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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › August pictures
White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit
I don’t have any white rabbit pictures for you because I’ve always had all black (or mostly black) buns!! But here’s Leo, looking as handsome as ever!!!! does anyone else think front bunny paws are the cutest thing or is it just me lol! by the way adorable photos Gina.Jenny!!
And Leo with his adorable little onyx front feet.
Podge is so handsome.
And yes feet are the cutest little things! I love how dainty the front paws are compared to the back stampers
Here’s my white boy in his happy place- I cant believe how hard it is to get the exposure right on him, he’s kind of reflective…
In this picture he is just an undefined puddle of fur, and it makes me laugh
Lol….I’ve seen and heard of the black blobs. But he is a white blob for sure. In the glasshouse he looks like either an artifact in the picture or a random inanimate piece of something that blew in and is just lying there caught in the grass. Makes me laugh.
For clarification he isnt moving in these pictures, he just photographs really badly! I’ve such issues trying to get him into focus with my camera when there is any sunlight (bun owner problems)
The curse of the blob is spreading from black coats to white
Here’s a white bun-butt n feeties and a black bun too, Jenny is photo-bombing to keep Leo company
Snickers is enjoying the cool evening breeze at the end of a summers day
GJ-So cute! I love their little hammocks, where did you get them?
They are from Amazon, they are sold as elevated pet beds
They are aimed at dogs, to keep them cool, but the small size is ideal for a bun, says Snickers
Black rabbit, white rabbit, moult-monster rabbit
I can pose just as well as Podge can ya know! I recon I’m cuter too so now feed me
solid colored black or white buns are so hard to get a good photo of! @Dface i feel your frustration there! still cute photos!
I second what gordo said though, looks like all of a sudden, poooof! a big blob of fur fell from the sky and is just floating along!!
also G.J, Leo says thank you very much to Jenny! & the most recent photos you’ve posted have me in love with your bunnies!! so adorable!!
Posted By LindseyBuns on 8/01/2018 1:34 PM
solid colored black or white buns are so hard to get a good photo of! @Dface i feel your frustration there! still cute photos! i second what gordo said though, looks like all of a sudden, poooof! a big blob of fur fell from the sky and is just floating along!! also G.J, Leo says thank you very much to Jenny! & the most recent photos you’ve posted have me in love with your bunnies!! so adorable!!
I was just thinking the same, I think one reason Podge and Snickers are so photogenic is because they have the black/tan contrasts to their mainly white fur, making them more defined in shape and maybe easier for the camera to focus on?
contrasts to their mainly white fur, making them more defined in shape and maybe easier for the camera to focus on?
Id say thats probably true because in similar lighting, Yumi always comes out fab-u-lous ( I know I’m biased) but she has great colour contrast all over, so I never have to bother when taking a picture of her, but no matter how hard i try focus on Peep, the camera is there focusing on anything but the orb of fur.
Lindsey- I think that might actually be how Peep came into existence, he’s like a little tumbleweed.
My favourite thing in the world is google photos trying to guess what they are to sort them into albums. Not once have either of them identified as rabbits
The last thing the hay sees before it gets nommed…
@Terra – Lol…Took me a second to recognize what was happening until I focused on that GIANT eye. Looks like a black Tyrannosaurus Rex coming up over the edge because the ears are tucked. Scary! Poor little pieces of hay…they don’t stand a chance.
Came downstairs to this cosy scene
Gina hadn’t had her picture in this thread yet anyway, so here is little lovebug Gina, snug as a bun in a hug!
Perfect fit! Like two pieces of a puzzle.
Leo’s thumpers! And that last photo of Podge and Gina the chocolate truffle! Squeeee! It should be used to explain how receptors work in science classes.
Dface: Peep glows. I mean… actually GLOWS! Chewie’s photos also come out meh compared to marked bunnies.
Q8-I think Chewie looks very handsome in all his pictures-but I do understand the pain.
Terra -That picture makes me glad that rabbits arent bigger than us…
Oh ma gawd Podge + Gina
Yumi the destroyer. Everyday she digs the soil down, everyday I replace it, and every day its the same face of “Wow I dont know WHO did this”
Awww, so many cuties! Here’s my favorite picture of Bear (no question there, since it’s my profile picture ):
Gina, I’m so smiley seeing those two buns fitting perfect and snuggling next to each other!!
Dface, that digging area looks so cool! even if it does get destroyed a lot!!
Bear_The_Bunny — bear looks absolutely adorable in that picture!! looks so small compared to that big willow ball!
Q8, YES! Leo’s back feet are absolutely HUGE when compared to Ollie’s!! he’s the first rabbit i’ve had I can actually hear hopping around, especially his binkies and zoomies on the carpet – our creaky wood floor gives him away as well hahaha!
Believe it or not, that was the smallest size!
Two very snuggly buns after their second bonding session!
Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 8/02/2018 11:16 AM
Two very snuggly buns after their second bonding session!
bear_the_bunny – Those little symmetrically perfect tiny perky ears!… adorable!
Asriel and Bombur – Yaaaaaaaay! Overwhelming, heart melting, couldn’t stop staring at it, picture…….still can’t……
i’m glad to see you back A&B !! I hope bonding continues to go well for you & your buns!! such a cute photo by the way!
Thanks LB!! Sometimes all you need is a clear head
Third day of August (here) and already two pages of cute pictures! <3 <3
Yayy A&B! Great to have you back! xx
Welcome back A&B, glad to see the bonding is going well so far!
I love Peeps lack of facial features “Is someone there?”
Aww… young bunny love (A&B)
And bunny eyeliner! Bear rocks it
Asriel&Bombur: D’aww they’re like “yaass this is my bro now!”
Since I couldn’t get on BB for months and months, I’ve gotten in the habit of posting pics to Chewbacca’s Instagram.
Today, however, is his third gotcha day, so I figured I’d make an effort to post a couple of pictures of this morning’s celebration.
Chewie got his very own hay cart (full of fragrant meadow hay and dried flowers and biscuits and dried berries). Crazy binkies ensued followed by very serious nomming and nosebooping of said wagon.
It’s hard to believe we’ve been family for three years already. I’m so fortunate!
Happy gotcha day chewie!!
Dface: SO FURRY!!!! So much FUR???
White Rabbit! White Rabbit! White Rabbit!
So much cuteness! I need to take more pictures!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Chewie!!!! ???????????????
Happy gotcha day chewie xxx
Thank you, BB friends!
Muj- what a cutie! I love rabbits with dark points <3
Im having issues uploading things (I still haven’t figured out this new phone) and I’m also very hungover today (went for a few quiet drinks to say goodbye to work people) but I hope the I stagram link works – I love it when they lie like that, even if it’s too warm to cuddle
what a cutie, mine looks simalr to yours. Mine is An angora Mix I adotped from our local shelter here in the US. and Ive had him a little over a month. He is starting to bond and he just figured out how to watch tv lol.
Posted By Kim on 8/04/2018 11:37 AM
what a cutie, mine looks simalr to yours. Mine is An angora Mix I adotped from our local shelter here in the US. and Ive had him a little over a month. He is starting to bond and he just figured out how to watch tv lol.
Kim, if that’s your boy in your avatar he is absolutely precious!! what a cutie!! i’m happy to hear he is starting to bond with you!
Posted By bear_the_bunny on 8/02/2018 10:34 AM
Awww, so many cuties! Here’s my favorite picture of Bear (no question there, since it’s my profile picture ):
It seemed to me? Or is it a quality picture.
I’m wondering which camera you use for photos such a cute rabbits
All the best!
Lets take a look at BunBun sporting her summer striped socks! what a fashion diva! she also has stripes showing a bit on her ears too! Her dewlap has gone almost completely white as well! During the colder part of the year her color points turn a very rich chocolate brown but she definitely brings out her lighter shades for the warmer seasons!
sorry for the sideways… using puffin can get glitchy….
Puffin is a pain in the patooky, but at least post pics on ipads
I hope this picture isn’t too big! Here’s my little white bun. I’ve been doing some research and I believe he is a Florida White Rabbit. It would make sense as I think he was obtained from… not a pet breeder But he is safe and loved now, and that’s all that matters!
Too cute. Looks like two buddies hanging out so content.
They were both begging for Cheerios. Everyone is friends when the Cheerio box comes out
BunBun will scale my legs to get hold to Cheerios!
Come together, Right now… over ? “Cheerios”?
At least it’s healthier than the wookie’s love of Cheetos!
Lol, hot cheetos or regular?
Guys I feel like the worst bunny owner. I left the AC off yesterday when I went off to work. It was 92 here and we live up a few stories so by the time my husband got home it was 95 in the house! Thor was layed out and lethargic, but she perked up when he turned on the AC and put some cold water over her ears…
She’s back to normal today thank god. Maybe it has to do with the heat, but she was so snuggly and loving last night. Wanted to put pics up of her trying to become one with the couch:
Oops, human left the flash on:
Without the flash, attempted camouflage
He does look like he’s melting Thorbunny! Ahaha just joking, I’m sure they can handle it as long as they have places to hide from the sun and plenty of water.
This is how mine survived 35 degrees:
The pink thing is an icepod. It’s made specifically for pets so completely safe to dig/chew at. They spend most of the day on it or right next to it when it’s hot.
This Muffin’s “what the $*&! IS this” look, with her ears going straight forward. This time it was the camera that she was confused about, haha.
I’m bunny slave but Monster is Muffin slave. :’)
*edit* Double post.
Nothing like precious bonded buddies. Cuddles and grooms galore.
Ah yes even with 35 degrees they lay smushed together or on top of each other. :’) I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment, but when I do find one I hope to be as much in love with him as Muffin and Monster are, they’re so cute together!
Cute pics. Love how Muffin is cleverly using the icepods. One for each ear. She knows what’s up!
Oh My Goodness! They may as well be conjoined!!!
It’s the one thing I’m sad about not being able to get a second bun… sadly I just don’t have the space nor the income to support another… luckily, I am able to be home almost all the time so I can give BunBun as much loving company as possible.
Thor looks like she’s mind melding with the couch
Seeing bonded bunny bliss makes me wistful too… I wish Chewie liked other bunnies
I hope I’ve shared these correctly! Layla is my blue otter (I think!) and Peter is my fawn. Here they both are enjoying their first time in the garden.
Nope, I’ll try again..
Lol….keep trying Josie! You’ll get it!
Oh dear
Thanks Gordo!
I was able to fix the pictures.Were you posting from phone or tablet, by chance?
They are fantastic shots! 2 very gorgeous bunnies you have there!
Gorgeous indeed !!!!!!!
Oh my word! They are both so gorgeous! They look so soft! And those high alert poses!
Thank you Jerseygirl much appreciated! Yeah, posting from my phone!
They are gorgeous, says biased me They are a bit more relaxed outside now and used to the noisy gulls, traffic and neighbours.
You said ‘gulls’ and I instantly pictured them strolling on a beach across the street from their house, parasols twirling in their hands
I watch too many Austen aaptations.
Jenny’s run is back over her burrow, much to her delight
She is one industrious bun!
It’s quite funny, Jenny is moulting, so the tunnel is neatly lined with fur ?
Who needs a backhoe or bulldozer when you have Jenny?
If Jenny ever decides to freelance, I’m sure lots of BB members would be interested in her digging services.
She argues she does NOT need grooming today, as the tunnelling has done today’s fur removal the way nature intended long before grooming combs or brushes were ever invented! Argue with that one at your peril mum!
I am just curious as to why nobody has mentioned borrowing or holes, in the thread which begins I would like to get my bunnies to mow my nice lawn. LOLLOLLOL.
Best join a link from this thread to the other!!! Lololo
Who can I visit in Australia?
Aussie BBers please reply A O Jenny
what a bundle of fluff, like a dandelion clock puuufffff
Posted By Gina.Jenny on 8/19/2018 7:48 AM
She argues she does NOT need grooming today, as the tunnelling has done today’s fur removal the way nature intended long before grooming combs or brushes were ever invented! Argue with that one at your peril mum!
And so a poet is born. I see what you did with that rhyme scheme, Ms GJ
I did? Totally accidental
Today is the anniversary of Panda and Fernando’s homecoming day! Here are some pictures of the twosome with their brand-new IKEA dolly bed:
So cute. That bed is getting some serious investigation. Someone’s messing up the covers.
And some chewing too!
Snickers and Mini are feeling left out, so here they are, saying hi, sharing Podge’s spoils
Yes, haven’t seen them in a while. Is Snickers the lop? I don’t remember. Or is it the other way around?
Snickers is the lop and Mini (Minstrel) is the chocolate colour Nethie mix, named after the shiny Minstrel sweets
It’s always more fun when there are plenty of treats to go around. Podge is very magnanimous to share so freely.
Joe, it looks like the bed is a bit of a hit!! I love how curious they look.
@GJ, that’s 2 carrots there, right? Trick of the eye makes it look like one loooong carrot.
Yawning TimTim! <3
I love his face afterwards! “Mum don’t post that”.
Timmyrotti singing a bunny aria
Haha! Are you calling TimTim a….a…flibbertigibbet, Bladesmith? lol
Today, when I loaded the pic, I thought of the opening lyric for Circle of Life. Probably inspired from Azerane’s kitty pictures in Chat thread.
Posted By Q8bunny on 8/30/2018 6:36 AM
Timmyrotti singing a bunny aria
((Breintje)) xxx
Its almost impossible to capture all 5 buns at once outside, but between these 3 pics, here they all are, enjoying early morning grass time
Did I ever tell you guys how much I love fluffles?
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › August pictures