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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Fleece

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    • LBJ10
      17086 posts Send Private Message

        I’m in panic mode! Joann is closing all their stores. I regularly buy fleece from there for $5-$7 a yard. What am I going to do? Other places are much more expensive ($10-$20 a yard). Does anyone have an inexpensive place they buy or order fleece from?

      • mia
        577 posts Send Private Message

          These are the ones I get:

          The cheapest throw at Ikea –

          Walmart has Pawprints. It has some thread on the border that I cut off –

          I’ve also gotten bulk on Amazon but it’s more expensive than Ikea and Walmart

        • LBJ10
          17086 posts Send Private Message

            I practically have to buy a twin size blanket. I need 72 inches in length to have a continuous piece, hence why cheap fleece by the yard was so convenient. If there is a seam/overlap then he will absolutely destroy it. And if he gets down to the linoleum, he destroys that too.

            The pen is a 4×6 NIC grid with drop in base. The base is plywood with linoleum tiles. They didn’t have smaller pieces of linoleum at the store, so I went with the tiles. The fleece is stretched over a pad and is clipped to the plywood.

          • mia
            577 posts Send Private Message

              I’ve bought twin and full sized fleece blankets. They are a lot thicker. The problem is cleaning and washing them all the time.

              My girl destroys all. She helps me make use of my delivery boxes. I cut the cardboard and place over the random holes she makes as well as the seams. Then strategically place their furniture on top of the cardboard.

              I have seen fleece by the yard on amazon and sometimes really cheap but I’ve never ordered them before since I don’t know the companies.

              Walmart has fleece by the yard too



            • LBJ10
              17086 posts Send Private Message

                Haha! I have to strategically place tiles to prevent any additional destruction. He likes to make a hole here and a hole there… then the connect them.

                Thank you, I will keep looking. I’m thinking I may need to resort to buying cheap twin sized fleece blankets.

              • BrunosMama
                1537 posts Send Private Message

                  Sometimes during cooler months, I have seen various stores like Walmart and Kroger (grocery chain) have cheap fleece throw blankets (50″ x 60″ usually) for around $4 a piece. I have used these for the buns before.

                  If they have the stores in your area, there is a place called Ollie’s Bargain Outlet that sells a variety of bedding. They usually have pretty cheap twin size fleece blankets there, too.

                  Have you checked at thrift stores for fleece fabric/blankets? Goodwill is getting a little dumb with prices, but others like Volunteers of America are still pretty reasonable. 🙂

                  I haven’t checked fabric prices at Hobby Lobby before, but I know sometimes you can find pretty good markdown and clearance deals there.

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              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Fleece