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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Hi from me and the gang!

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    • Bunstar
      26 posts Send Private Message

        I have frequented this site before. Like, a lot. I used to linger and read posts without an account; I used the site as confirmation a certain food or toy was good/bad. Now, I have an account!

        I currently have two bunnies: Hannibal and Mabel. Hanny is probably about 4 and half years old give or take and Mabel has just turned 8 in February. Mabel came with information from her previous owner so I know her birthdate but Hannibal was found by the SPCA in the woods. He was young at the rescue and now weighs a little over nine pounds! We think he is a New Zealand/Californian cross. Mabel should be close to 5 pounds and is of non-distinct breed origins. We adopted both bunnies in October 2016 a month after buying our first house.

        I also have two rescue cats: Wally and Sansa. Wally is likely around 11 years old now and Sansa is likely around 7 years old. When we rescued Wally in 2012 we had our last bunny Acacia so the cats came into our home that belonged to the bunny! They have been golden and now are totally unsupervised with the rabbits.

        My bun buns live in their own room in my house on the top level where they are a part of the family. They prefer their space and the little nook that joins the living room so if they want to come out and join us from a safe distance they can. Mabel regularly greets us at the baby gate if we’re preparing food or moving in the hallway a lot. Hannibal is a little more cautious. I attached a little up to their baby gate that I put daily treat limits in so anyone in the house can stop and give them a treat if they’re awake. This works especially well because 7 months ago my FIL moved in with us temporarily and the cookie cup was a good way for the bunnies to make new friends and who doesn’t love giving bunnies a treat and watching them eat it!

        I also keep a community fish tank which I am obsessed with. I would love to convert my downstairs into a fish room! My main boys are Allistar Moody the angelfish and Amadeus the galaxy koi plakat betta.

        I’m so happy this new site update is live. I currently work from home as an adult instructor for a literacy organization and am finding new ways to procrastinate 😉

        Here are some pictures!



      • Bam
        16957 posts Send Private Message

          Hi and very welcome to Binkybunny! I love your pictures! The bunny room looks so great. The cookie cup with a limited amount of daily treats is a very good idea, theres no better way to gain a bun’s trust and love than through treats 😀

          The forums are not yet fully functioning, but hopefully it soon will be, and we’ll have more member activity. Thank you for the lovely introduction of Hannibsl and Mabel and “their” cats!

        • DanaNM
          9050 posts Send Private Message

            Welcome! Cute bunnies and kitties! And awesome bunny room! We’re in a studio apartment so we joke that we live in the bunny room and they share it with us.

            I also have fish tanks, a betta (Sparkle Pony) in his own 10 gal, a 5 gal shrimp tank, and a 20 gal community with cories, sparkling gourami, and ember tetras. 🙂

            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

          • Bunstar
            26 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you Bam and Dana!

              Bam: the cookie cup is my strategy for controlling their treat intake because they have perfected their face so every time someone comes by they act as if they have never eaten a treat before! I try to keep sugary treats to a minimum but my partner loves saving little pieces of carrot and apples for them.

              Dana: I would LOVE to have the bunnies in my living room so they can come into my space instead of me going into their space all the time! I see pictures of bunnies on the couch watching tv and my best compromise was to put a small loveseat in the bunny room. They only hop up there if I’m not there though! I love that you also have fish tanks! What kind of shrimp do you keep? I had neos for a while (sakura reds and a light blue variety) and then I moved into crystals and kept blacks and reds but the tank crashed and they all died. I was devastated and haven’t kept shrimp since.  Sparkling gourami! Are they the ones that croak?

            • DanaNM
              9050 posts Send Private Message

                @Bunstar  I have red cherry shrimp and some amanos! And Sparkling gourami are indeed the ones that croak! They can be really loud sometimes, it’s crazy coming from such a small fish!   And I too wish I had a couch that buns could snuggle with me on, but my apartment is small so we don’t have space for a couch, so I just end up hanging out on the floor with them. My first bunny Bunston used to hop on the couch in my old house, but he didn’t want to cuddle, he just wanted to explore and get to the highest vantage point. 🙂  We’ve tried building a ramp so our buns could hop on the bed, but same thing, they just wanted to run around and check it out, not relax and cuddle!

                . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

              • Bunstar
                26 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, I kept amano shrimp too! Those guys are awesome. I also had a short stint with a bamboo shrimp, they like to sit in the current and they have fine filaments on their front arms to catch microorganisms. Mine was called Babe Ruth because I don’t know anything about baseball, in fact, I really don’t like baseball at all, but it was the only memorable name I could think of for the bamboo shrimp! It did look like he was catching food out of the air.

                  Is the sound of your fish loud? The loudest sound I heard from my fish tank is when my angelfish slaps the surface. I don’t know why he does this, I have seen him do it to rinse food from the glass so he can eat it but sometimes at night, everything is quiet and we’ll hear a loud water smacking sound and he’s just in there looking back at us! Gourami has been among my favorite for a long time. I love their feelers! I watch King of DIY on YouTube and he has a giant gourami, Susan. I would LOVE to have a giant! I never did keep sparkling due to the fact they were just not available when I was stocking. I went for blue and opaline gouramis. Kept honeys for a bit, the male was the natural coloring and the intensity of his colors exploded when he was making his nest. He also spit water out to catch food like paradise fish.

                  A ramp is a good idea! I found Mabel up on the couch earlier this week and because I’m not convinced her balance is 100% anymore, and because I suspect she might have some mild arthritis, I placed a plush blanket on the floor for her to jump on. A ramp would solve that problem!

                  Can I just say, Bunston is the best name!


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              Forum THE LOUNGE Hi from me and the gang!