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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Incorporating a beloved bunny into a wedding!

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    • Milobunny
      2 posts Send Private Message

        Hoping you guys have some good ideas!!

        I’m getting married in September, and am really struggling to come up with good ideas for representing my bunny Milo at the wedding. My biggest issue is that my ideal/fantasy of what I want to happen is that Milo comes to the wedding, wearing a bow tie, and then is pulled down the aisle by the flower girl and ring bearer in a wagon. Obviously this is so not possible since Milo is, you know, a bunny. But I love him so much as I know you all understand, and just want him to be represented at the wedding in a way that reflects that he is part of my family? I plan on getting some cocktail napkins made that have a cute little drawing of him but if anyone has any adorable ideas that maybe they’ve used that would be so appreciated!

      • LBJ10
        17058 posts Send Private Message

          Some bunnies enjoy being in a pet stroller once they are used to it. However, even if he is comfortable in the stroller, he may not be comfortable with a large and noisy crowd.

        • SweetPotato
          100 posts Send Private Message

            Aww congrats on your (soon-to-be) marriage!!! Here’s some ideas to make sure everyone there knows your precious bun Milo is very much a part of the family:

            1. Make a wedding cake topper of him 😀
            2. If Milo is trained to walk on a rabbit harness, you can have your bridesmaids walk him down the aisle 🙂
            3. There are actually pretty white wagons that I’m pretty sure would accomadate a rabbit for an hour or so, with proper preparation. Here’s a link on Amazon of a pretty white wagon I found!

            Hope these suggestions can be of use!

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              I was going to suggest a pet stroller as well, as long as he was used to it and enjoyed being in it. I know some bunnies that will just flop and chill out in a stroller, and they are nice because everything is enclosed. But I think it might be more stressful to be worrying about how he’s doing during the wedding! Probably depends a lot on your wedding venue and how far from home you’ll be.

              I like the cake topper idea. 🙂  It might be cute if he was incorporated into your vows, if you are writing your own.

              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • Milobunny
              2 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks for all the suggestions!!! I love the pet stroller and the fancy wagon ideas, but Milo is definitely not one of those bunnies that would chill out and flop in one, sigh. He’s giving me a sassy bunny side eye right now for even considering it.

                I think writing him into our vows would be so sweet!! We aren’t doing our own but I will definitely be using this and saying something about him when I say something at the rehearsal dinner.

                Love love love the idea of the cake topper though!! I’m definitely going to use that one

              • Sonn
                1810 posts Send Private Message

                  Ooo oo I just helped someone put their bunny in their wedding! What I did for them was take a white metal pumpkin carriage that is usually used for the flower girl or ring bearer and I added some white rabbit safe wiring to the sides just enough that he couldn’t hop out of it. Then I decorated it like vines were coming down the sides to hide the wires. He was strolled out by the flower girl in place of flowers.

                  But and it’s a big one this bunny is very used to strollers or wagons and large groups of people and lots of noise. He was only there for maybe an hour tops and they had someone designated to take him home to his pen once his duties were complete.

                  It was extremely adorable though. I plan to do something similar with my dogs if I ever get married.

                • prince dorian the bun
                  767 posts Send Private Message

                    You could maybe include him in a photo especially if you are getting ready at home? Or maybe engagement photo you could include in the invite or have displayed on a table? Or if you rather something more personal a locket with him in it as jewelry? I like the cake topper idea too.

                    Oh and having checked with my Dorian, my bun… he suggested you leave a piece of clothing for him to embellish.  Though I don’t know if Milo is the type of bunny that likes err working with fabrics 😀

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                Forum THE LOUNGE Incorporating a beloved bunny into a wedding!