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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › July picture thread
A nearly white rabbit enjoying her favourite strawberry tops
A not white in the slightest rabbit exploring a new toy
Ooo… Nifty! Is it one of those chewable treat envelopes?
Aww, that’s one spoiled bunny with her tasty strawberry tops!
Thor looks like she’s having a lot of fun with that ^_^
Haha I always give my buns the strawberry tops too! They’re like living trashcans.
That toy looks so neat, I’ve never seen it before. Where did you get it from?
A white rabbit from the past, Icey. Janice would get lengthy hand, arm, and leg kisses and grooms. Daddy would come in dirty and get the 15 for you and then 15 for me treatment. Meaning Daddy would get the obligatory 15 SECONDS of jeans cleaning, since he can’t seem to keep them clean, and then she would abruptly quit and find the hand for her 15 MINUTES of head and body rubs. Seemed fair to her, 15 for 15. I was truly a pushover. She knew it, I knew it, we both loved it.
The toy is from BinkyBunny Its called something like a “Lunch Letter”. I take it that it is full of treats, but Thor’s yet to figure out how to open it. Loves chewing on the outside though. If she doesn’t figure it out in a few days I’ll snip it open for her
Gordo and Janice, she’s a such a darling fluffy angel <3
@G&J Glad we’re getting to see more pictures of little Icey She sounds like she was the sweetest girl xx
Here’s Kurotta looking like he got caught stealing some pellets (he didn’t – we were feeding him ).
My dad gets strawberries to make shakes but always throws the tops away. Bunnies could use those!
Here’s my still nameless foster bun! I have been driving myself crazy trying to find a name I really like for him, I have probably looked up every name in the book. I think I’m finally settled on 2 but they’re both so alike that I can’t pick which one I like more! lol….So it’s either Odin (yes from Thor) or Otis.
Every time I think I’ve picked one, I think I want the other name instead I’m too indecisive. I almost like Odin more but think he looks more like an Otis? I’m hopeless lol
G&J: awww, grooming sessions are the cutest! Isn’t it just the greatest honor?
Breintje is more of a 50/50 type, which means he’ll completely soak one half of my pyjama leg before bed. Slorp!
Hehehe, Kurotta is doing so well with funny faces. Nethies have such expressive snoots ^_^
Hey Mimzy, how about Odie? He looks like an Odie to me Those comical ears and that happy snoot.
Jenny and Snickers decided to have a digging competion. Jenny being an experienced digger, went for depth, her new dig is easily 6 inches/15 cms deep. Snickers has only just discovered the joys of digging, hers is long and shollow, but very comfy, says Mini…
My poor garden, but at least I have two very content girls this afternoon no doubt they will sleep soundly after all their work!
Hahaha, that looks like supreme bunny fun! Bas’ previous rabbit Waffie used to help his mum with the gardening too. She went past all the fresh young beanstalks and gave each of them a neat *snip* through. She was soooo proud of her work.
Here’s Wick with his windmill toy.
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Hey GJ, did you do any special prep prior to putting the fluffle in the garden for playtime?
The people around me are making me increasingly paranoid about the prospect of garden outings.
No prep but we’ve lived here since 2000 and the garden is surrounded by six foot fences, so its pretty chemical free…
I am admittedly double dipping. I posted this pic in the white rabbit thread. It’s hard to control the obnoxiously proud parent in me. We don’t have many pics of little Icers so I am making absolutely sure I get full mileage out of this one picture. Sorry if I am making some sick to death with eye rolls included. But I can’t help myself…so once again here she is! (Original caption included) I promise I won’t do it again but I feel so liberated to be able to get a picture below 500 KB on purpose and actually share it! It’s a great day!!!
Okay, this is the picture of Icey. Which was my favorite perfect picture that I made NO LONGER perfect because I cropped out the top of her ears and saved it over the original when I was trying to figure everything out. The joys of being inept. Frustrating. But I still would love to share it.
It was when she was about 2 years old give or take 6 months. We had just moved into the new house and within the first year we bought a new bed. That was the old bed. So this could have been taken anywhere from September 2011 through the first 3/4 of 2012. My how times flies!!!
Nothing really special about this one. She’s not being super cute with personality or anything but it captures her in her almost perfect state of health. Eyes so clear (she developed cataracts later in life). She was a heavy groomer (I mean they all are) and she had it mat free and floofed just so (because we were not allowed to help, NO BRUSH!). And it was at the in between stages of not just trimmed (you know, chewed up looking) and not too long that you can’t make out that she is a rabbit. Because of the red throw it always made me think she was standing on the red carpet all regal like with her royal angora coat about her shoulders, chest, and legs just so, posing for the paparazzi.
I ruined the perfection by cropping out her ears but it is still one of my favorite.
And there is considerable loss of detail. But it is what it is. At least I can share.
P.S. Thanks for all the help with the photo advice.
Ah – please don’t apologise. It’s so great to see more of this darling girl we’ve been hearing about. Share this or other pics as many times as you like. Its a good way to honour her.
She is just so pretty! Candy floss!
p.s. Im sorry to hear about the original photo!
Would there be a copy on in the camera memory or on a memory card perhaps?
Awww, Wick is such a tiny cute bunbun ^_^ How does the windmill toy work?
Icey indeed looks very regal in this pic. Warning, hot fluff coming through
These are such awesome pictures! Loving all the buns?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
Ellie – Yes, I was thinking Odie! But maybe for a nickname for either name. Mainly because I have a friend (Chris) whose other friend’s band name for himself was “Rivan” & I named my turtle Rivan because I thought it was a cool name even though I didn’t really care much for the guy I technically named my turtle after lol. But the same friend, Chris, has another friend named Odie lol. & I don’t want him thinking I keep stealing all his friend’s names for my pets :laughs:
Gordo – Do you have any other photos of Icey with her ears in the pic? Maybe similar pose?
Posted By Q8bunny on 7/03/2018 8:09 AM
Hey GJ, did you do any special prep prior to putting the fluffle in the garden for playtime?The people around me are making me increasingly paranoid about the prospect of garden outings.
It’s natural threats I’m worried about… critters tracking parasite eggs around, and bugs stinging / biting, etc.
Q8, I do use spot on to keep egg laying flies away, but that is applied directly to to an indignant bunny/piggy butt! We’ve had a fluffle out in our back garden since 2005 and never had a problem. The runs we use do have a proper roof made of the same sturdy metal material as the sides to keep any preditors out. Each run has a 2 foot x 2 foot dog hammock inside and a cover over half to provide shade and shelter from any showers, the cover always goes above the half of the run with the hammock in, to give a really nice hiding place under the hammock…
GJ: Will ask his vet (we’re seeing him on Monday to figure out whether jabs are a must here and to trim wee nails) for some Rearguard to prevent flystrike, and discuss anything else we might need besides monthly Revolution. Then we’ll set up his quarantine jail cell and tweak as necesary.
Every day Breintje becomes more attached to his fan. The weird noise monster has been accepted into the group as a useful addition. Tonight I found him sitting like this: tail slightly lifted, just cooling his butt in the breeze
Hot Potato!!
I’m gonna put in a couple of pictures that include all of our animals from the oldest to youngest, forgive me. :’DThis is Monster “Monzy”, he was hot so I put a cold washcloth on his head. (His mom is/was a laha apso but we don’t know for his dad.)
Later the same night I took a picture of Monzy’s half (younger) brother, Demon. (Full Laha Apso, has the same mom as Monster.)
Meet Hailey, she’s what I call a Rat Pinscher/Dober Terrier (her dad is a mini doberman pinscher and her mom was a rat terrier).
And Yoshi! (Please don’t say anything about the red bumps on his face I know, I tried looking it up but found nothing and we don’t know any reptilian savvy vets, he was supposed to be my little sister’s bearded dragon and it’s a long dramatic story :/)
And Blossom is first since I don’t know who’s technically older but alphabetical wise Blossom’s name is first (took this picture today, not the best one ever but better than the million other ones)
And finally Thumper. Took this one today too but again not the best one ever but better than all the others.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
House full! Everyone looks so comfortable and happy…
Breintje! ??
Yay Yoshi! Nice to see another Beardie!
Big bunny is big.
For scale, the base of my entertainment center is 3.5 feet wide.
Wow, BunnyLass, you definitely have an awesome group of pet pals. Normally I’d say furfamily, but I wouldn’t want to exclude Yoshi
@Bladesmith: what a regal lady ^_^ Love the way she’s resting her head on her dewlap, the Empress is “en repose” for the afternoon.
These are posted a bit late, but I took some adorable pictures of my foster for 4th of July! He didn’t mind the tie so much, but he kind of hated me for a little bit after having the outfit on I also submitted his picture to a bunny page on fb who was doing a mini July4th contest & he won!! He gets a little gift basket of treats & toys!
& can’t forget my 3 dogs! (From left to right…) Bucky, Rumor, & Joey (who looks so silly lol). Tried getting them all 3 in the same photo, but Joey is a little….special lol, he doesn’t know how to follow instructions very well
He looks fabulous! Vote Otis/Odin in 2018!
Some new pics from this morning. Her majesty, the Empress Clover, ensconced in MY throne…..
Ninja bunny and sneakybun Dawn, prowling for treats….
And a close up of a very boopable snoot.
Adorabuns! Ninja bunny… cracked me up
Otis has my Vote!
Nice to see all your dapper fellows Mimzy ^_^
@Bladesmith: YOUR throne, puh… You wish Did you scent-mark it? Thought so, so it’s hers, fair and square!
BTW I just can’t get over how cute lil’ Dawn is ^_^
BunBun has a really cute boopable snoot. More pics please!
Bladesmith really needs to stop chinning his furniture
I DID do the chinning the furniture thing, in full view of her majesty (Shuddup, it’s too hot to go outside and I was bored), and my efforts were rejected. Clearly I don’t rank high enough in the hierarchy to rate my own permanent seating.
I was informed that my role involves procuring and providing Craisens, blueberries, other comestibles, and keeping the royal litter boxes neat and tidy.
And head rubs. Lots and lots of head rubs!
I count myself fortunate that I’m not required to wear fool’s motley.
Head of household it is then
@Muj mom N Bun, is it just you photographing or does he have the permanent bewildered/confused look on his face? He’s so cute! :’D
A freshly bonded Glenn and Maggie enjoying a cuddle
EDIT : Won’t let me upload the picture of my fluffs, sorry guys
Here’s Georgie this morning after her spay yesterday. Nibbler is grumpy and wont let me see her face, so I couldnt get a picture of her. I think she’s not thrilled about having had surgery.
this is my new addition. her name is skillet, i adopted her yesterday from the local shelter, she is 9 weeks old
Glad to see that Georgie is eating ^_^ Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for both the girls!
Wow, Skillet has such beautiful fur, love black cats, they’re so shiny!
Aww cute cat Blue Moon, is she named after the band Skillet?
Nibbler, it means you haven’t bribed her enough! :’D
Bladesmith: Felicitations on your official appointment as Lord Steward of the Household. Do income estates accompany this prestigious title? Her majesty does you great honour either way, of course.
Nibbler: Georgie looks great, nomming after such an invasive procedure.
daisy- i did not know there was a band called skillet. she is named after a cast iron skillet which is an old fashioned pan that is usually black.
Ellie- i like black cats too, i have always thought they were cute
@Blue Moon what a pretty kitty! We love black cats here as well. As Lady Pyewacket knows. Although it looks like Skillet is eyeballing your Sour Patch kids……
Blue Moon, oh I didn’t know some pans were called skillets haha! Yes Skillet is a metal band!
I summer-fied the bun pen yesterday. Top is the old set up which was viking inspired and bottom is the new set up which is summer inspired with fleece flooring. I’m praying they’ll leave the fleece alone because it looks so cute. :’) I can hear one of them digging at it as I type so we’ll have to see how long it lasts *sigh*.
That’s really beautiful, but what will your two interior designers think? Knowing bunnies and their massive OPINIONS I hope it all stays in place.
Bladesmith: You know, there are other options besides chinning… The only question is, how badly do you want the chair?
I posted some of these a few days ago, perfectly timed to immediately be undone by the forum glitch. So here goes, again.
Oscar playing with/on various paper products:
Teasing the dog:
” ‘Suuup?”
Kitties and puppies:
Otis: “Bro… Look what I can do… Mosby… look… are you looking???… Mooosbyyy…”
Mosby: “Ohmahgawd… there’s NO WAY he’s not adopted…”
That is one really fluffy beautiful cat with the mane and everything.
And nice editing, making the picture rated G there, funny.
Great pics of everyone!! I always enjoy this thread.
Lol Hazel you make me laugh!
Thanks for taking the time to re-post your photos. I posted a bunch of replies that day, all lost to the glitch.
You always take such good quality pics and it’s a treat to see them.
I don’t know if Id have noticed the censored part if not for Gordo’s comment! lol !
It totally reminded me of a monty python book we had in our school library. Lots of nudes with the censor patches randomly and inadequetely placed. I remember some of the boys getting that book out often in our library sessions.
Oscar is one chill bun…
Awwww, can you pet Oscar while he’s flopping like that? I love long buns!
Hey everyone! I haven’t been on in a while, it’s nice to see all these cute pics again!
Reese, Vinny, and Leo are doing fine. It was Reese’s gotcha day on July 3rd (She is 4 years old already? How!), so her birthday present was that they have my whole room free range now!
You can see all the nice bunny proofing lol
And here is a pic of all 3 of them chilling together. Bunny Illuminati confirmed!
Also, I just realized that I kind of left you guys on a cliffhanger the last time I posted, which was in February.
So, here is my new dog!
His name is Mac, but we call him Big Mac, Mac n cheese, and Macintosh lol
I can’t find many pictures of just Mac (Gold dog), so here are some pics with Eevie (black dog) too
How cool is that! Love your little set up. Quaint but spacious.
Ellie, they’re actually leaving the fleece alone after one day of digging and pulling at it aside from minor digging when one prepares to flop. I can’t believe how much less messy my house is now that the fleece keeps all fur inside the pen and I can finally do away with the ugly vinyl roll at the front because everything stays in place, even when Muffin is trying to relocate the pen haha. Monster has started doing head shakes and Muffin started flopping now so I’m pretty sure they’re liking it as well.
Now I know why whole Youtube is about the fleece haha!
Reesebun, wow what a space! Aren’t those some lucky buns.
Nice to hear form you again Reese! You have such a nice bunny home now, those bunnies are spoiled. I’m definitely going to show the dog pics to Bas as well, unmanly squee-noises will be made
@Daisy: glad to hear that it hasn’t been chewed to bits! Maybe we just have a compact demolition unit. So far, any soft materials in his hutch have been torn to pieces or piddled on.
Reese: Glad to see another cute furball has joined your menagerie PS- your French doors rock!
Oh Reese….. Eevie is lovely but Mac!! Oh my…. ❤️ ❤️
Not a picture of Wick, but a copy of his vet records! Last visit to his first vet. So sad and so grateful! One neuter, one tooth infection, one URI, multiple waves of ringworm and twelve molar grindings later, Wick left the office healthy today!
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Live long and prosper V
Reese, Mac is just gorgeous! And so great setup for the buns ???
Yay, congrats on being healthy again Wick!
Jenny? Digging? No we don’t know anything mum, honest!
Congratulations Wick ??
GJ, that’s an impressive hole!
Jenny is rightly proud of herself its keeping her happy, which is what matters.
I might plant a tree when she’s done its well over a foot deep already…
On the plus side, she won’t need her front claws clipping this month
Reese, is Mac any kind of a Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever……? I looooove him.
I haven’t been on in a long while, but I recently got a new baby bun. He was a spur of the moment bun, I didn’t go into town expecting to bring home a bunny, but long story short, I did.
This is Tony Tuzi (兔子=Tùzǐ=rabbit in Chinese) although before I settled on a name, I had been calling him Tater Tot and it seems to have stuck because I often slip up and still call him Tater.
My slippers are apparently tastier than the toys I got for him.
Lol…he looks like a Tater Tot. Just precious.
Hi Mortimer !!! He’s a GEM. He looks longish haired? Is he a lionhead ? ❤️
Tater Tot is perfect for him! He’s darling
GJ: You might want to consider a freelance contractor gig for your talented girl. Do you know how much money outfits around here charge to dig holes for fence posts and the like?
Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 7/20/2018 3:51 AM
Reese, is Mac any kind of a Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever……? I looooove him.
Glad you guys all like him! Also, we don’t know what breed he is, the shelter said he was an English shepherd but we think he might be a mix.
Tony is adorable! He does look like a little tater tot lol
Q8, Angled fences will have to be the new look for the season then, lol! The hole is now approx 2 foot deep = one smug bunny
Ni Hao Mortimer! TT is SO adorable! Perfect name for him as well!
Haha, well done Jenny ^_^ Is she secretly German? We have all these German tourists here digging similar holes for themselves on our beaches. Nobody knows why they do this. Trying to dig themselves a trench?
Awww, Tater Tot! That’s just perfect! Isn’t he just the cutest…
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 7/20/2018 9:18 AM
Haha, well done Jenny ^_^ Is she secretly German? We have all these German tourists here digging similar holes for themselves on our beaches. Nobody knows why they do this. Trying to dig themselves a trench?Awww, Tater Tot! That’s just perfect! Isn’t he just the cutest…
It has always been like this with German tourists. They dig holes to sunbathe it. Often with little walls around them and, to top it off, a German flag. No one really understands why. My mother thinks it’s perhaps a reminiscence from feudal times, before Germany was united into a country.
Thanks guys! The censored picture looks pretty funny, although that’s not really why I did it. They’re just so big that I felt embarrassed leaving them out and about. Only about 6 more moths until they’re finally gone…
Ellie: Yeah, I can pet him, usually. Mostly just the head though. If I start petting his body he gets a little antsy sometimes. And yes, of course they’re digging trenches. You can’t have a sandcastle without a trench now, can you?
ReeseBun: Beautiful setup for the buns! Do they have any issues with the wood floor? Your dogs are so pretty, Mac looks super soft! It looks like they’re having fun together. I wish Otis had a doggy friend to play with.
Yay for a healthy Wick!
Jenny, wow, she’s committed!
Mortimer: He’s adorable!
Jenny said it was fun, mum!
Gotta catch up…
She doesn’t want an audience ya know!
Anybun seen Jenny
Hey, mum, you can’t take every bun else’s photo n not Mine!
(p.s. Podge says dont worry that the water bottle looks cloudy, it is changed daily and was changed straight after the pics were taken, this heat is not good for water bottles but non of the fluffle will use a bowl)
Haha, spoilt rotten! Your cuties have the best bunny lives ever ^_^
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 7/21/2018 6:59 AM
Haha, spoilt rotten! Your cuties have the best bunny lives ever ^_^
Spoilt buns? can’t think what you mean… Did you spot Jenny
Podge! Podge! ???
(Jenny’s visiting us, since it’s raining here and we’re bored. Say hello to the new chunnel – the bunnel?)
Looking into getting a bunny hammock too… Inspired by the GJ fluffle, of course
I can’t keep up with the cute here!!! So many adorables!
Lol, GJ – is she right down the hole?
So jealous. These pics really make me want to cart the fluffs outside.
p.s. Podge really is a supermodel.
ETA: Ohh! I see her! I see her!
oml, Tater Tot! Congratulations Mortimer He’s precious!
Nothing like some cold crisp ruby romaine, straight from the fridge, eaten in the shade at the end of an afternoon siesta before getting to work on some serious grass eating in the cooler evening, even if the grass is a bit dried out
Nom, nom, nomers…
With the way you have those corners wrapped up with that garden wire, I’d say no one or nothing is getting in or out of those cages. Impenetrable…
Posted By Gordo and Janice on 7/25/2018 11:57 AM
Nom, nom, nomers…With the way you have those corners wrapped up with that garden wire, I’d say no one or nothing is getting in or out of those cages. Impenetrable…
Gina did dig her way out once, but the less said about that the better thankfully the back door was open and she calmly hopped into the house!
Two buns with grass-filled tums, lazing the evening away did someone call my buns spoilt recently???? Can’t think why
Mini is moulting and his butt is turning red
there’s more than this pic show’s, but I’m getting the dreaded bun butt for daring to spoil a great day by combing him when he came in
That looks like an awesome way to spend the afternoon!
I commiserate with Mini, you’d never catch me for a bath if I had been playing outside all afternoon. “Mum, I already took a bath!” “Yes, a mudbath!!!”
We had the “blue shell” type sandbox, my mum made us a pool from the lid and was so clever to put the two next to eachother. Lid full of water, tub full of sand + some bored tots = mudbath!
My best friend came away from our mud party so filthy that his dad refused to take him home. “Can’t see which kid is which, so best put the sprinkler on ’em before I bring home the wrong kid!” ^_^
when my boys were young, i used to fill a paddling pool a couple of inches deep with luke warm water and a generous splash of bubble bath half an hour before bedtime on hot summer nights. two big towels and two bubble monsters half an hour later and two squeaky clean boys nice and cool ready for jammies and bed time stories and a cold drink, with no fuss at all!
ETA – Jenny and Gina both think frozen water bottles need fighting and Podge is the only bun who eats fruit, frozen or otherwise, and more than a small amount and he stops eating his ceacotrophs, which given the fun we had with his tum when we first got him I dont want an upset Podge tum. I’ve found the best way to keep our fluffle cool in the current UK heatwave is to water them.
Yup, water them!
With a watering can lol. A quick light shower with luke warm, not cold water every so ofter has a double advantage. Not a soaking, just a light drizzle. It cools them down a just little quickly, and also hydrates them, as they all sit and lick the water off!
Tried that, and got an extremely grumpy bunny. Ears..wet..must..wash..aaaah!
last year they were grumpy at first, by two weeks, they sat waiting for the next cool down and ‘singing in the shower’ lol I only do from the shoulders down…
I imagine daisies sprout from behind their ears when you do that, GJ?
lol anything that sprouts gets eaten too quick to flower round here
Me does luv a hammock in the shade…
Wow, if those rabbits are really competing for the most spoiled rabbits on the planet, that picture helps a whole lot toward that end. How precious! And it looks like the hammock is about worn in to perfection. Just adorable.
Hard to think now, when we first got Snickers, she was so scared, she stayed hunched up in the back of a dog cage for two months any time any one was around at least, and her poor spine was actually twisted into an S shape when she finally did venture out for floor time!
Podge is enjoying some early morning grass after a very welcome light shower of rain
Does the helicopter look suit me?
GJ, your buns look so happy! They hit the lottery with you.
Every look suits you, darling Podge
GJ, you slay me with your fluffle *hug*
Here’s my Martial, wearing his hay in the most fashionable ways. First is from December 2015; second is from this month. Fashions have become much bolder.
This is Mary on her 6th birthday on 16th July, sitting on her birthday present.
And this is from the end of last month – Mary with her recently passed husbun Magnus. They loved each other so much <3
Wow Terra, great photos! Love the hay fashions. That last picture is so precious and so sad at the same time since they are no longer together. Just the perfect snoot snuggle! That picture truly speaks and is worth a thousand words.
The cuteness of this thread is overwhelming
Gator tot is an amazing name for a bunny
I have to say I’m particularly enjoying GJ’s outdoor pics – such spoiled babies!
A little while ago I posted about the glasshouse I repurposed into a dig shed for my buns, but I realised I’d never posted any pics here!
Here’s the before and after, and also the most recent update pictures: [edited by jg to make clicky]
In the third picture you can see areas with less grass, that’s because the pair of potatoes shift about 70litres of soil a day when they are in there digging up a storm, and it buries that section of grass repeatedly
All the plants/weeds used were grown organically so we knew no pesticides or chemicals were ever used on them, and are completely safe for rabbits (just incase anyone was worried)
Love it, Dface!!!
Terra, it’s nice to see your fur crew. Lovely bun-buns.
A lot of work Dface. Very impressive/creative. More super spoiled bunnies. Your buns get to enjoy an ultra fun (and nutritious) playground. How fulfilling for them!
Dface, that looks amazing! The buns must be bonkers for that space.
Haha thanks jg I couldn’t get it to embed with my phone.
It wasn’t actually hard to do in the end
Peep loves it so much, and yumi loves ruining it :p digs up every plant from the roots
Peep hates being brought back in, so he hides from me when I go to get them -makes me feel so mean! But they can’t spend the night in it because we’ve so many foxes in the area.
It’s August here now but I wanted to add these in here because Apollo and Luna had their 2nd Gotcha Day on the 30th. I meant to jump online on the day but didn’t get to it. Here’s some pics from the day (those on insta will have already seen them, thanks for the well wishes). I think the last one is my favourite
If it’s our birthday, where are our presents?
Happy belated gotcha day to apollo and luna!
I love the last picture:helicopter ears are go
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