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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › December pics
A very laid back whitish rabbit plus attendant husbun
Another laid back whitish rabbit plus attendant gf
And a very laid back blackish rabbit plus half eaten kale breakfast
Love is in the air… ?
December, the perfect month to cuddle up ^_^ They’re gorgeous!
White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit! ???
Feeling grateul Ailís is doing better. We took trip to out-of-hours vet last Sunday due to her not eating.
I think she will be grateful we’ve finished up her meds now!
Beautiful White and White-ish bunnies. Here’s another with her bwankie….
((Ailís)) healing vibes from everybunny here x
@ Elara
Somebunny has finally overcome her fear of the camera
She should be a Pixar character, she’s that gorgeous
Its my all time favourite pic of her
It really shows her off to perfection
Figured it’s time to officially introduce the new bun! Her name is Stormi and her favorite game I’ve discovered is throwing all the hay out of her litterbox, strand by strand. She’s been zooming around quite a bit, no binkies yet, but lots of flops. She even lets me pet her sometimes which is oh so generous.
She’s so fluffy!!!
Beautiful, GJ!!!!!
Stormi is beautiful!!! My first bunny was named Stormy.
Elara must have really been feeling lovey. Usually she ignores Kyle or chases him while growling.
Christmas Loaves!!!
Which then turned into this….
Lovely sleeping babes they look so cute side by side like that!
Posted By Gina.Jenny on 12/03/2018 3:44 AM
Somebunny has finally overcome her fear of the camera
Anything Snix can do, I can do better…
No bunny here but us cushions, honest mum!
Cushion away!!!
Beautiful tree, LPT.
Oh, GJ, your fluffle makes my heart glad. ?
Posted By Q8bunny on 12/06/2018 8:07 AM
Oh, GJ, your fluffle makes my heart glad. ?
Just in case anyone realised Mini wasn’t in yesterdays pics, here he and Snix are, dozing the day away.
Snix is deffo over her fear of the camera!
Ya put ya right paw in, ya right paw out, ya do the hokey cokey and ya turn about…
My badass bunny trying out a new look this morning.
Those last 2 pics really made me lol….
I’m Elara Moon and my Mom says I’m the prettiest girl in the whole wide world.
Gina.Jenny that pic is too funny!!
Here’s a spoiled bun enjoying an early Christmas present
Pfff… no such thing as a spoiled bun. All accolades and gifts are only their just due, don’t you guys know?
This thread is killing me with cuteness and unlimited joy. Keep it coming, folks! So much floof.
All I want for Christmas is my two front feets.
hi everyone! I hope you’re having a lovely december so far, luckily we don’t have any snow here at the moment (which is very unusual) but I wanted to share a photo of Leo I took recently since his gotcha day is coming up soon!
honorary bunny , Marlow
Awww….Leo is super adorable!!!
And that little lizard!! Hehehe. so cute!
Santa came early for our buns…
Did somebun say breakfast? Chinning can wait!
ahhh Gina.Jenny those photos are so adorable!!! is it just me or do your buns just look so good together? i love how their coloring just sort of blends with the others. i will never get tired of photos from you!
LPT: leo says thank you!!
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 12/11/2018 5:41 PM
All I want for Christmas is my two front feets.
HoverBun is Hovering.
HoverBun is Hovering
Bladesmith- Cute!!! Now that’s an odd couple!!!
GinaJenny- Just love how everyone is chinning it!
Elara is wondering why no one is petting her.
That’s a lot of chinning for one Safari page
Hehe, Bas saw these chinning pics and he loved them too. So typically bunny ^_^
@Bladesmith: awww, always love cuddle pics, and black cats are my favourite!
@LPT: That’s a seductive “pet me!” look if ever I saw one
Breintje is very happy with his early Christmas present: a thick fluffy blanket with more than enough room for two. Appearantly it’s also great for warm cuddly naps, and he loves the texture. We often watch him groom it, and he practically lives on the couch nowadays ^_^
Happy holidays everyone!
oh my goodness… he’s so tiny and precious! ???
Awww….Merry Christmas Breintje
Awww….Merry Christmas Breintje
Who wants their very own Naughty Nibbler for Christmas?
Ok, Here’s the Naghty or Nice Pic for y’all…..
Gotta tell ya, it was a pretty tight half of year for me and as a yearly routine I typically roll my change from the year and bring it to the bank and either apply it to a much needed bill to be paid or put it in the bank account. Well, this time, this money was on the table getting ready to be run to the bank for the rent while I rolled the change to help out the rent payment…. I was running room to room that morning trying to move as fast as I cld because I had so many things to get done that morning… and boy you want to hear me screech “Bunny!!!” When I look down on the floor and see a very well eaten into $50 spot??????????? Then I just look down at her looking up at me with those big pink eyes saying “Yes, Mom? Can you pet my head now please?” And I just was speechless. I must’ve been moving so fast that it shifted the bill off the table and it simply wasn’t her fault she got to it! But I had only a prayer that the bank would still take it. I looked at it and said the serial number was still there most corners still there…. etc… then the lady at the counter said “ I don’t know, it needs to be 75% of the bill intact, we will see if the machine accepts it.” And I began to panic but thank heavens it did because I certainly wasn’t getting the rest of that bill back, not in any form that the bank would want, at least! But, Geez! I know it was the first time they heard, My Rabbit ate it!!!! What’s worse, in the back of my head, I’m worrying abt how filthy money is and how sensitive buns tummies can be…. so thankfully all ended up ok. This bunny once again proves she has very expensive taste indeed!
Bunny’s gonna chew what Bunny gonna chew!
Holy guacamole! What a story! ? Really glad all’s well that ends well. May it be a sign of a good new year.
Wow!!! I know bunnies eat money but that’s crazy……. Glad it went through anyways!
Up until about a week ago December had been pretty mild for us weather wise. All of sudden we had one hot day seemingly out of nowhere. In the morning Luna looked normal, by the time I got home from work (even though the air conditioner was on) she looked like an echidna It really was almost like she had exploded, haha.
Oh my….lol
Whoa! I want to reach through my iPad screen and pull some of those loose floofs.
btw, Az, did I ever tell you how much I love Luna’s colour? Glorious little peach…
Wow!!! Now that’s molten moult!!! ???
Gosh my son would wack me over the head for the certified pun but she blew out her coat like that!?!?! I’ve always wondered what it would be like if Bun would be one of those bunnies who just dropped her coat in chunks and got it over and done with in a few weeks instead of the slow and steady windfall of rabbit fur wafting thru the air, in/on everything, even my morning coffee… you name it… I hope she, you and all your fur babies are more comfortable after and the heat is manageable for you all! I could try and send you some of our winter…. but it keeps coming and going…
She is lovely, like a ginger/brown agouti or something.
Haha, she still sheds for a long time, but as soon as we have any really hot days it’s like anything that is even remotely loose is just ready to drop at the slightest touch.
Anyone else ever panic twice on the same day because your bunnies decided to sleep in alarming ways ?? Please ignore Delilah’s missing hair as this was just hair trying to grow back after her spay.
@doodles – those photos are so adorable!! i couldn’t help but smile!!
I happened to catch leo sleeping (without him waking up as I was looking) and he is just such a cute little boy I had to share with you all! also a happy early new year to all of you! I hope 2019 brings wonderful things for each of you and your rabbit(s)!!
Awwww @ those flopped bunnies!!!!!! So adorable!
Leo is absolutely adorable and looks very content. I can’t get enough of sleeping bunny pics and especially love when their legs are tucked up like that. Of course I am also now partial to black bunnies . Those grey feet are one of the cutest bunny color combos.
Happy New Year to you too!
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › December pics