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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Feeling like a bad owner

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    • binkbonks2942
      2 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone,

        I am new here and honestly just need opinions and someone to help. I have two almost 8 month old Holland Lop babies. They are sisters, from the same litter. I got them off craigslist actually. Lately I have felt like a bad owner to them. I have a feeling that I am just in my head, but I want opinions. When I first got them they were free to run around my apartment for the most part, except for when my fiance and I were gone or sleeping. That’s not the problem. We ended up having to move in with my parents for financial reasons. The buns can’t free roam anymore. I did my best with what I have. I took their “cage” (an x-pen) and I straightened it out and have it crossing a spare bedroom. They get about half the bedroom as their enclosure. I would estimate it to be roughly 11ft by 4 ft, its not very wide. I have seen them binky and zoom in there, so I know they can, but I feel bad that they can’t just run like they used to. We let them out into the living room after my parents go to sleep sometimes since they aren’t supposed to be on the carpet. Seeing them so happy out there makes me sad. I guess all I am asking is if they have enough space. Do you think they are ok? Beyond the space issue, they are spoiled in my opinion. They have unlimited water, fresh hay obviously, but they get pellets, lettuce, basil (they loooove basil) and occasionally carrot. We found a dandelion treat they really like also. They have two beds, a carrier without a door to hide in, another hidey house and like 15 toys. We had them spayed and take them to the vet if they are sick. We love them dearly and we can’t wait until we can get back into an apartment so we can free roam them again. Again, I don’t think I am a bad owner, but I feel like I am letting them down by not letting them have a bunch of space. Should I keep letting them out at night under the radar? How long should I let them zoom? Is their current area big enough? They are both 3.5 pounds.

        Sorry for such a long post. I have had this on my mind for a few weeks. Its been 4 months in this current situation. We had to move when they were just 4 months old. We got them at 8 weeks. I love them so much and I want to be the best mom I can. Any advice is appreciated. I’ll attach a picture, excuse the amount of poops on the floor, I need to clean it up tomorrow, but they get mad if I clean too much.

      • HipHopBunny
        640 posts Send Private Message

          When I look at that picture I see 2 very happy and healthy buns. 🙂 With plenty of room to binky and do zoomies, I might add! 😉

          Please, don’t beat yourself up! They are living a very spoiled life, anyone could see that! They have a wonderful owner and a beautiful set-up. 😀 Your love for them is evident, and I’m sure they love you in turn. 🙂

          “I have seen them binky and zoom in there”

          That sounds like happy buns to me! 😉

          They have two beds, a carrier without a door to hide in, another hidey house, and like 15 toys. We had them spayed and take them to the vet if they are sick. We love them dearly.

          Sounds like great living conditions to me! 😀

          Any bun would be lucky to have you, you’re doing great! 😀

          Wishing you comfort and easy thinking!

        • DanaNM
          9056 posts Send Private Message

            I agree with HipHop! I volunteer at a rescue, and we recommend 50 sq ft of exericise space, and you are only a tiny bit under that (plus your buns are pretty small), so I would say given the tough situation you are doing great.  Adorable bunnies btw. 🙂

            I think having 11 ft to run in one direction is really nice, so they can get up to full speed for those zoomies. 🙂

            If you really want to give them more space and interesting places to explore, you could try building up part of there area into a NIC cube condo, so they have some levels to explore.

            Rather than “illegally” let them out and risk making your situation harder, you might slowly start pointing out to your parents that the bunnies aren’t chewing the carpet in their pen, aren’t peeing on the floor, aren’t chewing the furniture, etc. Once the see that their are well behaved and not likely to cause any damage or messes, maybe eventually they will agree to some supervised free-roam time.

            But don’t stress. I think the most important thing would be to still spend plenty of time with them.

            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

          • LBJ10
            17058 posts Send Private Message

              I think their setup looks great! I agree with Dana, a second floor to explore might add some interest for them.

            • shasbun
              23 posts Send Private Message

                Their setup looks great to me! Don’t be too harsh on yourself. You said that you’ve seen them binky and zoomie in there, which means they’re really happy. Plus they’re getting free roam time in the living room, so they should be fine.

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            Forum THE LOUNGE Feeling like a bad owner