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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE New girl in town

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    • LagomorphaLady
      6 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone! I have been a lurker for what feels like a while now, I started perusing the forums when I got my bunny boy, Poe, in March. He is my first and I LOVE HIM. I never knew I was a rabbit person but now I do. He is truly a delightful creature. I have hearing the thoughts and love of rabbits exchanged here.

        I would love to here everyone’s “first love” story or the story of how you got your first rabbit. For me Poe is the first rabbit I have ever owned. When I first met him he was my co-workers rabbit, she was having a Christmas party at her place and I was smitten, she let him out and I was more interested in him than anyone else at the party. She had owned him for three years but she had to more to a different state for grad school and could not take him with, I hesitated for a moment but then I quickly swooped in and I do not regret it!

        My “first love” story goes back a bit farther though. Some not very kind person( to put it very mildly) had released their pet rabbits near my house and they did as rabbits do and soon there many more. This was out in the country ways and the surprising survived a while. What really got me going was my cat would catch the babies and I wasn’t fast enough to save a few, makes me sad to this day. The ones that did though captured my heart. They were these enchanting little cuties that I couldn’t help but love, I wanted to keep them but I was living with my mom at the time and she is allergic so we found the good homes. I remember talking to some one who owned rabbits at the time about the situation and she said to me ” From the way you talk about it, I am sure one day you will own a rabbit”. She was sod right.

        Long first post. I would love to here you stories and thoughts!


      • OnyxMoon
        260 posts Send Private Message

          Hey there! Welcome to the forum!

          I adopted my first rabbit back in January of this year. But before that, my sisters bunnies were the first in the family. Pumpkin and Benson are a bonded pair, but we had Pumpkin for 3-4 years before adopting Benson (they are only a year apart, pumpkin is 5 years old and Benson is 4).

          They were love at first sight. They bonded in two days, or just under. Typically it takes waaaay longer. This is very rare for bunnies, especially because the only one fixed was Benson. They’ve been bonded for a little over two years now, they’ve never fought. <3

          But I hadn’t fallen in love with bunnies until I adopted Onyx.

          I went to the shelter, looking for a bunny but not expecting to come home with anyone. So I walk into the little room with about six rabbits in cages. Four of the bunnies ran up to the door, two didn’t. We held and met five, they were all around five/six pounds and all had no interest in people. They just wanted to be out of the cages lol.

          All the way in the back left corner, there was no bunny at the door. I look at the chart hanging on the door and it said “Male, not neutered, black. 1-4 years old.” And I look into the cage and saw a tiny black bunny buried in this powdery wood bedding they had in all of the cages, his poor little face was covered in dust.

          It was tough getting him out but when I held him.. My heart melted. He snuggled me, and was so soft. I immediately knew I needed to rescue him. And so I did.

          It was tough. I had to wait a day to adopt him because this (really rude) girl at the front desk made me jump through a bunch of hoops just to adopt him. On top of that, he was so sick and he still kinda is. They refused to admit fault and am about top file a claim with them. But it was so worth it.

          His original name was Shadow. But I knew he was more of an Onyx. I even gave him a middle name. His posture reminds my family of a crow. We live in Virginia, where Edgar Allen Poe is from, and I used to work at a historical house and we always mentioned him.

          Anywho! His full name is Onyx Edgar. He is the sweetest, most laid back bunny anyone could ask for.

          Just last night I was getting his cage ready for him, and as soon as I got on the ground, he came running up to me and wouldn’t leave me alone (not complaining!). I would click my tongue and he would stand on his hind legs and give me little bunny kisses. Then he would demand pets in return, of course. And it continued like that until he went in for bed and his nightly salad.

          I never knew my heart could be filled with such love for something so small. I feel the same about my dog, Moon. Later this week I’m picking up who is going to be Onyx’s partner, Rosalie Opal, and i already love her as well. ??❤

        • MountainBuns
          513 posts Send Private Message

            Hey Welcome nice to meet you, Those were great stories 🙂

          • Gordo and Janice
            703 posts Send Private Message

              Yes welcome! I would share my story again but I am afraid at this point everyone is soooooooo sick of it. Except for one who kindly told me otherwise. But enjoyed yours and OnyxMoon’s. And again glad to have you! Clever user name by the way, Lady of Lagomorpha.

            • Gordo and Janice
              703 posts Send Private Message

                You know what? That isn’t fair. You asked. I will PM our story to you in a while. Unless you already know it…because you have been a lurker. 

              • OnyxMoon
                260 posts Send Private Message

                  @Gordo and Janice

                  I feel like every post I make is about Onyx’s story, I’m sure everyone’s sick of hearing it but I’m not sick of telling it lol!

                  I don’t know your bunny story(ies), but I am interested if you want to share!

                • LagomorphaLady
                  6 posts Send Private Message

                    That’s a beautiful story and he sounds like such a sweet boy. and it sounds like he is blossoming under your care; makes me happy  Thanks for sharing!

                  • LagomorphaLady
                    6 posts Send Private Message

                      I really love hearing how people got there fur babies, it really the reason I joined BinkyBunny. I would come on and read and it just felt like ….Wow, I feel the same way, So I thought, why not join the fun.

                    • Bladesmith
                      849 posts Send Private Message

                        Pretty sure everyone’s sick of Clover’s origin story as well, so I’ll suffice it to say SHE adopted ME, and I was never given any choice in the matter. In the process, my couch was destroyed, the carpet is ruined, there’s hare hair everywhere, and I couldn’t be happier.

                      • Gordo and Janice
                        703 posts Send Private Message

                          @Bladesmith…lol. There seems to be no in between, all or nothing. No rabbit, no destruction, no mess, no fulfillment and joy of that special relationship in rabbit ownership….or…rabbit, destruction, mess, and joy of being bonded with your bunny. Take it all or leave it all. We couldn’t have been happier either, ultimately.

                          At the prodding of OnyxMoon let me share a short version. It was a hot Tuesday afternoon and we were deep in the Serengeti. We had been working to save baby elephants. I was with one, his little trunk wrapped around my arm, when I heard a noise and looked to my right……..

                          Oh who am I kidding? I couldn’t resist. If only my life were that exciting! I struggle to keep the lawn mowed and the weeds out of my landscape.

                          Basically the kids across the street had gotten an Easter bunny. They brought it over along with their cousins’ bunny from further down the street. They released them on the rear corner of the bed. Janice had knelt at the furthest opposite corner of the bed with her arms and hands on the bed. Icey made her little hoppy way, the way babies do, straight over to Janice. Janice raised her hand and Icey immediately buried herself into Janice’s hand. She was so tiny. Looking back we are pretty sure that both bunnies were also weaned too early as well for a lot of reasons but back to the story. Janice cupped her and gently rubbed her fingers across her back because her head was buried in Janice’s palm. She stayed like that for a long time, tiny teeth chattering. Janice looked up and I swear you could almost see tears in her eyes. She was in love.

                          Fast forward in time. After multiple visits from across the street, an episode of Janice having to talk them into letting her take Icey to the vet, and multiple cage cleanings, etc., etc., etc. Janice finally asked them if she could adopt Icey. They agreed. And we have had the most surprisingly wonderful experience with that little girl. She passed December 29, 2017 a little before 2:30 p.m. She almost made it to 8 years. We gave her an official approximate birthday of March 1st, 2010 because she was probably weaned prematurely and she was an Easter Bunny and it made it easy for us to be able to quickly do the math when people would ask us how old she was. But she has forever touched our lives and opened our eyes to the crazy wonderful, magical (if I may steal that phrase), world of bunnies.

                        • Gordo and Janice
                          703 posts Send Private Message

                            And I want to add that I looove reading everyone’s stories too. Flakie started a thread in THE LOUNGE on 5/18/18 titled “Why I chose rabbits as my pet”. There are a few stories in that thread if you haven’t read it. I’m relatively new here too so I’m sure throughout time there have been many similar threads started over and over but I wouldn’t even know how to find them so it’s nice that the subject gets rebooted from time to time.

                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By LagomorphaLady on 5/21/2018 10:56 PM

                              I really love hearing how people got there fur babies, it really the reason I joined BinkyBunny. I would come on and read and it just felt like ….Wow, I feel the same way, So I thought, why not join the fun.

                              Haha. That is how I came to join the forum too, I would read stories and find other people describing how I felt.  

                              Welcome to you and Poe! 

                            • OnyxMoon
                              260 posts Send Private Message

                                @Gordo and Janice

                                Wow, Icey sounds like she was a truly special bun. I remember reading that she passed, I’m sorry about that. Broke my heart, all of the Rainbow Bridge posts do.

                              • kurottabun
                                908 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By Gordo and Janice on 5/22/2018 8:55 AM

                                  …lol. There seems to be no in between, all or nothing. No rabbit, no destruction, no mess, no fulfillment and joy of that special relationship in rabbit ownership….or…rabbit, destruction, mess, and joy of being bonded with your bunny. Take it all or leave it all. We couldn’t have been happier either, ultimately.

                                  At the prodding of OnyxMoon let me share a short version. It was a hot Tuesday afternoon and we were deep in the Serengeti. We had been working to save baby elephants. I was with one, his little trunk wrapped around my arm, when I heard a noise and looked to my right……..

                                  Oh who am I kidding? I couldn’t resist. If only my life were that exciting! I struggle to keep the lawn mowed and the weeds out of my landscape.

                                  Basically the kids across the street had gotten an Easter bunny. They brought it over along with their cousins’ bunny from further down the street. They released them on the rear corner of the bed. Janice had knelt at the furthest opposite corner of the bed with her arms and hands on the bed. Icey made her little hoppy way, the way babies do, straight over to Janice. Janice raised her hand and Icey immediately buried herself into Janice’s hand. She was so tiny. Looking back we are pretty sure that both bunnies were also weaned too early as well for a lot of reasons but back to the story. Janice cupped her and gently rubbed her fingers across her back because her head was buried in Janice’s palm. She stayed like that for a long time, tiny teeth chattering. Janice looked up and I swear you could almost see tears in her eyes. She was in love.

                                  Fast forward in time. After multiple visits from across the street, an episode of Janice having to talk them into letting her take Icey to the vet, and multiple cage cleanings, etc., etc., etc. Janice finally asked them if she could adopt Icey. They agreed. And we have had the most surprisingly wonderful experience with that little girl. She passed December 29, 2017 a little before 2:30 p.m. She almost made it to 8 years. We gave her an official approximate birthday of March 1st, 2010 because she was probably weaned prematurely and she was an Easter Bunny and it made it easy for us to be able to quickly do the math when people would ask us how old she was. But she has forever touched our lives and opened our eyes to the crazy wonderful, magical (if I may steal that phrase), world of bunnies.

                                  Wow G&J, I just wanna say how well you articulated every detail – it’s like you are able to bring others into the world that you experienced, and that’s amazing Have you considered writing a novel or even a kids’ storybook or something?

                                • BunnyLass568
                                  446 posts Send Private Message

                                    I know this is a bit late but congrats on the bun! ? My first love story with rabbits? I don’t even remember, I’ve ALWAYS loved cats and rabbits to no end. As for how Thumper and Blossom came to be apart of our family? Well…I feel like I’ll get harshly judged if I say the full story and that’s something that’s not needed, not now anyway. Let’s just say one of uncle’s (one of my mom’s brothers) got them for me for now.?

                                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

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                                Forum THE LOUNGE New girl in town