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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE February chat

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    • Bam
      16977 posts Send Private Message

        White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

        (First day of the month on BB means you should say “white rabbit” three times. Or the names of 3 white rabbits. Or 3 partly white rabbits).

        Days are already getting noticeably longer here, but I know that for some of you in the USA and Canada, spring must seem very, very distant just now. I hope you are able to keep yourselves and your buns warm. 

      • Dface
        1084 posts Send Private Message

          Peep Peep Peep!

          We’ve got snow today! And lots of it to boot, sadly my work decided we should come in… So naturally I came in and have been doing nothing…as a form of protest.. ?
          My boyfriends work called a snow day for them… Which they cancelled 20 minutes later and told them to all come in ?

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

            The worst of the polar vortex seems to be behind us now, in fact, it’s going to be getting into the 50’s in the Washington DC metro area over the next week.

          • Tony's Mum
            431 posts Send Private Message

              White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

              So I have some exciting news which explains my absence lately. I bought a house!

              It’s not closed on yet, we’re still drawing up contracts etc but I’m really hoping it all works out. I’ve been saving for ages and I finally found a cottage I love.

              It means the buns will have thier own dedicated bunny room, and can once again be free roam throughout the whole house (not just my room), AND there’s a gorgeous big garden so they can get regular outdoor time. As it stands they can’t be in the garden because of my sister’s dog, and I occasionally take them to the rabbit shelter while I volunteer so they can have some outdoor play time.

              Also, it would mean I could adopt again and have a trio!

              We won’t be able to move for a while because there’s a lot of paperwork to sort first, then I need to do some minor renovations (replace carpets and paint etc) but I’m hoping we’ll be well settled in by summer. I’M SO EXCITED!!!!

            • Asriel and Bombur
              1104 posts Send Private Message

                white rabbit white rabbit white rabbit! 

                Congrats TM! That’s super exciting! I can’t wait for the day I can give my boys their own room. This is such an amazing time for you!!

                I’m 3 months out from my powerlifting meet and feeling strong, I’m a little tired with twice a day gym sessions, but overall I’m loving it! 

                Some progress videos of my three lifts   competing in the 63kg weight class so I have to keep my weight between 128-138, and I’ve been sitting around 135. Currently I’m squatting 65.5kg (145 pounds) , benching 43kg (95 pounds) and deadlifting 74.8kg (165 pounds). Doing a keto diet for overall health (low carb, high fat) and I’m seeing a lot of lifting performance benefits with it. so I’m feeling good. 




                On the downside we’re moving tomorrow. At first it was a good thing, but now there’s so much drama and secrets involved we’re not even excited for it. 

              • Tony's Mum
                431 posts Send Private Message

                  You look AMAZING A&B! So strong.

                • Azerane
                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                    White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit. (I’m being lazy) ?

                    So much going on! A house for Tony’s Mum (so exciting), and some serious fitness goals being kicked by A&B. You guys should be proud of yourselves.

                    There’s not a lot going on here. We had a rental inspection yesterday so after work my life has literally just been cleaning and yard work. I’m completely stuffed as a result. On the plus side it’s now the weekend and I can do absolutely nothing at all both days, guilt free! I’m fairly sure I have a date with the couch and my PS4, lol. Hoping to go to the beach this evening, should be perfect weather for it.

                  • Dface
                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                      TM – big congratulations! That’s so exciting, fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you and your little pair. Having a garden is such an asset, I’d love to be able to properly design a bunny garden, as it stands i can do planting, but no large remodeling!

                      A&B- that’s some strength!
                      Also that sucks about the move. I hate the nonsense and messing, we got burned by that and have had a few hiccoughs since moving here, but it’s such a headache. Do you have any other options you can jump on?

                    • Muj Mom N Bun
                      352 posts Send Private Message

                        Olaf, Allen, BunBun…. minus ears, toes, dewlaps, tails and nose! ?

                        Congrats TM! Homeownership is a dream that I am only able to hope for thru my son at this point in my life but I am somewhat satisfied with rental life being that my lifestyle can not afford to own but me along with so many many others in the US, and they work and aren’t disabled! ? I really am excited to see pictures of a grand Bunny garden!!! I love gardening! So looking forward to spring coming!

                        Az, wow! The beach! Sounds fantastic from the winter over here!

                        Health wise I’ve been down for the count for last several months… 2 sinus infections, Ear infection, and in the middle I caught the flu! So, I’ve been hanging lowfrom everything… just beginning to get back to stuff.

                        A&B Good luck with your move! Hope all goes well!

                      • LBJ10
                        17058 posts Send Private Message

                          Chewie Chewie Chewie!!! Where’s Chewie hiding?

                          Oh congrats Tony’s Mum! How exciting!

                        • Tony's Mum
                          431 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh Gosh. Where to start.

                            My coworker bought two baby boy rabbits for her kids a few months ago, as she though they’d be easy pets (ha). Luckily, she was really receptive to advice and got them vaccinated, switched to Burgess pellets from muesli food, etc. One of the things I advised her to do was ge them neutered and do a proper bonding so they wouldn’t kill each other. I even gave her the number of my rabbit savvy vet etc etc.

                            She brought them to get neutered three weeks ago and discovered that one was actually a girl! She had the boy snipped and seperated them, and was told to come back in a few months when the girl was older to have her neutered.

                            HOWEVER it seems like the damage was already done because this morning she found a nest with five babies! She came to me panicking because she had no idea what to do.

                            Lukcily, after adopting Mellie (and helping I’m With Boo adopt Harvey), I became friends with the shelter owner, and I volunteer there so I know exactly who to call. They have an experienced bunny home lined up for two already, and I will take one when I move house (I was planning to add to my pair anyway!). They won’t be ready to leave Mum for a couple of months and they’re very tiny (and Mum is very young) so right now we’re focused on trying to make sure they are all okay and healthy. It’s all very dramatic lol

                          • Dface
                            1084 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh my god TM what an absolute roller-coaster!
                              Hopefully babies and mam are still going well! That sounds like a lovely arrangement, with babies finding good homes and exciting tobbe getting another addition to your family!

                              Im having a sick day today and so is my boyfriend so the buns are delighted, Peep is full of Spring (even though he’s fixed he still gets spring fever it seems) which on the one hand is adorable because hes honking his love to anyone in the house and binkying around feet, but on the other hand poor Yumi is not about this way of life… She doesnt appreciate the harassment lol

                            • Bam
                              16977 posts Send Private Message

                                Wow, TM! How very lucky for your coworker that they have you as a coworker! I hope mum and kits will be fine!

                                Dface, how very appropraite of Peep to be bursting with luvvv on St Valentine’s Day!

                                Happy St Valentine to all BB members and buns (and other pets, of course)!

                              • Azerane
                                4689 posts Send Private Message

                                  You know how you get a new hobby and go overboard on it straight away? Well 1 week ago I didn’t have a single indoor plant, I now have 9, lol.

                                  I try not to buy things that sit around just to look nice because I feel it can be a bit of a waste of money, but last week we got this indoor pot on a wooden stand in at work and I just had to have it. Then of course I needed a plant to put in it. So then after having to research cat safe indoor plants I saw so many where I went “wow, what’s that?” and now I have 9. The trouble is I bought a variety of different colours of the same plant, only to learn after that they’re notoriously fussy, so here’s hoping I don’t kill them.

                                  I’m trying basil and coriander indoors in a couple of the brighter spots, the basil is above the bunny pen, hopefully they take off as well. I have trouble with them outside running to seed, I think because it’s so warm.

                                  Also I’m excited, only 1 more day of work before I have 3 weeks leave, I’m so excited. We’re not going anywhere but I’m hoping to sort through the house a bit and hey more organised. A trip to IKEA is also in order ?

                                • Dface
                                  1084 posts Send Private Message

                                    Ah Az ive also gotten behind house plants! Mostly herbs for cooking and stuff, but I think they actually really help with boosting mood and oxygen replenishment in the house, so its not a bad obsession!
                                    Also ikea is my happy place.

                                    In other news WE GOT ANOTHER BUNNY TODAY.
                                    Hes a tiny terror from what I can make out.
                                    They didnt know his age, if he has vaccines, etc. He’s also been a monster with them (easy to see why.. Hes not neutered and I saw how they handled him… Neither of my bunnies would allow that!)
                                    Hes also been in the shelter since October, one of their longest residents. He came with the name “Fluffy” which we are obviously changing.. But we havent thought of a new name yet!

                                  • Bam
                                    16977 posts Send Private Message

                                      Dface, just saw him on your insta ???

                                    • Q8bunny
                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oooh… so he wasn’t the pet shop bun??!

                                        Now I’m super confused. This is what happens when we’re only allowed on here once a month (if we’re lucky).

                                        Chewie and I are currently enjoying a week of being home alone. Bam and Jersey and Vienna sent us some sunshine this morning (seriously) and the birds have just started singing. I’m making spagetti for breakfast. Bliss.

                                      • jerseygirl
                                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                                          Posted By Dface on 2/15/2019 3:22 PM

                                          Ah Az ive also gotten behind house plants! Mostly herbs for cooking and stuff, but I think they actually really help with boosting mood and oxygen replenishment in the house, so its not a bad obsession!
                                          Also ikea is my happy place.

                                          In other news WE GOT ANOTHER BUNNY TODAY.
                                          Hes a tiny terror from what I can make out.
                                          They didnt know his age, if he has vaccines, etc. He’s also been a monster with them (easy to see why.. Hes not neutered and I saw how they handled him… Neither of my bunnies would allow that!)
                                          Hes also been in the shelter since October, one of their longest residents. He came with the name “Fluffy” which we are obviously changing.. But we havent thought of a new name yet!

                                          Wheeeee !  Congrats!  I just popped over to spy on your instagram also.  Lovely, young spunk-a-bun.   Your refering to them as floor potatoes made me think of potato-themed names for him lol.  Kumara?  Chip? Pommes? Spud? lol  Or maybe just Rebel. 

                                          Im sure a suitable name will come to mind once you get to know him better. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

                                          @Q8, spagetti for brekky immediately made me think of that Valentines pic in the photo thread.  You and Choo sitting up at the table, slurping up spagetti.

                                        • Tony's Mum
                                          431 posts Send Private Message

                                            Now I’m super confused.

                                            Me too! Either way he’s adorable, I saw your Insta *squee*

                                          • Q8bunny
                                            6345 posts Send Private Message


                                            • Dface
                                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                Now I’m super confused

                                                Sorry! He is from the pet shop, but the shelter operates out of the petshop, but the staff look after the rabbits…and it meant that he was still on baby food(for up to 16 weeks..)
                                                The shelter moved him from petshop to petshop because nobody wanted him.
                                                He’s also very flighty about being touched, as he was handled really poorly from what I saw.
                                                They warned me that he was a biter, and had given staff a lot of bad nips.. But so far we havent experienced that side of him.
                                                Hes aware that there are other rabbits, and is dying to go investigate (they on the other hand, either havent noticed or dont care because hes in the room they dont like anyway)

                                              • Q8bunny
                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Oooh! Ok. ??

                                                • Dface
                                                  1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                    The weather here had started to feel a lot like spring so I spent today doing some gardening…but then want brave enough to see all my best laid plans get foiled by a night of frost.. So my boyfriend arrived home to a kitchen filled with random seedlings potted all over the place, some hanging baskets and window boxes….
                                                    Most are weed species and wild flowers, but I’ve got some veggies and herbs growing which really don’t like the cold.

                                                    Unfortunately new (nameless) bun is living in the kitchen, where I normally do a lot of the tasks that require a rabbit free zine, and he was really miffed that i want letting him have the plants.. (in protest he wrecked the mint plant while I wasn’t looking)

                                                  • Q8bunny
                                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Lil’ rogue… ?

                                                    • Azerane
                                                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Thanks Dface, it is really nice having plants in the house. I’ve always enjoyed gardening but only ever had plants outside, as soon as I had one inside it was like a realisation of why didn’t I do this sooner?!

                                                        Congrats on the new addition by the way, that’s so exciting

                                                        Taking a break from sorting through paperwork. I got stuck at the old vet records from our old family cat, and then Bandit’s vet records, found his microchip info so then I went online and updated his profile to deceased. Super sad, but it allows me to throw away the papers and move on that bunny love is for Apollo and Luna now.

                                                      • Q8bunny
                                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I’m engaged in battle because of my parents’ house plants. lol My dad wouldn’t trim back the two hibiscus trees prior to bringing them in for the winter, and then went ahead against my advice and fertilized them in January. Now they’re both being sucked dry by whitefly and I’m the one tasked with daily efforts to kill off the blasted little vampires. Got yellow sticky traps and yellow drowning pools for the adults, and have been spraying with diluted rubbing alcohol and soap mix. It’s slooow going but bringing in tiny predator wasps is not an option since I’m allergic. lol

                                                        • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                          2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Nice to see everyone in spring mode ^_^
                                                            We’re also having heat records here, with several days between 16-18 C this week. And that for February.. I predict mega moults O_0

                                                            I haven’t had a lot of screentime in the last couple of weeks. We’ve started the rehabilitation programme again with my physio, and when I’m not recovering my soon-to-be-business takes up nearly all of my spare time. It’s really fun though, and there are many people who are interested. It gives me a really positive vibe ^_^ Without advertising I’m already booked until June, with 3 people on the waiting list afterwards. Oh my!

                                                          • Dface
                                                            1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                              That’s great to hear Ellie! Great start to it. Hopefully the new programme is going well too ?

                                                              I forgot how weird unnuetered bunnies are… Spraying love pee is just… Not something im ever going to get used to.
                                                              I wanted to wait longer before getting him done, but honestly he’s getting so worked up all the time, it makes me feel like sooner will be better for him. I also noticed he is drooling a bit, so I’d be hopeful if he needs anything done with his teeth under anesthetic it can be done at the same time.
                                                              Poor little eejit.

                                                            • Q8bunny
                                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                That’s fantastic, Ellie! I hope it harkens a really good year ahead of you – both business and healthwise.

                                                                Dface: Might as well, right? Fingers crossed.

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                                                            Forum THE LOUNGE February chat