mix. I am starting to see less of his strange stance (where he rests his front paws on his back feet).

                            Are you noticing any improvement in her mobility?

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              Maxine’s chi (I always heard it as chee, like key) is the energy that flows through and around her body. It’s not tangible, like blood or nerves, but the energy that allows those to flow without obstruction. If you had a blockage of some kind, or low energy, your chi could be blocked or sluggish.

                              How is Maxine responding now?

                            • Sarita
                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                I am not noticing any improvement right now with her mobility – honestly it’s gotten worse and I’m not actually contributing this to the vet visits – it’s way too early to tell. I just think she’s in such bad shape (according to both vets) that an improvement is going to take time. I have started her (we are on week 2) with the glucosamine treatment.

                                Okay, honestly her mobility has gotten worse since she is now NOT peeing in her litter box (and that’s okay – I understand) but I have to attribute that to just an overall change in her condition.

                                I am still very positive that all we are doing will help improve her quality of life. I really want her to feel good. I have no idea what pain she must be in other than one I hear and read on-line since this is not a condition I have.

                                Thank for all the info on the Chi too – if I was in the pain that I understand Maxine may be in – I would have a sluggish Chi too.

                                Basically Ms. Maxine just drags herself everywhere. It’s weird but her one leg is just totally useless, she just drags it and lays on it all day. I’m sad that she is in this condition and wish I would have started her treatments earlier.

                              • bunnycutie
                                549 posts Send Private Message

                                  *hmmmmmm* chi, sounds cool. very thorough defnation. i like it :0

                                • MimzMum
                                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                                    Poor Maxine! (sends healing vibes again) If her chi is sluggish, it may have been blocking up somewhere and is having trouble finding the right paths to move in again, like a river that has been clogged with debris. When it does break free and can move correctly again, it will probably come back with a rush. (Kind of like when you do a detox you feel worse for a time and really sick, then you improve as you continue.) Most likely the leg that she’s dragging is the source of the blockage.
                                    Our organs are part of the system that dictates where your chi goes and how well, and depending on the affectations of the organ involved, the dis-ease it displays tells the practitioner how to redirect the chi. (That’s about all I recall from my reading on the subject.)
                                    I don’t recall, Sarita, did you mention how old Maxine is? And is she a lop or an uppy ear bunny? (It seems to me that lops have more mobility and overall psychical problems naturally due to their build.)

                                    Feng shui…oh dear, Annette, I didn’t realize it involved chi as well. If so, then the chi of my home must be growing mold with all the junk lying around that it can’t maneuver through! 0_o *steps up the autumn cleaning pace*

                                  • BinkyBunny
                                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh Sarita, I am sorry. That must be hard to watch. I know that my vet said that it could take around 6 weeks to see improvement with the glucosamine. I also know the feeling of “I wish I had started earlier” as with both Jack and Bailey (with her back leg weakness due to ecuniculi) it can be a gradual thing that both bunny and human sort of get used to and don’t really notice so much as some a major 24 hour change. Maxine has you to love her and care for her. It’s not like everyone would search out the alternative methods to try and help her after the conventional had been exhausted. She has such a wonderful human companion in you.

                                      There is one bunny, Scooter, at SaveABunny and for other reasons he has to drag his leg everywhere and sit on it as well. I haven’t seen in him in a long while, but he was a spunky happy bunny that learned to live with the disability very well.

                                      Sending of pain free, healing vibes for Maxine and peace vibes for you.

                                    • RabbitPam
                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m sorry to make the comparison, but her progress is so similar to Spockie’s. The glucosamine did help, as did painkiller (metacam I think) and he dragged his leg around too. He just sort of ajusted his own lifestyle and learned to get around by scooting and pushing. But he did eventually become incontinent. He was about the same age and we later think that there were some internal systems that began to fail as well, so it may not be something you can stave off. Just make her comfortable and give her lots of love and attention. I would carry him around the apartment and look out the windows for a change of scene and a snuggle time. It broke my heart to see him deteriorate, but we just worked on his quality of life as much as we could. Gentle butt bathes helped, and absorbant carpets for his house made losing the litter pan access less bothersome for him.
                                        {{{{{{{{{{comfort and love to Maxine}}}}}}}}}}}

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                                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Maxine’s 2nd visit to the Holistic Vet