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Forum THE LOUNGE IKEA doll/rabbit bed

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    • Lilikoi The Bunny
      22 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone, so recently I have been thinking about purchasing that famous IKEA doll bed people usually post their rabbits sleeping in it on their Facebook or Instagram pages. However, I don’t know if my rabbit will just ignore it and sleep elsewhere. First off, she usually tosses stuff around, so I don’t know if she will just toss it around like if it’s any other toy. Secondly, does your rabbit have to have specific traits to sleep and or relax in it? What do you guys think? I just don’t want to splurge $15 that I could have used elsewhere.

      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          I have IKEA doll beds. I’ve substituted the little blanket and comforter they come with for vet beds (like thick sherpa fleece with a rubbery underside so it lies still). My bunny Bam used his a lot to loounge on, but my bigger rabbit Yohio never really took to his – I think he was too big to be able to flop comfortably on the bed. So I’d say the bun shouldn’t be much bigger than 2 kilos (4.4 lb) to really enjoy the bed.

          I don’t know if it would be possible to get a used one? I got one of mine in a charity shop at a very good price. It was just the bed, not the fabrics, but I never used the blanket and comforter anyway.

        • Q8bunny
          6345 posts Send Private Message

            My little guy only used his to gain height while surveying his kingdom. To be fair, he is too big to comfortably flop on it.

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              Both of mine ignored their bed. Well Buttercup tried to destroy it first but after that she wasnt really into it. So I’m donating mine. Such a shame as it would be adorable to see them laying on it.

            • ThorBunny
              824 posts Send Private Message

                Our IKEA bed recently broke, my husband stepped on it 

                Thor didn’t use hers for sleeping, but she did hop up on it to survey her domain. And she chewed on the edges

                My favorite thing about it was that she would get on it willingly to be carried from place to place. She actually enjoyed her “rides” and would ask for them by repeatedly hopping off and on again, looking at us expectantly  It made it super convenient to move her from room to room if we needed, since she hates being picked up by hand. I really should get around to buying a new one!

                ETA: don’t try this with your bun unless you’re sure they wont hop off and hurt themselves! With Thor we only discovered that she like it by only picking it up low to the ground (like a foot or less) at first and moving her, then gradually increasing the height when we knew she was comfortable and not about to panic

              • Dasher
                156 posts Send Private Message

                  Dasher liked to bunloaf on her bed and occasionally flop but she barely fit since shes 6.5lbs. It’s a great chew toy if your bunny likes to chew. Dasher would also hide under the bed. I don’t know how she fit lol but it was cute.

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    I got one for Elara a few months ago. She mostly ignores it except for the odd chewing of the side rails. My cat likes it a lot more than she does.

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      Lol Kyle!

                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By ThorBunny on 10/15/2018 4:10 PM
                        Our IKEA bed recently broke, my husband stepped on it 

                        Thor didn’t use hers for sleeping, but she did hop up on it to survey her domain. And she chewed on the edges

                        My favorite thing about it was that she would get on it willingly to be carried from place to place. She actually enjoyed her “rides” and would ask for them by repeatedly hopping off and on again, looking at us expectantly  It made it super convenient to move her from room to room if we needed, since she hates being picked up by hand. I really should get around to buying a new one!

                        ETA: don’t try this with your bun unless you’re sure they wont hop off and hurt themselves! With Thor we only discovered that she like it by only picking it up low to the ground (like a foot or less) at first and moving her, then gradually increasing the height when we knew she was comfortable and not about to panic

                        This made me think of Bedknobs & Broomsticks!

                        She had a much fancier ride then the old litter box travelator. A pity it wasn’t insured against clumsy husbands..

                      • joea64
                        1423 posts Send Private Message

                          Panda and Fernando love their IKEA dolly/bun bed; as Bam mentions, it’s probably best for small bunnies and my two are 3-4 lb. or thereabouts so they fit perfectly. The only thing you have to watch out for is that rabbits enjoy chewing on the wood as much as lying in the bed, so you should expect to replace it in due course. Good thing it’s so cheap at $15! I’ve also been told that I might want to look into replacing the original blanket/comforter with a natural-fiber substitute (since those are liable to be chewed too), so I’ll have to see about that.

                        • Q8bunny
                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                            Dear IKEA. Please hurry the foo up and open in the town I’m in. Love, Q8

                          • Dasher
                            156 posts Send Private Message

                              Does anyone else’s bun like to hide under their bed?

                            • Lilikoi The Bunny
                              22 posts Send Private Message

                                Dasher, mine does.

                              • Rabbitpossm
                                66 posts Send Private Message

                                  Sully took to it pretty quickly. I think it does just depend on the bun and doesn’t necessarily relate to specific traits. But yeah, what everyone else says, pretty dependent on the size.

                                  @dasher, Sully loves to! he spends mostly equal time flopping on top and beneath it. He really loved it during the summer heat and spent most of his nap time under my bed or his own.

                                • kurottabun
                                  908 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’ve been tempted to get it on multiple occasions now but I know deep down in my heart that that Kurotta will ignore it. He just loves the tiled floors too much and ignores everything else when it comes to resting. It’ll probably be a decor item instead of a bed lol.

                                  • joea64
                                    1423 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By Dasher on 10/20/2018 10:53 PM

                                      Does anyone else’s bun like to hide under their bed?

                                      I haven’t seen mine spend time under the bed, but they use the space under it as a regular route to and from the hidey box in their X-pen in the evenings when I’m inside the pen. They’re so small and agile that doing so poses no great problem for them.

                                    • jerseygirl
                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                        I saw this on my internet travels today and just had to add it to this thread.   I hope the video works for everyone. 

                                      • Q8bunny
                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                          That is too adorable!

                                        • Rabbitpossm
                                          66 posts Send Private Message

                                            D: I can’t stop watching that video, overload of cute!

                                          • A Happy Herd of Hares
                                            155 posts Send Private Message

                                              Ooooh now I wanna Bun bed ?
                                              Magpie is sooooooo mellow though, she probably would just ignore it, or pee on it ?

                                            • Rabbitpossm
                                              66 posts Send Private Message

                                                @magpie haha probably Sully is very well litter trained but every now and then I’ve found some pee spots on his bed. Not too bad or too frequent though.
                                                I suppose it makes sense considering buns also sleep in their litter boxes. Or maybe Sully just decides that he’s too comfy to get out of bed to pee :0 silly bun.

                                              • joea64
                                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I haven’t seen any pee spots on their bed yet, which is a bit surprising since rabbits love to pee in soft places and Fernando in particular has taken up napping in the buns’ litterbox – especially in the early evenings after supper!

                                                • Oreo’s Mom
                                                  9 posts Send Private Message

                                                    My only concern is that the one I looked at was made of pine. I thought rabbits couldn’t chew on pine and I know that Oreo would chew on her bed if I got her one.

                                                  • Cinnimon&Ollie
                                                    303 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Untreated or pine that has not gone through a certain drying process is not recommended for rabbits to chew on. I looked on their website and it is untreated pine, but that doesn’t mean that bunnies can’t use it. I would just take it out if they are eating an unsafe amount. Facebook marketplace might have one for less money. Also on etsy, there are some rabbit beds that aren’t made of pinewood, but they are a little more pricey.


                                                      [edited by DanaNM to remove link]

                                                    • DanaNM
                                                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Hi Oreo’s Mom, this is a very old thread so I’m going to lock it to avoid confusion. Feel free to start a new thread to discuss your question though!

                                                        Pine is safe to use for things like hutches and toys as long as it’s not treated with any chemicals. Pine shavings aren’t safe because they have a lot of aromatic oils that get released, and since the would be refreshed often in a litter box, the compounds can build up in a bun’s system.


                                                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

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                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE IKEA doll/rabbit bed