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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE December Chat

Viewing 52 reply threads
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    • BunnyLass568
      446 posts Send Private Message
        White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit— Thumper, under Blossom’s tail

        Was this thread made already? Anyway happy December everyone! Yesterday when I went to bed Blossom was sitting up but had her eyes closed and I get the feeling that the silly bun went to sleep like that! XD In another note December 31st is Demon’s gotcha day and in one final news I dyed my hair orange on purpose.

        LET IT SNOW~ 

        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

      • Q8bunny
        6345 posts Send Private Message

          Chewie’s belly, darling Podge, regal Olaf.

          Happy December, bunny peeps! xo

        • Bam
          16977 posts Send Private Message

            White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit! Buttercup, Apollo, Ailis,

            Happy December everybody!

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

              December is a busy month – my partner’s birthday in a few days, his sister’s birthday just before Xmas, my Mum’s birthday 2 days after Xmas and then my niece’s birthday Dec 31st.

              I’ve just ordered 2 birthday cards for Adrian (my partner) from MoonPig. One from me and one from the bunnies ?

            • joea64
              1423 posts Send Private Message

                White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit – Fernando, Buttercup, Thumper!

                Time to start Christmas shopping. What should I get for the buns this year, I wonder…?

              • LBJ10
                17058 posts Send Private Message

                  Leopold’s tummy, Wooly’s blaze!

                  Ugh… I am not in the Christmas mood this year. I hate winter.

                • caillou
                  112 posts Send Private Message

                    First day of a new month… and it’s like my new bun (who I got on Wednesday) is a new bun! She’s been pretty scared of me, doesn’t do much when I’m around but today she’s running around in my presence and even let me pet her, which I’m pretty excited about. She’s also been making a buzzing sound which I haven’t decided if its hormonal or happiness…

                  • Q8bunny
                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                      She probably decided you’re safe, since she lived to see another day

                      My chrimbo prezzies are waiting to be wrapped and my cards are mailed (although with our national postal system on strike for weeks now, who knows if they’ll survive their respective trips??)

                    • Ellie from The Netherlands
                      2512 posts Send Private Message

                        Happy human-bunny bonding Caillou!

                        Breintje greeted me with a binky yesterday ^_^ I walked into the living room and he ran towards me, did a high-speed binky and put his chin on the floor. I’ve never felt more appreciated ^_^

                        @Q8: That’s such a great feeling to have everything prepared for the holidays! Takes so much stress out of it.
                        Our Sinterklaas preparations have to be done last minute, because everybody was late with their wishlists. Bas and I drew the lot of one of his nieces and her BF, and we don’t know them that well at all. Yikes! We still have no idea what their “surprise” is going to look like, and I have no material for their poem yet. Time to ask family members for some fresh dirt

                        For the people who have no idea what this is about: for Sinterklaas (5/6th of December) people draw lots and make a wishlist. You make a poem and a surprise for the person whose lot you drew. A surprise has gifts hidden inside of it, and has a personal theme (your hobbies, favourite sport, some silly stuff that happened to you this year). One year I had mice and I fled to my BF’s place until they were removed. For Sinterklaas I got a huge cardboard mouse which I had to decapitate to get to my presents. Therapeutic ^_^

                      • Q8bunny
                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                          I told you before, Ellie, how much I love Sinterklaas, right?

                        • Sofia
                          348 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m pretty sure I’m the only person that doesn’t enjoy December. I think the message of “spend your money to show your loved ones you ACTUALLY care” is shoved down our throats. I’m normally given out to for being so negative lol. Just hoping for some snow! (Unlikely in Ireland )

                          • Gina.Jenny
                            2244 posts Send Private Message

                              Nope, you’re not! I don’t like December either, and yes, I agree some snow would improve it, but we’re unlikely to get any either

                            • Ellie from The Netherlands
                              2512 posts Send Private Message

                                @Boo and GJ: yes, people turning it into spending show-off stinks. That takes the whole spirit out of it I have a very small budget and all the affordable items on Bas’ wishlist were claimed by his family, so I’ll have to get creative to get him something nice.

                              • Asriel and Bombur
                                1104 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’m with you guys. I am not a December fan. Like Sarah’s mom, I’m 2 days after Christmas. Everyone tells me how wonderful it must be… it’s not. No, you don’t get extra presents, you get less sometimes none on either day. No restaurants are open, so any hope of something other than Chinese food is a bust. At almost 27, I’m used to it by now. I’d much rather stay at home with the John and the boys and play some Zelda or Smash bros or watch a good Star Trek.

                                  Living in New England, like most of us, I am not a fan of the snow and the cold. I’d prefer to be in South Carolina where it never gets colder than 50 and I never have to experience the ungodly amounts of ice, slush, mud, and snow.

                                  This all being said, John loves Christmas with all his heart and he loves my birthday. So I put on a smile and tell him how much I also love this time of year. He needs some happiness with his Tourettes, so I really try not to ruin the season for him.

                                  All I want for Christmas this year are some powerlifting shoes so I can really focus on improving my squats to get a better Wilks score. Odds of qualifying for nationals are slim because there’s so many athletes in my weight class, but we can try xD

                                • LBJ10
                                  17058 posts Send Private Message

                                    What’s wrong with you guys? I hate December BECAUSE of the snow. I hate winter period. I get so depressed this time of year, it’s awful. And winter came way early this year. We had snow in October and then more in November. More just this last weekend and I’m already wanting to cry. I’m over winter. Just over it. I want it to be spring. I can only hope that spring will come when it’s supposed to. Last year, it was the spring that would never come. It snowed 3 weekends in a row in April!

                                    As for Christmas, I like Christmas itself. But it has sort of been ruined for me as an adult. I love the buy things for people and I put a lot of thought into gifts. But no one in my family or my husband’s family is interested in exchanging gifts. :\

                                  • Q8bunny
                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                      Bah humbug!

                                      I don’t mind snow as long as it doesn’t come with arctic temps. And I LOVE Sinterklaas and solstice night. I love the lights and the colours. And I make presents or just give a card or a bespoke poem or a print of one of my photos. And the food! Did I mention the food? Romanian Christmas food is INSANE!

                                      I think that if more people clamoured for it, we could take Christmas back from the marketers.

                                    • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                      2512 posts Send Private Message

                                        After 1.5 years…two friends of mine fi-nal-ly got together! Oh man, I had to keep a straight face and pretend I knew nothing every time one of them came to visit me. She’d talk about him while 2 days before he had been here talking about her. Me to myself: “Shuddup, shuddup, don’t interfere! Especially not if someone is already taken.” When he was planning to break up with his GF my first thought was: so, how long is it going to take until… But when he became single she had just started dating someone, so the timing was off the whole time.

                                        She had to laugh when I said “finally I don’t have to keep a straight face” and when I mentioned how endearing the whole process was. It was just a case of unfortunate timing, but they have been a likely match for a long time. Nice to see that they got together. Finally… ^_^

                                      • Asriel and Bombur
                                        1104 posts Send Private Message

                                          hahaha I love stories like this. It’s like some movie love stories where people are like “that doesn’t happen in real life”.

                                        • Q8bunny
                                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                                            It really does sound like a movie script

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                                              Ugh. Well, we are having 2nd day of 38C (100F) temps so anyone pining for the warmer weather can have it!

                                              I hate it. That said, I don’t really know what living in temps that bring snow is like.

                                              I generally have liked the feel of Christmas in the past. I absolutely do not like the commercialism, however. My family (siblings) keep things very reasonable as we only buy a gift for one person (like, secret santa) around value of $50. It would just be too much to buy for everyone. They’re already getting gifts for their own families. I think we will eventually do away with the secret santa thing or just doing it for the kids. We enjoy getting together for a meal more.

                                              This year will be bittersweet, our 1st without Mum. We are very much needing to be together though.
                                              The cake and pudding are still not made (should really have been done in Nov). I put them together the past 2 years, with help of nieces and nephew and Mum overseeing things. All the little tips and alterations she made have comepletely gone out of my head.

                                              &B, my best friend and also my niece both were Christmas Day babies. My friend agrees, its not wonderful. My niece will be turning 4 but my sister tries to separate out her birthday so she has her own special day. She’s still young, so it works.

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                Posted By Q8bunny on 12/04/2018 7:58 AM

                                                Bah humbug!

                                                I don’t mind snow as long as it doesn’t come with arctic temps. And I LOVE Sinterklaas and solstice night. I love the lights and the colours. And I make presents or just give a card or a bespoke poem or a print of one of my photos. And the food! Did I mention the food? Romanian Christmas food is INSANE!

                                                I think that if more people clamoured for it, we could take Christmas back from the marketers.

                                                Hear, Hear !

                                              • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                  @A&B & Q8: indeed, it sounds a lot like “Love, actually”! Also: they managed to pick Sinterklaas Parcels Eve so it’s raining jokes about gifts and surprises They’ll never live that one down. Their story could have been one of the plots in “Love is all”, the Sinterklaas rom-com flick. It felt a lot like being the narrator ^_^

                                                  @JG: I totally agree, small presents are fun but it’s more important to have quality time in good company. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas. Thank her for raising your family, and I hope that her favourite traditions will be remembered.

                                                • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                  2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                    It happened again today: Breintje wants brushies too when I’m brushing my hair. Normally I brush my hair in the bathroom, but it’s freezing in there.

                                                    As soon as I started to brush my hair Breintje hopped close to me, sniffed my hand and the brush and presented his head. It’s so cute when rabbits want to mix scents (as long as they don’t pee!). I often find him licking things which carries our scents, like my wireless headphones and the pillows on the couch. We’re honorary rabbits and proud ^_^

                                                  • Q8bunny
                                                    6345 posts Send Private Message


                                                    • Asriel and Bombur
                                                      1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                        It’s always the tough to crack ones that are the softest underneath

                                                      • Azerane
                                                        4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                          We’ve been a bit slack on the Christmas festivities this year. I love Christmas but we haven’t even got the tree up yet. No decorations, no Christmas activities etc. I really wanted to go to a Christmas market but have been busy and tired etc. I did take a brief walk by myself the other evening to check out some nearby Christmas lights, but we need another warm night before hubby and I go out for a walk to enjoy the local lights.

                                                          I am pleased to at least be catching up with my sister and her family at Christmas this year. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them.

                                                        • Muj Mom N Bun
                                                          352 posts Send Private Message

                                                            White Rabbit… white Rabbit… white Rabbit… late rabbit… late rabbit… late rabbit… it’s almost the end of the month!!!

                                                            I began saying I would hop in on time and as you see it did not happen! One thing after another… I sure hope everyone is having a wonderful December… I hope to be able to catch up reading some of the forum so I don’t appear too clueless… soon… but… I shall be back with a Naughty or Nice Pic for you all to decide…

                                                          • Muj Mom N Bun
                                                            352 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Wow… I must also admit that I also am not a fan of the over hyped market pushing “super perfect” holiday perfection you must shop your wallet off for your perfect family to love you for the perfect holiday spirit success…. no…. December is a royal depressing drag. I am also a December birthday and have been without my parents and that perfect family dynamic for almost my entire life… watching it only get pushed harder and harder down the throats of people… it’s so over hyped… market pushing… for Decades I actually mourned my bday… my therapist told me that I really needed to reshape it for my son, I raise him alone now, another axe in the not perfect family picture for any holiday season… I will take it! Thanks! Over a bad marriage any day! But… I went into the mall the other week and the stores were crazy!!! I mean, yeah, it’s sort of a good thing, bcz our economy needs all the brick and mortar sales in the last quarter it can get… but wait until you see all of the returns for weeks after the holiday!

                                                              As far as my bday goes… it’s tomorrow… I don’t know if I will bake myself a cake… I usually do… and some Baklava… I don’t usually tell many people, and I usually let whoever remembers remember and whoever forgets forget… and I just be thankful for one more day. I look at it as the longest night of the year. It’s the winter equinox… which means after my birthday, we can begin to look forward to longer daylight coming minute by minute day by day. I have serious depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real problem for me… it is really very helpful for me to look at the fact more daylight hours are coming… so on my bday, I look every year at the calculated sunset 15 days ahead and then another 15 days ahead… that really helps me get thru… that’s my bday present to me

                                                            • Q8bunny
                                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I cleared a coffee table and got a baby blue spruce. I just couldn’t do without a tree. He’s sporting one tiny garland and Chewie’s bauble from Kurotta’s mom. And I love it.

                                                              • Azerane
                                                                4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  We’ve only just put up our tree this morning, will be decorating it when hubby gets home from work. I also finally put some lights up on my collectible display cabinet, which also makes things kind of festive All of my shopping is done and presents are wrapped too.

                                                                  I’m baking today too, I haven’t baked in a long time, but my team missed out on the Christmas lunch at work due to our hours so I’m doing a few of my family’s traditional Christmas foods to bring to work on Monday. It also means that I’m making a gluten free version as well because the lady I work with has a slight intolerance and we have another team member who has coeliac disease so I have to be pretty careful if I label something as gluten free. It’s amazing when you start looking how many things actually have gluten in them. I have to make the gluten free version first so I don’t contaminate a spoon or bowl etc. Such a pain but boy is the cake in the oven starting to smell delicious

                                                                • BunnyLass568
                                                                  446 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Ayyyyeeee guess who’s sick in time for Christmas? This girl! I haven’t posted in here since the first so it was about time XD

                                                                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

                                                                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Ah crud, what a bad timing BunnyLass Get well soon!

                                                                      More news from the sick bay: my rheumatism is acting up due to bad weather (cold&constant rain). When I woke up this morning I couldn’t use my left arm. Luckily Bas was there and managed to do some basic massage on my shoulder, so it’s getting a bit better. I may be offline for a couple of days until I’ve had physio.

                                                                    • Q8bunny
                                                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        oh poo… I hope you guys feel better soon

                                                                        Ellie, the weather seems to be wet and dreary everywhere ?

                                                                      • BunnyLass568
                                                                        446 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          To Ellie and Q8, thanks you guys. That means a lot, no seriously it does.

                                                                          Anyway, Hoppy Holidays to everyone!

                                                                          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

                                                                        • Tony's Mum
                                                                          431 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Well it’s rainy and cold and crap but I’M FINALLY ON MY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS so I am in a good mood. I got the buns some special hay and this morning I found Mellie sprawled out napping in it, so it’s safe to say it’s a hit ?

                                                                          • Q8bunny
                                                                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              ? Sounds like it…

                                                                            • Bladesmith
                                                                              849 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                I haven’t been posting much of late, because well, without Clover it’s hard.  And lately all I seem able to see is sad stories. 

                                                                                That said, I love this place and all in it.   You folks (And the hoomans you’ve enslaved), are my daily inspiration.  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and the new year is brighter than the last one.

                                                                                Bless you all, and consider all your noses booped.

                                                                              • Dface
                                                                                1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Happy Christmas everybun!

                                                                                  In typical fashion I’m sick for the day! I flew home yesterday (to spend it with buns and family)
                                                                                  and I think I got some contaminated airport food (Ive been vegan a few years so pretty easy to happen) oh the joys!

                                                                                  Advantage is that I got a heated throw blanket for Christmas, so the bunnies are snuggling in with me ?

                                                                                • Q8bunny
                                                                                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    Aww… Happy Christmas bun and all. ? Bladesmith, hugs dude. Dface, get better soon (being vegan or even veg is so hard in transit… )

                                                                                  • Asriel and Bombur
                                                                                    1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Merry Christmas every one and buns!

                                                                                      Bladesmith: You get a big bear hug (I know that grumpy exterior is grumbling, but that soft interior is smiling!)
                                                                                      Dface: I used to be vegan for quite a while and traveling was a nightmare! I used to just get lots of snacks and eat them on the plane or I’d stay safe with a bagel. I have some medical issues and now have a special diet, which conveniently also makes eating out easier than ever xD

                                                                                      Spent the weekend with the mother in-law and John’s sister, which was surprisingly pleasant for a change. Christmas day John and I just hung out with the boys in our pajamas all day playing board games and video games, which I absolutely loved. We rarely get much time like that to really just be together doing something we love and just having down time, so it was more than welcomed. Tomorrow I turn 27, and it’ll be much of the same thing as Christmas. Weird to say, but I’m actually really looking forward to my 30s!

                                                                                    • Dface
                                                                                      1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Happy birthday A&B!
                                                                                        That sounds like an idyllic weekend tbf, board games bunnies and pyjamas – life goals.
                                                                                        Thanks Q8, unfortunately I have a cold now… Grrr

                                                                                        We’ve finally set a move date with the rabbits (Saturday)
                                                                                        Went and got them checked in the vets and got critical care and some calming tablets that we are gonna try get into them.

                                                                                        Its an 8 hour trip (3 hour ferry crossing) and a 4am start, so its a pretty big ask for 2 little floor potatoes, so we will need a lot of good vibes for it!

                                                                                        Ive researched vets in the areas too incase we need emergency care, but hopefully it doesnt come to that!

                                                                                      • Azerane
                                                                                        4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Dface it sounds like you’re well prepared, I hope that the move goes well

                                                                                          Heading up to my sister’s tomorrow for more family Christmas catch ups, will see her family and my Nanna as well as my brother and his family who we saw Christmas Day, it’s going to be nice, but it will be an extremely long day, 2 and 1/2 hours of driving each way, plus tiring Christmas food and family catch ups

                                                                                          I was hoping to sneak a nap in today, but I’m not sure I’m going to get the time which is a shame.

                                                                                        • Q8bunny
                                                                                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            Happy belated birthday, A&B! Your xmas day sounds idyllic to me ☺️ Hope your bday was the same.

                                                                                            Dface, best of luck with the move and I hope the floofs just loaf through the whole process

                                                                                          • Asriel and Bombur
                                                                                            1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Dface: floor potatoes xD accurate description. Good luck with the big move and let us know how it goes! Fingers and paws crossed no stasis incidents in transit!

                                                                                              Az: as exhausting as the day will be you’ll enjoy that extra Christmas spirit! I think Christmas really is more of a week long affair until New Years. Enjoy the time while it lasts xD but I’m so with you on the naps!

                                                                                              Thanks for the birthday wishes!! The day was filled with Mario Party 3, Knights of the Old Republic, Bird Box, Super Mario 3, and lots of keto goodies (I’m looking at you cookie dough ice cream pint). Tonight John and his friend are taking me to Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate. My friends are all scattered through the ends of the country, so I rarely get to see them, but his friend Joe is a blast, so it’ll be fun.

                                                                                            • Dface
                                                                                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                A&B- I watched bird box the other day, thought it was a really cool film!

                                                                                                Thanks for the good thoughts guys! We arrived today after a grand total of 12 hours..! They were little super stars, especially Peep who really took it in his stride.
                                                                                                I get terribly sea sick, so I spent the ferry crossing lying beside their carrier with the door open.. I think it was more helpful for me than for them!

                                                                                                Yumi gave me a bit of a scare, when her temperature started to drop and she started showing symptoms of shock – but we caught it early enough that a few miles cuddled up in my jumper had her back to her normal level of car stress.
                                                                                                She also ‘cries’ during stressful situations (her eyes weep excessively), it makes doing these things to her all the more terrible!

                                                                                                But we arrived and everyone is eating and drinking, and pooping (pooping everywhere bar the litter tray it seems!)
                                                                                                The relief is monumental!

                                                                                                …I guilt bought them a cat tower…

                                                                                              • jerseygirl
                                                                                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Relieved to hear it Dface! I had intentions to pop my head in and wish you luck beforehand but I was too late. Really good you were able to turn things around for Yumi so quickly. Hearing her cry would freak me out!
                                                                                                  I hope they settle into there new home smoothly.

                                                                                                  Happy belated Birthday wishes, A&B! It sounds like it was celebrated just the way you like it.

                                                                                                • Azerane
                                                                                                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Dface I’m very glad that you all made it safe and sound, and I do hope that you are feeling better now and that they like their cat tower

                                                                                                    Visited my sister and her family yesterday, got to spend time with them and my Nanna, it was really lovely and especially exhausting. Jasper ate a mountain of food today to make up for a few missed meals yesterday lol.

                                                                                                    Apollo stepped in a cecal today and I only found it after it dried, so he required some extra attention and a foot sponge bath, lol. He handled it pretty well but overall wasn’t impressed.

                                                                                                    For those who are familiar with the kitten Jasper saga and her being the wrong gender etc, she’s scheduled to be booked in for her spay this month and I just got a message from the breeder saying that if we book into their vet that they can pay for her spay, which is really nice. It’s technically the right thing for them to be doing, but I wasn’t expecting it or going to ask them to do it so I thought it was generous that she offered out of the blue. I’m terrified for her to go under but I know it will be fine.

                                                                                                  • Dface
                                                                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Az – sometimes I think it would be nice to be an ignorant owner of pets, so you dont have to have all the worries associated with knowing all of the unlikely but still possible things that could go wrong.
                                                                                                      Ignorance really is bliss!
                                                                                                      Its nice that they offered, I think I missed the story of how you ended up with a misgendered cat though??

                                                                                                      Yuck. Ceacals are definitely the down side of owning rabbits. Peep has managed to get some of his on his little moustache.. That was an awful day ?

                                                                                                      I took the rabbits screen away from their cage today, and now that she has had her naps, and regained her confidence, Yumi is determined to get out into the room and claim it for herself (by peeing on my couch presumably)
                                                                                                      Peep has not noticed, bless him.

                                                                                                      My boyfriend is flying in tomorrow so we’ll get to spend new years in our very bare looking house (it came unfurnished) but Im still excited to be welcoming in the new year as our own little family ?

                                                                                                    • Q8bunny
                                                                                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        Chewie is verry annoyed with me because we’re experimenting with new litterbox setups. I’ve been getting a lot of footflicks. lol

                                                                                                        Happy Binky New Year to everybun! We’re wishing for a home of our own and continued good health.

                                                                                                      • Asriel and Bombur
                                                                                                        1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Happy Binky New Year!!!

                                                                                                          Q8: what set ups are you doing the his highness is not fond of?

                                                                                                          John and I are moving in a month, so we’ve been brainstorming options for so many things for the boys. We’re moving in with friends who have 5 cats and 6 guinea pigs. They say the cats don’t bother the pigs, and would be fine with the buns in the animal room, but I’m skeptical. One of the cats is a terror. Our room is a little smaller in the new place, so we’re downgrading our bed size so the boys can have more space. We loved the pen Antar has in their thread. So we’re thinking of getting one for each of the boys, especially cause it’ll help Bombur with his EC issues. We’re also planning to get Az a cat tower because that bunny just loves to fly, and I want to give him everything he desires.

                                                                                                        • Azerane
                                                                                                          4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Dface I know what you mean, it must be so easy to be an irresponsible pet owner the short version of the misgendered kitten saga is that when I went to pick him up from the breeder, the breeder looked too quickly when checking the gender of the kitten she put in the carrier and thought she was our neutered boy, when in fact she was the girl intended for another breeder (so didn’t have shaved belly or spray scar). I found out almost 2 weeks later at the vet and it was a bit of a drama with the breeder wanting to swap them over but we ended up keeping the girl so now she still has to be spayed. Within the next week or two hopefully.

                                                                                                          • Dface
                                                                                                            1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              Oh wow! The fact the breeder didn’t notice after two weeks is alarming! Fingers crossed the rest of your time with the kitten is smooth sailing!

                                                                                                            • Asriel and Bombur
                                                                                                              1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                hahahaha Az, that’s how it was when we got Bombur! We were originally supposed to have Asriel and his sister, who was a broken black tort. When we got to the breeder Az was roaming around with this orange bunny and we were like oh her color is a little different than the photos online. The breeder then informed us that his sister had been missexed and she was actually a he, and we got quite a view of his naughty bits. Even when we drove our 2 hour drive home we just felt like it wasn’t our bunny. But Bombur being Bombur, the first night home he hopped on the couch with us and crawled all over John and took a nap with me. I emailed the breeder the next day just quickly updating her that they were doing great and settling in nicely. 2 hours later I get an email saying she gave us the wrong bunny, and that Bombur was from her other litter and was supposed to go to someone else who had reserved him. She offered to meet us halfway and exchange bunnies. I didn’t want to sound whiny, but believe me I cried so hard and snuggled Bombur so tight when I got that news, so John emailed the breeder and said we were already pretty attached to him and how much we loved him. I felt so bad because she had a lot going on personally, and I didn’t want to screw over her business like that, but it was her mistake after all. She emailed a little later and said to just keep him because it was her error, and she’ll figure it out. Sometimes I wonder how Az’s sister turned out and the first week after the boys were with us she still didn’t have a home, so I wanted to take her in too, but she found a home, and I hope it was a good one.

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