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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE August Chat

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    • Azerane
      4689 posts Send Private Message

        White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit.

        Sorry I cheated and didn’t name white rabbits. I’m too out of touch with everybody’s bunnies!

        Apollo and Luna celebrated their 4th gotcha day on July 30th. Initially I accidentally celebrated it a month early, and then forgot until today! As luck would have it I actually bought them new fleece for their cage on their gotcha day, so they ended up with a present anyway 😀 Apollo and Luna are both well, Apollo had some issues with a UTI earlier this year but recovered very well. The vet was surprised when she looked at his history and the only thing he’s ever been in for is yearly vax and health check, lol.

        The cats are doing well, Jasiri is 3 in just over a week, Jasper recently turned 2. They’re still crazy fun.

        And Dory, the Eclectus Parrot is doing pretty well, no complaints with her either except the noise, lol.

      • Reesebun
        1035 posts Send Private Message

          Apollo, Dorian’s chest, and Wick’s paw (I think)! I can’t hardly remember any white rabbits anymore lol. Glad everything’s going well for you Az, happy gotcha day Apollo and Luna!

          Last month I actually built a new cage for the bunnies, with 4 levels including the bottom level. It’s huge and they love it! I’ll post pictures sometime in the august pics chat. Leo can’t figure out how to jump to the other levels so I’m going to have to build a ramp, but of course Vinny loves it, he likes jumping anywhere he can get to. Vinny’s still a huge trouble maker of course.

        • Hazel
          2587 posts Send Private Message

            I have the same problem, I can’t remember all the white and partially white bunnies anymore. Oscar counts though I guess! 😆

            Az: Good to hear your bunnies and kitties are doing well. It’s about time for a new kitten don’t you think? 😉  I forgot about Dory, glad she’s good too. Does she talk at all?

            Reesebun: Your new cage sounds awesome, can’t wait to see it! 🙂

            I just finished The Last of Us 2. I enjoyed it for the most part, although some stuff was hard to watch. Considering the outrage that followed it’s release, I expected it to be more controversial than it really was. People need to relax 😆

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you both 🙂

              Reesebun, the cage sounds amazing, I can’t wait to see pics 🙂 It took Apollo and Luna some time to figure out the steps and levels, but once they got it they took to it quickly.

              Hazel, I would love to have all the cats, lol. I doubt our landlord would let us and I’m not sure I could keep up, Jasiri and Jasper are actually pretty demanding of my time. Dory does talk, mostly she just says “Hello” a lot, but in a lot of different tones and volumes depending on her mood which can be quite amusing. She also says her name, “what’re you doin’?” and I’ve heard a few things only one time. She said hubby’s name once in my voice which freaked me out at the time. There’s another phrase or possibly two that she’s said once off but I can’t remember what it was.

            • Hazel
              2587 posts Send Private Message

                Aww, that’s so cute! Having a bird must be so much fun, but also challenging at times. How funny that she changes her voice depending on her mood. That part would make Otis crazy, if we had a parrot. One time I said hello in a weird voice coming home from work, he didn’t like that, and came charging in ready to do battle. When he realized it was me he looked pretty embarrassed.

              • Louiethebunny
                604 posts Send Private Message

                  It’s already August! Wow! Not sure if Louie could be considered half white, but he does have white socks! I’ve been getting serious about finding a friend for Louie, although I don’t expect anything to happen quite yet. I’m in a FaceBook group for rabbit owners near me, and they cover things like the best places to get hay to rehoming rabbits that need new homes, so we put out a notice if anyone needs their rabbit in a new home. Here August is the hottest month, even though in the PNW we only get about two weeks of summer… so I’ll be offering Louie some cool-down options.

                • DanaNM
                  9056 posts Send Private Message

                    Bun Jovi reporting for white rabbit duty!  And Myra, except for her nose, ears, paws, and tail! Her markings are getting super light though, because it’s been so warm! I didn’t know until recently that California breed rabbits markings get darker or lighter depending on the temp.

                    I can’t believe Jasiri is almost 3!! Time sure does fly….

                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • Louiethebunny
                    604 posts Send Private Message

                      We took Louie on a trip to our community garden today! 😀 We are now in contact with a shelter about 45ish minutes away about some speed dates for Louie, we are heading there in about a week, so we are now getting Louie used to the car. We took a pretty short drive to the community garden, 10-ish minutes, and while I picked some produce, I set his carrier down next to me. He did pretty well, he was nervous in the car but got adjusted to being outside quickly and ate some fresh parsley when I offered him some. I hope our speed-dates go well!

                    • Hazel
                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                        @DanaNM : Lily (Siamese) does the same thing. When she had surgery they shaved part of her leg for the IV, since her skin was exposed and colder, the fur grew back darker.

                        : Don’t forget to take pictures for us! Just be discreet so Louie won’t be embarrassed. 😉

                      • Louiethebunny
                        604 posts Send Private Message

                          @Hazel : Darn, I didn’t get any today at our garden, but on our next car ride I’ll get some 😀

                        • LBJ10
                          17058 posts Send Private Message

                            Chewie Chewie Chewie!!!!

                          • Lindsey
                            43 posts Send Private Message

                              Happy August to all of you!

                              I put some new bird feeders in our front lawn last month, and they’ve been a hit! Although it’s probably because I’ve invested in the better-quality bird seed as well, hahah! It’s been so cool to see all kinds of birds enjoying, as the feeders are right outside the huge picture window in our living room – we’ve even had some mourning doves on the feeders, which I have never seen before! To anyone who doesn’t know, these doves are a pretty decent size, so for them to be on a hanging bird feeder is quite a sight, but they usually travel with their mate, so if they’re both on the feeder it sort of evens out the weight lol! It’s amazing how all kinds of different birds are able to find the new feeders! We’ve also had lots of wild rabbits in the front yard as well, and they are always super fun to watch! I even saw one flopping in a tall grassy patch, I’ve never seen a wild rabbit so relaxed!

                              My college (I’m in my 3rd year) is beginning fall semester classes on August 17th, I’m looking forward to it as I’ve been SO bored not being able to work as I normally would at our library. Lots of uncertainty with how the school year will look, but I’m trying to stay hopeful and optimistic!

                            • Louiethebunny
                              604 posts Send Private Message

                                Partial success today: After two tries, Louie let my pick him up and hold him, I didn’t hold him for long, but he got lots of pellets and head pets.

                              • Hazel
                                2587 posts Send Private Message

                                  Good job Louie! 🙂

                                  @lindseyh : Your bird feeder sounds fun, would love to see a picture! Maybe you can even snap one of the wild bunnies. 😀

                                  Bubbles is down to half of his original dose of Prednisolone, still no sign of low blood sugar. 🙂

                                • HipHopBunny
                                  640 posts Send Private Message

                                    @Louiethebunny Yay for you and Louie! 🙂

                                    @Lindseyh Oh, bird feeders do go down fast. 🙂 I have to re-fill mine every day 😆 The birds are always so beautiful. Would love to see a picture. 🙂

                                    I hope Bubbles keeps improving. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. 🙂

                                  • Hazel
                                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                                      @HipHopBunny : Thank you! 🙂  He’s been pretty active, I think he’s feeling better on the lower dose.

                                    • DanaNM
                                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                                        This thread kind of slowed down but I just wanted to share that we vaccinated 71 rabbits for RHDV2 at the shelter on Wednesday, and my 3 kiddos yesterday, and they are all doing great! This included a bunch of senior rabbits as well.

                                        Only one bun had some slight soreness and a very low fever the next day, and everyone is back to normal today!

                                        I did all the rabbit wrangling on Wednesday and was SO TIRED by the time I got home, but it was so worth it to get them all done!

                                        We are so relieved! It will be even better in a week when they have their full immunity. 😀

                                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                      • HipHopBunny
                                        640 posts Send Private Message

                                          @DanaNM That is awesome! The more rabbits vaccinated, the better, and 71 is GREAT! I just keep hoping that RHDV2 will come to an end. Scary times. Unfortunately, where I am I can’t vaccinate my girlies. Good news is, it hasn’t reached us here, although I am in a state with RHDV2. Fingers crossed that is goes away soon.

                                        • DanaNM
                                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                                            Unfortunately it probably won’t ever go away since it is in the wild rabbit population. We should plan to be in a situation like Europe and Australia, where folks vaccinate their buns annually.

                                            If it is in your state there are probably vets that are vaccinating, or at least working on getting the vaccine. I would look into it if I were you!

                                            This facebook group has some resources of vets that have the vaccine etc:

                                            I’ve also read that there is a manufacturer working with some US universities to start making a vaccine domestically within the next year, which will be awesome moving forward.

                                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                          • LBJ10
                                            17058 posts Send Private Message

                                              That’s awesome Dana! That must be such a relief, especially since they are housed semi-outdoors.

                                            • LBJ10
                                              17058 posts Send Private Message

                                                It’s scary to think August is almost over. I can’t say I’m not over 2020… because I am. But I hate the thought of winter so much. It’s depressing.

                                              • DanaNM
                                                9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                  @LBJ10 Yes such a relief! And I feel the same…. what a weird time warp we’ve been in….

                                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                • HipHopBunny
                                                  640 posts Send Private Message

                                                    @DanaNM Thank you so much for the website! Will look into it. 🙂

                                                  • Dface
                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Honestly it does feel a bit like someone saw there was a pandemic and  hit the fast forward button on this year so it would seem less awful, I mean I blinked and August is all but over??

                                                      I have achieved literally none of things I wanted to do this year…but then I guess I finally have a good excuse  😆

                                                      @DanaNM that is a serious undertaking! 71 buns..I thought I was bad back when I had 4 to wrangle 😯  Moink has finally got his RHVD2 vaccine so thats a relief. Next year I’ve been told  I can cover them all with the new 3 in 1 vaccine which was recently released here. Cant wait to have a single vaccine and not be juggling rabbits at the vets and trying to figure out who is due what and when !



                                                    • Louiethebunny
                                                      604 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Only one vet in my area imports the vaccine and the waiting list is pretty lengthy. I know Louie was born either Jan. 1 or 2nd from the shelter’s records, but Lola’s age is unknown, however, the rescue she is from took her in pretty young so we assume she is a similar age. I’m planning on scheduling an appointment for them as January gets closer, and will probably ask about it then. The vet we plan on taking the bunnies to is where we took our rats when we had rats a while back, and they are also on the HRS’s recommendations. As of now, they don’t import the vaccine, but as the time to schedule a vet visit gets closer, I’ll either try to bring them to a vet that imports it or best case scenario the vet near us imports it.

                                                      • LBJ10
                                                        17058 posts Send Private Message

                                                          🐰 🐇

                                                          Trying to figure out why I can’t get the bunny emojis to show up unless I copy them from somewhere else…

                                                        • HipHopBunny
                                                          640 posts Send Private Message

                                                            @LBJ10 I didn’t know we had rabbit emojis, or I would’ve used them all… 😆

                                                            Wanted to touch base – how’s Bubble’s doing? Any improvements?

                                                          • Hazel
                                                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                              @HipHopBunny : Thank you for asking, I appreciate it! 🙂  He’s doing well, he started showing signs of low blood sugar at half the original dose, so I bumped it back up to the previous dose he was fine with, and so far so good. He went from 1.4ml daily to 0.8ml. 🙂  So the tumors are still there, but hopefully they will continue to shrink.

                                                              I didn’t know there were bunny emojis either! All the emojis I can see are regular old smiley (and not so smiley) faces. 😮

                                                            • HipHopBunny
                                                              640 posts Send Private Message

                                                                @Hazel That’s great news! 😀 Keep us posted, and hope to hear of more improvements soon!

                                                              • Hazel
                                                                2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Thanks, I’ll keep you updated! 🙂  I picked up his Prednisolone the other day, turns out they gave me a solution that’s 3x stronger than it’s supposed to be. 😡  Good thing I checked it before I gave it to him. A few phone calls later they got it figured out, still waiting on the new refill. I’ll try to get a refund for the other one, but they’ll probably refuse. 🙁

                                                                • HipHopBunny
                                                                  640 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Good thing you checked – which they should have done before they gave it to you! 👿 I sure hope they give you a refund, It was their fault! Hopefully, it gets figured out soon. Give Bubbles, Otis, and Oscar lots of pets for me!

                                                                  • Hazel
                                                                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      I will! They’ll appreciate the extra pets! 🙂  Although the cats will be mad they’re not getting any… 😆

                                                                      Well I’m not quite sure if the pharmacy made a mistake o if the vet called it in wrong. They’ll probably blame each other and I’ll be stuck with the bill. 🙄

                                                                    • Louiethebunny
                                                                      604 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I just found out about an RHDV2 vaccination event at a shelter near me… but it’s an hour and a half away. it’s $35 per rabbit, and the only other shelter charges much higher, but I’m not sure if a 3 hour total trip would be good for the rabbits…

                                                                      • LBJ10
                                                                        17058 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          @HipHopBunny – They aren’t in the emoji menu. You just see other people with them in their posts here and there.

                                                                        • Hazel
                                                                          2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Well the pharmacy did take it back, and they gave me the new refill for free, which was actually $15 more than the first one. I guess that’s my hush money. 😆

                                                                          • HipHopBunny
                                                                            640 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              @Hazel YAY! Glad to hear that they did the right thing, and all turned out well. 🙂 “Guess that’s my hush money” HaHa, nice one! LOL 😆 Hopefully, Bubbles keeps improving.

                                                                            • Hazel
                                                                              2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Thanks, I hope so too! 🙂

                                                                              • DanaNM
                                                                                9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  @Louiethebunny That is a really good price. A lot of vets are charging a lot more. I also know of a lot of people driving an hour or more to get their buns vaccinated. It is a tough call to drive that far but it seems like most bunnies are handling it very well!

                                                                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

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                                                                              Forum THE LOUNGE August Chat