Hi, back again with some more questions.
I recently went out of the country and had my friend watch my bun Syrup. I gave instructions, but when she sent me videos on the amount of pellets she gave, it was a bit more than I usually gave and increased with the days. It wasn’t a HUGE amount, and the hay was still disappearing, so I figured it wasn’t that bad.
(A bit of back context, one time Syrup got a cold/Pasterella or whatever, and I was freaked out about him/her not getting enough vitamins because he/she was transitioning from alfalfa to timothy, and I had given too many pellets and there were cecos everywhere. Because of this I limited the pellets and the cecos disappeared, and he/she started eating hay like crazy. I continued this until now, which is where my questions stem from)
So before I let my friend watch Syrup, I noticed Syrup felt really skinny, like i could feel Syrup’s butt-bones…a lot. He/She was still active and eating and drinking and pooping and EVERYTHING, but he/she just felt skinny. I upped his/her pellets just a bit while monitoring the hay intake and everything, and it seemed he/she was happier. After I let my friend watch syrup, he/she was totally fine, got bigger (not only fatter but bigger, and he/she’s only about 4-5 months old so I was thinking growth-spurt. HeShe’s about 1.5kg~1.8kg), and since I was worried about the amount of pellets, I did more research as to how much I should be giving him/her.
I used to give about 10-20g of pellets a day. Now, I give about 20-40g of pellets a day (15 in the morning, 15-25 at night). Before when I would give him/her less, he/she would come to me searching for more and be relentless about it. Now, when he/she finishes the pellets, he’ll flop down for a quick nap (like 10-20 min) and then wake up, drink, eat some hay, and beg to be let out.
I was wondering if the amount of pellets I gave him before was too little, or if the amount I’m giving now is too much.
He/she seems fine, but flops more when I give more pellets.
Hay disappears at the same/maybe a little less rate, but he/she doesn’t feel boney.
Water disappears like always, about 500ml a day, and it’s winter with the heater on all the time so it’s pretty dry, so sometimes maybe a bit more. It’s a bottle-to-dish dispenser.
He is completely off alfalfa, his pellets are “Natural Fiber Pellets” by “Orimitsu” (I’m in Japan so no oxbow or anything)
(Note : Translations may sound weird/be slightly wrong…)
Ingredients : Timothy Hay, Apple Fiber, and Papaya
(Crude) Protein : 8.2%
(Crude) Fat : 2.1%
(Crude) Fiber : 31.4%
Phosphorus : 0.2%
Calcium : 0.4%
If this is not a good type of pellet, please tell me!! It takes Syrup a long time to chew each pellet, and the color is very green, so they seem better than what the pet store had initially given me (that caused the over-cecos) and this other Australian brand I had purchased.I still have that brand and he/she seems to like it a lot more than the fiber ones, but they seem less healthy/more treat-like, so I try not to give it as much. The Fiber pellets are kind of pricey, but I started buying them because they seemed the most natural out of all my options. (About $15 for 500g, sometimes on sale for $10 which I buy about 3-4 bags at a time. They’re good for about a year, don’t have any additive or added sugars, and are mainly for bunnies with allergies to hay dust, so they can get fiber if they don’t like eating hay. Syrup still eats … A LOT … of hay.)
Sorry for the length….
TLDR; What is the correct amount of pellets to give a 5month old bunny? If he/she still eats hay (About 1kg~1.5kg per week) and poops like crazy, but falls asleep right after eating the more excessive pellet amount, is that okay? Or am I over-feeding pellets?
Thank you!!