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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE time flies fast and silence is our greatest enemy

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    • moonIlove
      1 posts Send Private Message

        Hello, I was an owner of a 1 year and 4 months old beautiful bunny named Moon. She was the loveliest, precious, intelligent, naughty, cheeky and the perfect bunny I had. She would literally understand what I say and acted like a real person sometimes. Unlike other bunny stories I have heard of, she would never bite cables or walls but is as stubborn as a mule on peeing right next to the door since we would leave her in the room (free roam) when I go to work and out to the living room. She was energetic and has a huge appetite. She would vacuum a handful of pellets as quick as she can and loves LOVE licking me whenever she can. I miss her so much. She recently passed away on the 25th early morning. My family and I knew the signs but it was so small we casually brushed it off our shoulders which was one big red flag already. We noticed it was getting a bit difficult for her to jump up to some places, a month before her passing however we just laughed and thought her booty was too big. Furthermore, a week before her passing I thought she was being more loving as she would lay on her head on my arms when i pet and hug her but it was also a sign of weakness, and lastly the night before her passing i saw she was so weak on her back feet and lowkey dragging it on the floor but as soon as i saw that i immediately informed my parents we are going to the vet soon by this week however we were too late and here comes the day of her passing. As i was getting ready for work i went out as my little brother went in my room to play with her, i told him to be careful as i knew she was not feeling herself as she wasnt running out of the room as usual when i open the door to leave. As i went back in the room, my brother left and i saw her leaning to the side of the bed and the start of a choking motion begins. I immediately scooped her up and checked what was wrong and place my hand on her neck to feel if anything was blocking her airways and a finger in her mouth to take out what was choking her. However, nothing was there. The only thing she ate was a small handful amount of pellets my brother fed which is too tiny to choke on and she herself would normally eat 4 in one bite. After checking her neck she went limp on my arms, I panicked and called out my mom and brother to hand me a spoon where i can give quickly her water to flush whatever that was allegedly choking her to go down but as soon as i did that she was breathing too slow and so was her heartbeat. Me, my mom and I my brother quickly left the house but on the way there she passed in my arms in the car, on the way to the vet that is not even open yet as it was early in the morning. TRIGGER WARNING.

        Her body went stiff and cold and I think build up food or feces came out of her nose and saliva was bubbling out of her nose. I wanted to wait for the vet to open and know why she has passed but the words of my mother saying not to as they were going to open her apart is strong and I don’t want that. We buried her in a place near our home, wrapped in her favorite blanket and placed her in a plastic bag so the scent may be less noticeable scent for predators to reach and dig her up and place her favorite vegs and pellets. As much as it is, I know my mistakes and I acknowledge it. I was irresponsible and just straight up a bad owner. END

        I am so sorry as an owner and a human being in general. I write my story today as I really want to know the reason why she passed. I suspected anorexia collapse because another red flag is that we gave her less hay to eat as i was rushing to work but we always maintained refilling her water and vegs whereas my mother thought of a cardiac arrest but i doubt so. I too, also just want to say if there are signs or behavior that you do not see in your bunny as usual. It is a sign for a vet check up. May anyone else not repeat my behavior and may everyone be blessed with the bunny that is currently still with you be happy and healthy for a long time. Sorry if there are some parts which you do not understand, english isnt my first language.

      • DanaNM
        9056 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁

          Losing a bun is always horrible, and it’s even worse when it’s in a dramatic way. The short answer is I don’t know what happened with your bun. A necropsy could have provided some answers, but possibly not. I had a bun pass very suddenly and the necropsy was inconclusive.

          The gradual increase in hind leg weakness makes me think of something quite serious going on. Possible E cuniculi, but possibly something else. There is a lot about rabbit medicine we don’t know, and at her young age all of this makes me think of a congenital issue. The acute cause of death may have been choking, but the as to why she choked to begin with, I’m not sure. There is a bunny heimlich manuver, but it’s pretty difficult to do and can cause injury if done incorrectly. I am in no way suggesting that you should have done this or that it would have saved her, because as I said I think there was something very serious going on, but here is some info on it for future reference and for the education of other members:

          Again I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s clear your bun was very well loved and had a wonderful life with you getting to free roam and lots of pets, although short.

          (((Binky free Moon)))

          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • Bam
          16980 posts Send Private Message

            I’m very sorry you lost Moon. I agree with Dana that it seems there was somethong serious going on, possibly e cuniculi, which can cause hind end weakness. You dont seem like an irresponsible owner at all. Moon seems to have had a wonderful life with you, it’s just so incredibly sad that you lost her.


          • Ellie from The Netherlands
            2512 posts Send Private Message

              What an awful way to lose your beloved rabbit 😥 Sadly it’s common for rabbits to pass away seemingly suddenly: they’re very frail animals. We still don’t know what happened to our previous bunny either: even the vet didn’t see it coming. He went over all his medical files and talked it over with his colleagues, but still he couldn’t tell what got our Breintje.

              I hope that the good memories of her will help you and your family. It’s very difficult to lose a rabbit, especially like this. Binky free, sweet Moon!

            • Cinnamon Bun
              205 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so sorry that you had to lose your sweet Moon. My heart goes out to you. I also had a similar situation happen to me when I lost my sweet Binkie to GI stasis last September. She was almost 3 years old. There was nothing that I could do for her as the vets were closed, and no one would answer the phone. It was so, so horrible. We had been back and forth from the hospital countless times during her struggle with GI stasis, but she sadly didn’t make it. I comforted her and told her that I loved her. I think Moon was trying to tell you that she loved you too. You did all you could for her, and you know that. Take your time to grieve, but don’t be sad forever. Sending love to you… stay positive, stay strong!! ♡

                (( Binky free sweet baby Moon ♡ ))

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            Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE time flies fast and silence is our greatest enemy