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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Water Mineral Content

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    • Q8bunny
      6345 posts Send Private Message

        Just out of curiosity, what kind of water does everybun drink?

        Since we moved back to Canada, I’ve been trying to figure out the best water for Chewie. The bottled water easily accessible has a high TDS value and I fear overtaxing his kidneys. The city tap water has always tasted clean and fresh, but I have no idea what’s in it in terms of dissolved solids. I was toying with the idea of getting him a mineral water that’s low in dissolved solids (back to our beloved Fiji, maybe? Or would a pitcher filter do the trick?)

        So yeah… curious what your floofs all drink so I can stop being paranoid. LOL

      • Sirius&Luna
        2320 posts Send Private Message

          My lot drink the same tap water we drink in the UK I’m somewhat sceptical about benefits of bottled water for humans/animals alike, but of course it does depend on whether tap water in the country in question is safe.

        • Bunny House
          1241 posts Send Private Message

            I use a brita filter for the buns so they get the cleanest water they can!

            I just personally don’t trust tap water, I’m always skeptical haha.

          • Gina.Jenny
            2244 posts Send Private Message

              We use tap water, never had any bun or piggy issues due to water quality that I know of?

            • Sleepy
              190 posts Send Private Message

                I’m in Canada. Our buns have been able to have the tap water without any issues.

              • Ellie from The Netherlands
                2512 posts Send Private Message

                  Tap water mineral contents vary a lot depending on your region, even in a small country like NL. For instance: in Rotterdam the water hardness is between 20 mg/L and 50 mg/L, while Tiel is just 70 km away and has twice the amount of minerals. It all depends on the geology and the source the water treatment plant gets their water from. If you want to make an informed comparison your local water treatment plant may have information on their website.

                  Some diva bunnies can be fussy about the taste of water after a move. Bas used to live in the north of NL and he moved to a uni in the east. His previous rabbit Waffie refused the local tap water, she refused to drink for a day and a half. Wouldn’t touch the stuff… He had to buy bottled water and he slowly mixed it with tap water to let her adjust to the new taste.

                  In the meantime Breintje will drink everything from tap water to his own pee. He even goes after spilled tea or Bas’ milkshakes, and he begs whenever I drink a beer. I tried the toddler tactic: dip your pinky in it, give them a taste and they’ll soon find out they hate it. Appearantly Breintje decided he loved it…bugger…

                • LBJ10
                  17058 posts Send Private Message

                    My boys drink tap water. We have hard water, but we use a softener. We’ve never had any issues. Honestly, most bottled waters are just a bunch of hype. Many come from a municipal water source or a well, so not much different that tap water.

                  • Azerane
                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                      Mine drink tap water. As mentioned what’s in these depends where you live, but they’re all relatively similar in the long run. Some bottle water is actually tap water, so unless it says spring water or something then it’s often tap water anyway. Most spring water and other types still have very similar mineral content to tap water anyway, if not more. In addition to that, I hate buying bottled water anyway, such a waste of packaging and money when it’s something that costs so little from the tap.

                      That’s my thoughts anyway

                    • Q8bunny
                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                        That’s just it, folks. I don’t like the idea of bottled water for a number of reasons (environmental impact, the politics of fresh water commercilization, etc), but I also noticed that after two months of drinking the bottled water my dad buys, Chewie’s pee was sludgy quite frequently. That’s when I also looked more closely at his water bowl and saw the ring of mineral deposits on it. So quick switch to tap water.

                        Like I said, this is the tap water I grew up with. Comes from two sources, tastes ok, and never caused problems. But the reality is that it IS treated (although stats on it are not online), and I know that things added to it like chlorine and fluoride are not necessary to Chewie, while other things even I don’t know of COULD get in.

                        I think I’ll get him a little water filtration pitcher, just to have the added line of defense. Thanks for your thoughts, everybun!

                      • Bladesmith
                        849 posts Send Private Message

                          We’re on well water, here. HIgh mineral content, filtered through a softener. Even so, I have to use Lime Away every couple of months in the bath, bath sink and kitchen sink, or everything turns orange.

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            Tap water filter with Brita filter here also. When filter was out of action, they had regular tap water for a few months. They weren’t put off by taste.

                          • LittlePuffyTail
                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                              We use tap water except for the last few weeks, due to the high temps, a lot of lakes around here were getting blue-green algae (sadly, some dogs died after playing in local lakes ). Our City’s water shed had one reading of very low blue-green algae. And since it’s more toxic to animals, I was paranoid that maybe the low levels could be harmful to my fur-kids. But we’ll be back on tap water soon.

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                          Forum THE LOUNGE Water Mineral Content