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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE PJ Bunny Forever

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    • PJ'n'Me
      68 posts Send Private Message

        PJ finally took that leap over the rainbow bridge.  I never expected this to happen as quickly as it had.  It feels like a blur, all of the stress and sadness.   PJ is now free from his bunny body that couldn’t quite recover from a severe EC flare up.  He is able to run again, stomp his naughty bunny feet, and be with all the little bunnys that are still sooo loved, and missed each and every day.  I am grateful that he let me be apart of his exclusive bunny heard, trusting me and loving me back.  I know there will not be one day that goes by that I do not think of him, or miss him.  The sadness is incredibly overwhelming, but also a sense of relief knowing he is at rest, and he had a beautiful little bunny life, with someone that would have done anything for him.  It feels strange without him tonight.

      • Bunny House
        1241 posts Send Private Message

          Im so sorry. Im glad he lasted so long, I was worried not hearing from you for so long. Take time healing, it will be a roller coaster but just know that we know how you feel and that you’re not alone. You are such a great bun mom, it’s hard having bunnies. May he play with my boy up there and all the ones lost recently.

          ((((Binky Free PJ))))

        • PJ'n'Me
          68 posts Send Private Message

            *Bunny House* thank you for being there for us the entire time.  I do feel comfort from your words.  I had false hope up till about a week ago.  I attempted to make an office visit last Monday, but couldn’t go through with it.  I almost passed out, the vet said he wouldn’t have let me leave with him if he believed PJ was in pain and so we left.   I just kept thinking it is time for him to pass, he didn’t deserve to be trapped in that hell.  PJ never stopped though, he was always a super bunny, with super bunny strength.   I made an appointment with his other vet that had been seeing him since I’ve had him.  She even cried a little.  I already miss his smell, and I probably kissed him on average 200x a day.  I keep going back, saying maybe I failed him.  I couldn’t make him better.  At least I could free him, I’d rather him leave this world, than have to live here that way any longer.  It felt right this time, I stayed as calm as I could and it was almost as if I felt comfort knowing he didn’t have to strain to pee again or have me hold him up to drink from his water bowl, or clean him, or lay there, when just three weeks ago he was leaping and being naughty, he didn’t understand what happened. Now I am home missing him.  Every waking hour was about PJ, so this void is going to be hard to manage. I am moving into the new place soon, and without him it is going to be rough, it was going to be a very happy time for us and I will be alone now.  Thank you for being so kind.  I know he is up there with his new bunny buddies. Thank you all for caring. 

          • Bam
            16978 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so very sorry you had to let PJ go. You fought long and hard though. He knew he was loved, he was in the best possible hands.

              It does rip open a big hole in your heart when you lose your bunny. It’s not at all easy to cope with. We eventually have to accept the heartbreak of loss as a part of love – but it takes some time to be able to do that.

            • LittlePuffyTail
              18092 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so very sorry. I know how very hard it is. ((((Hugs))))

                (((((Binky Free PJ)))))

              • Gina.Jenny
                2244 posts Send Private Message

                  (((((Binky Free PJ)))))

                • PJ'n'Me
                  68 posts Send Private Message

                    Bam,  thank you for the support through PJs illness.  I think I was able to start grieving his loss while he was still with me for the last week. I imagined this day would come eventually, but wasn’t ready for it.  I think PJ held on for me, to get me to a certain point. Forever grateful to have known my little bunny boy. 

                    LittlePuffyTail, you always had great input on all of the topics I posted, and I wanted to say thank you so very much, and the little poem, it made me cry, in a good way.  Your avatar always made me giggle too…

                    Gina.Jenny, All the support through this painful time is very healing and uplifting for the soul, so thank you for that. 

                  • LBJ10
                    17059 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m sorry you had to let PJ go. You shared such a special relationship with PJ and we all enjoyed reading about him. I had been following your threads about his EC and began to wonder when you didn’t respond to the latest thread again.

                      Logic tells us we are doing the right thing when we help our animals pass, but it definitely doesn’t make it any easier. It stays with you for a long time too (it has been two years and I still grieve for my dog). The decision is a difficult one, but never doubt that it was the right one. PJ is now free of the prison his body had become.

                    • Bunny House
                      1241 posts Send Private Message

                        Sorry to reply so late, been so busy with classes. It is so hard loosing them when they were your everything, your life revolved around their schedule and then now you have no schedule. I know you felt bad keeping him here but you also feel bad letting him go, its the worst thing about having animals. Be very proud you kept him alive for so long, bunnies don’t usually live that long. He might send you a bun your way for you to help them and just know it was him wanting to do that to help both of you.

                        As always, you can come here to update us on how you’re doing.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m happy that I was able to help in any way.

                          Take good care of yourself now.

                        • kurottabun
                          908 posts Send Private Message

                            So sorry to hear this

                            You did the best you could and PJ is now binkying free without any pain. Take care xx

                          • PJ'n'Me
                            68 posts Send Private Message

                               I am still having a lot of trouble believing PJ is gone.  I had a dream last night that he started to get better, he was running around again regaining his strength.  I keep struggling with the thought of maybe had I done something differently he would still be here with me, or had I tried harder, pushed the doctors to do something else.  It is disturbing to think about.  I really feel bad for what he had to go through with the last few months, the fire, we lived out of a hotel, then to a friends house that I did not want to take him to and he ended up getting sick there… I have a lot of bad thoughts swirling around and it doesn’t help right now.  I wish we would have at least been in our own place, it’s actually going to be ready next weekend.. Everything is always just a bit too late.  I really don’t feel like myself without him, and I’m not sure what I can do to help with a lot of the emotions I have been encountering.  I lay here at night with his bunny, and can’t stop feeling the pain of loosing him.  I really loved caring for him and fussing over him buying cute stuff for him.  He was my personal little ray of sunshine that filled my heart with love each day, and now it’s filled with sadness.  I’ve been doing some memorial pieces that are helping a little bit.. and once I get the new place that was really for PJ and myself, maybe I can think a little better.  I have had animal pals in the past but I really felt bonded with PJ and having him around for 11 years only being us, as the years went on we just became closer and closer. I thought about volunteering at the shelter there is a room full of bunnies and I’m sure they could use the help with someone that knows a few things. There hasn’t been one day since he got sick, that I haven’t cried.   


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                          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE PJ Bunny Forever