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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m allergic to my bunny!! Please help!!

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    • Geenasee
      4 posts Send Private Message

        I didn’t know how to create a forum because I’m new to this website!!! But I need help!! I got a rabbit about 10 months ago and now my doctor tells me that my lungs are in bad shape and I have to use an inhaler now. I have come to realize it’s because im allergic to my rabbit. I am allergic because when I come in contact with her fur my nose runs and eyes water, itch, and of course I cannot breathe, I cough, sneeze, wheeze. It doesn’t help that she lives in my room with me, I can’t even sleep in my room or be in my room for more than 15 minutes. I try to clean up everyday and groom her but I still cannot breath and I am afraid it will lead to asthma or bronchitis. I want to try to get the kenalog shot, does anyone have any experience with living with rabbit allergies or the kenalog shot(whether or not it works?) please let me know! I am desperate! You may even email me at

      • Luna
        2219 posts Send Private Message

          Hi! To clarify, have you just recently started experiencing allergies or have you had them for the past 10 months? What kind of hay do you buy? Timothy hay tends to really aggravate allergies, so switching to a less dusty type (like Orchard hay) can help .

        • tobyluv
          3311 posts Send Private Message

            I’m sorry that you’re having these health problems. Some people have thought that they were allergic to rabbits, but it turned out to be the hay that was the culprit. It doesn’t sound like you have had actual allergy testing to determine what you are allergic to. Timothy hay is the worst for causing allergies, usually. Orchard grass or other grass hay is a better option. Also, some brands of hay tend to be dustier than others.

            Some people with allergies are able to cope by keeping the areas the rabbit is in well vacuumed, keeping the rabbit groomed (it’s best for someone else in the house to do that if possible) by using an electronic air cleaner, and maybe taking allergy medication. I’m not familiar with that shot, so I have no idea about that.

            I hope that you can find a good solution for your allergies.

          • Bam
            16992 posts Send Private Message

              If it’s timothy hay you can get a huge improvement if you switch to orchard or oat hay and avoid all hay that has Timothy in it. Timothy is common in meadow hay and other mixed hays, so you have to be cautious. I’m crazy allergic to Timothy hay and it’s gotten worse with time, probably through exposure. So my bun can only have oat and orchard or my eyes run, my nose clogs up and I cough endlessly.

            • Mikey
              3186 posts Send Private Message

                Try changing hay first and finding an allergy medication that helps, if you can. More often than not, the hay is what people are allergic to.

                If you are allergic to your bun and allergy medications are not helping, the only option is to rehome your bun to a no kill bun shelter or to a trusted friend/family member.

              • Nutmeg
                594 posts Send Private Message

                  My first suggestion was also the hay – however if changing the hay doesn’t help I will share my experience.
                  My allergy was not with my bunnies but with cats and I found out after that it was NOT their fur I was allergic too, but the dander coming off their skin. So grooming and brushing would not help.
                  I started taking Prescription allergy medication (which was basically just extra strength allergy pills – or the same as taking two at once – but don’t do that unless the doctor tells you too please)
                  My Dad also had the same issue – The allergy shot once a month helped him a LOT, but the allergy pills worked better for me.

                  Don’t give up hope! And try changing the hay type first like suggested above.

                • LBJ10
                  17089 posts Send Private Message

                    Allergy tests showed I am not allergic to any grass hays, including timothy. LOL So, yeah, that theory went out the window. If you are allergic to one type of animal, it’s likely you are allergic to others. Not all, but others. It is the dander, not the fur. Well, actually, it is proteins found in their saliva, urine, and dander. Doing things that stir up dander (vacuuming, air filters, etc.) can often make it worse. Then again, it could very well be the timothy hay and not the actual bunny. I know some people are horribly allergic to timothy hay. If allergy tests are out of the question, then the process of elimination is the only other way to go. Try cleaning the room really well and switching to a different type of hay.

                  • Rain
                    547 posts Send Private Message

                      Here’s a really great video from an experienced rabbit owner on how to cope with rabbit allergies. I thought it was really helpful for me and my family, because both of my parents have bad allergies to the hay and dander. These are some tips that could definitely help you with both allergies for hay and for the rabbit.
                      A lot of the times, bagged hays gather dust because of shipping and moving around and everything. It’s mostly unavoidable, but the hay that gathers the most, since it is already pretty dusty, is timothy. Orchard grass is similar to timothy and a lot of buns don’t mind switching from timothy to orchard. If your bun happens to not like orchard, there is oat hay, botanical, and meadow hay, which are also great hays that don’t have so much dust.

                      Also it really helps to wear a mask when vaccuming and grooming your rabbit, so that less fur enters your mouth and lungs. It’s also best to do cleaning and grooming regularly to avoid fur and dust building up around the rabbit and house, making it easier for you to breathe.

                      Please don’t give up the rabbit until you know for sure that no allergy medications or hay changes are working, because then it is totally understandable to have to do that to save your own health. But unless you can’t do anything at all, keep trying remedies and changes that could maybe help your allergies.

                    • Geenasee
                      4 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you for all the replies. I went back to the doctor today and got the kenalog shot to help with allergies so hopefully it will help. I know for a fact that I am allergic to my rabbits dander on her fur because when I get a peice of her fur on my nose, my nose will leak. If I touch her and touch my eyes it looks like I have pink eye. The sinus problems started when I first got her, so about 10 months ago, but now it has progressed to where I can’t even breathe, I’m coughing, wheezing, and my doctor says my lungs are being affected. This sucks because I went from cuddling, hugging and kissing her to having to use a mask just to handle her or just to be in my room. I have tried to clean my room out but with her living in my room it’s hard to avoid her dander because it can be anywhere. This also means that overtime my allergy to my rabbit has been getting worse and worse and I don’t don’t want to end up in the ER. I know it’s not the hay because I have used all types of hay including orchard, botanical, alfalfa. My rabbit has basically taken over my room but she may have to become an outdoor bunny because getting rid of her is not an option because she’s my baby. However, now my next concern is keeping her outdoors when it gets over 100 degrees in the summer because I live in CA. I want to get her nice 2 story hutch that provides shelter for her on the top and then she also has the option to run around in the bottom/grass area. I feel really horrible having to move her outdoors when she has gotten use to being an indoor bunny in my room with ac ever since I brought her home when she was only 2 and a half months. Any suggestions on keeping an outdoor bunny safe and happy? Update: If I have to move her outdoors hopefully it will only be for a few months before the weather here gets too hot! I’m hoping to get my own place before summer and she will have her own designated room in the house, but for now I am so heartbroken that I can’t even cuddle and kiss my fur baby like I use to.

                      • YandereCapybara
                        58 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m sorry that it’s not they hay.
                          Gays always make me sneeze, so I had thought that that was the culprit.
                          Do you have any pills you could take for you allergies?

                        • Geenasee
                          4 posts Send Private Message

                            I am taking allergy medicine prescribed from my doctor, and also Claritin, and also using Flonase on my nose. I heard zrytec works well so I am going to try that as well. My doctor also said to always have benedryl on hand and today I got the kenalog shot for allergies so hopefully that will help soon. I have tried everything! I wish it was the hay and not my rabbits dander.

                          • Bam
                            16992 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh dear, I’m so sorry. Yes, if getting a hair on your skin causes symptoms it does mean you are allergic to your rabbit. I hope the kenalog shot will help. We’d be very happy for updates. If you are prone to getting difficulty breathing you should have an inhaler with for example salbutamol or terbutalin (Ventoline, Bricanyl) with you always, but I’m guessing your doctor has told you that? It’s really important.

                            • Geenasee
                              4 posts Send Private Message

                                Yes, I was prescribed an inhaler and I also have to use the breathing machine when I go to the doctor! It takes a bit for the shot to kick in but I hope it helps! I will keep you updated!!

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m allergic to my bunny!! Please help!!