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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Bunnies and other pets

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    • Tony's Mum
      431 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone!

        The buns and myself are hopefully moving soon, and When I have more space I’d like to add some more resuces to our family.

        Obviously, the buns’ welfare is my main priority, but I’m wondering would anyone with experience adding dogs and cats to their fur fam be able to offer me any advice? I am considering adding a third bun and then later (post-bonding) a dog or cat, but only if it is safe for the buns. I will be adopting from shelters if I take in any more pets so I might not have huge control over breeds, but I can try my best!

        Please let me know your experiences and any advice you can offer.

      • Asriel and Bombur
        1104 posts Send Private Message

          I think the main thing with bringing rescues is know all the details you can. Ask lots of questions about their temperament and their previous situations. As you probably know, rescues can be quite fearful depending on the situation, and they can act out in that fear. So I think asking insane amounts of questions about those two things are essential.

          After that, just slow introductions, almost like bunny bonding. Just take it slow and watch for any signs of fear or aggression from all parties involved.

        • Tony's Mum
          431 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks A&B. I spoke to the rescue and they said they get a lot of unwanted kittens so I’m leaning towards that, as I feel a baby animal would be the safest option for the buns, especially if I get loads of background information from the shelter and get one with a calm personality. I’d love a dog but I’m just very nervous about them getting hurt. My sister is currently fostering a puppy and they can’t even be on the same floor of the house because she chases and chews everything!

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              My experience with bringing in a kitten is that if you only bring in one, the bunnies will be a major attraction to them. Here’s this other living thing that moves and twitches down on their level. It’s a very enticing play thing. Our setup is such that the rabbits have their cube condo surrounded by a playpen. The condo was off limits from day 1, but we allowed access to the pen knowing we couldn’t prevent it, but there were rules, if Jasiri attempted to play with or swipe at a bunny in play, it was an immediate “no” and removal from the pen. Kittens being kittens she was super determined and wanted so badly to play with them that some times it was a constant struggle. Eventually she got the point and now completely ignores the bunnies if she’s in the pen.

              When we brought home Jasper it was easier, Jasper had another cat to play with so the bunnies weren’t the only form of living entertainment. She’s still learning that’s she’s not allowed to play with the bunnies but she spends hardly any time trying to because she can chase and wrestle with Jasiri.

              The other thing to be aware of is that sometimes situations can be reversed and a rabbit may chase a cat constantly. Luna has lunged at and chased both cats on occasion, but not to any extreme, and only if the cats get to close when she is uncomfortable. I think a little bit of that is good because it shows the cat that the bunnies aren’t just a play thing, they’re something to be respected, but you also don’t want a kitten being kicked or bitten by a rabbit just as much as you don’t want the kitten clawing or biting at a rabbit, even in play.

              So yes it can be done, of course much caution is required and constant supervision between the two for some months. I’m not sure how it would go with free range buns, but it also depends on the personally of the cat too, kittens will always be kittens but some are more fierce than others.

              A dog could also work well, yes they’re a handful but they respond so well to consistent positive training that you really can train them to do almost anything, cats can be well trained but it is harder because there not as responsive/ eager to please.

            • Tony's Mum
              431 posts Send Private Message

                My experience with bringing in a kitten is that if you only bring in one, the bunnies will be a major attraction to them.

                That’s interesting to note, especially because I recently found two kitten siblings in a rescue that they want to rehome together and I was thinking it would be too much hassle to get two but maybe that’s the way to go.

                My idea with the buns is that they will be free roam when I’m there, and confined to their own room during the day, so they wouldn’t be unsupervised, but I still want it to go smoothly

              • DarthVadar
                198 posts Send Private Message

                  My dog was pretty interested when I first got my buns, but he has never tried to hurt them. This is probably the exception, though, because my dog is the calmest, sweetest dog I know. He helped us catch one of our buns once. She jumped out of my arms while I was carrying her to the playpen, and my dog just stood by her until we could pick her up. Now, I can bring the bunnies inside to play and not worry about him doing anything at all (still supervised). He and Panda get along really well; after Cocoa died, she and my dog would lay down right next to each other, and Panda would follow him around and try to groom him. It was adorable. Maisy hates the dog; when I got her, I introduced them, and she scratched him right in the face. Needless to say, he has not bothered her at all. Ok, enough of my dog rant.
                  As much as I trust my dog, I would not advise ever leaving rabbits and other animals unsupervised. The predatory/prey instincts still exist; if the bunny runs, a dog or cat will chase it. Especially beagles. Beagles are bred hunting dogs, so be very careful if you get anything with beagle in it.

                • Asriel and Bombur
                  1104 posts Send Private Message

                    We actually just moved apartments this weekend to one that has 3 cats and 4 guinea pigs. One of the cats, Mia, happened to get into our new room while we were setting up the new bunny condo. Mia went up to Bombur (we watched extremely carefully! Mia has Downs Syndrome, and so is rather gentle for a cat) and Bombur was not having it. Needless to say he had a spaz attack and ran all over the room and finally just sat and thumped. She didn’t do anything hostile at all, literally just walked up to him while sniffing and he was frozen in place with his eyes so wide. Now any time one of the cats is even in view of the room he goes into panic mode. Such a silly bunny.

                  • plantiebee
                    3 posts Send Private Message

                      I don’t think 2 kittens rather than 1 would actually be more of a hassle. I did that years ago (got 2) and it is almost easier as they are happier having a constant companion and they had someone to play with rather than (as mentioned) going after rabbits potentially or scratching stuff up.
                      We are looking to add a cat to the family in the spring but I am hoping that since we have a dog, the cat will focus mostly on him! But it’ll be alot of supervision for sure.
                      As for a dog well, I have a leonberger so he is no “hunting dog”. He does think of the rabbits as constantly moving, exciting toys so have to make sure he is on his best behavior when he is around them. So far head licking has been the worst to happen to the bunnies 😛
                      I wish you luck with your new home and rescue pets!

                    • LittlePuffyTail
                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                        Over the years, I’ve had different combinations of cats and bunnies. At one time I had 5 cats and 2 buns. Now I just have 1 cat and 1 bun. You’d think, that as a predator, the cat would be the one you need to keep more of an eye on. But from my experience, the cats are the ones who always get bullied. I had an especially cat-hating little guy named “Stormy”. He was like 3 lbs and whenever he was out he would chase the cats away from his territory. They were scared of him. He would also try to bite their tails if he snuck up on them while sleeping!! My current bun pretty much ignores my cat but she gives him the odd growl and chases him away every now and then.

                        Not to say this is true of all cats, of course, and I would be more wary with a kitten or former outside cat with a high prey drive.

                      • Dface
                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                          I have had two dogs with my rabbits. Yumi is vicious towards them, but also terrified, so we limit contact. Sampras had an awfup habit of jumping on her while she was asleep, but she was pretty chill and desperately just wanted to be friends. My other dog though cant be allowed near then at all. Raised identically to the first dog, but hes just not safe with rabbits, especially when one of them is willing to start a fight with him.
                          To be honest I think it really depends on the animals as to who will get along

                        • Tony's Mum
                          431 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks guys. I think my best bet is really to have a frank discussion with the shelters and see what they say as they’ll know personalities best. I’m defintely considering the possibility of adopting a pair of animals rather than an individual seeing as it seems to be a more sensible route! I had always just assumed it would be harder but I like the idea of them keeping themselves entertained so the buns are less of a novelty. I probably won’t be in a position to add to the family until the summer, so I have a little time to figure things out.

                            Regardless, no non-bun animal will be allowed unsupervised around my furbabies. Their welfare is my top priority. The new house has a dedicated bunny room, so they will be locked up safe when I’m not there, no matter how friendly they are with new pets. My family have always had dogs and I have seen sick but otherwise loveable dogs lash out suddenly. We actually had two of our pet young dogs rehomed (whioch broke my heart) when my teenage sister got unexpectedly pregnant with twins, because the risk of large dogs around the small babies was just too great, no matter how much we loved and trusted them, so I’m very careful of making sure everyone is safe and happy.

                            I have also contacted the Irish Kennel Club and gotten a list of reputable breeders of golden retrievers, and puppy training schools, so that if I decide that a shelter dog is an unsafe option, I have some good ideas on where I could get a puppy. I would obviously rather adopt, but Ireland is fairly small and although we have a lot of abandoned dogs they tend to be terriers/dangerous breeds. I’ve adopted some of these before (my old GSD May and my Rottie Lola were such sweethearts) but any research I’ve done suggets that they likely wouldn’t be a good fit. If adopting is not possible, I want to at least make sure I am getting from a reputable licened breeder where I can meet mum and dad, and that I’m not supporting a puppy farm or buying a stolen pet

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE Bunnies and other pets