Adoptee Hector came home Feb.26 to a 2 bedroom apt where Hazel has been living for 9 months. They are both approx 2yr3m old and both small. Hazel is a dominant female weighting 1.82kg and Hector is a pats before food docile little guy at 1.14kg. Hazel had been showing some signs of loneliness, with no bunny speed dating services in my area of Ont. we we looking for a laid back, chilled out lover- not a fighter (found him!).
Hector was fixed Feb.21 and his first rabbit savvy vet appt was yesterday Mar. 9. He got a clean bill of health, his nails trimmed and we got some advice for trying to get an ultra picky bunny to eat more.
Bonding; what we have tried so far:
Hazel has used his litter box!
When we change the litter boxes, we do so on the linoleum entry floor for easy clean up. We left both of their used boxes out and she hopped into his, pooped in it and ate the specialty hay from inside. Also a couple territory poops around it.
They have had stuffed animal switching!
Hazel’s stuffed bunny was put in with Hector. He sniffed, chinned and booped it. I might have even seen a lick or two. Hector had it 2 days and we gave it back to Hazel. She has sniffed it intensely for a day and a half and today she groomed stuffy’s ears.
***This is where I need help understanding***:
Through a fence- Yesterday
We setup the hallway with a fence in the middle. Hazel has run of the living & dining room, entry and kitchen whereas Hector is in an ex pen in the second room. Hector’s pen was strategically opened so that he could get to the hall and Hazel can get to the hall fence from her side. Bf on Hazel’s side and myself on Hector’s side; we watched them meet for the first time. She nipped his nose through the fence bars. He pooped about it.
He seemed peaceful, curious and eager but kept pooping and eventually peed. She was grumpy about him, growled/grunted and would not let Andrew pat her to calm the situation. When we tried the deescalate pats she would get out of reach. She left and came back 4 or 5 times while this experiment happened but always came back – she’s curious but cautious.
Pen Swap- Tonight
We put her in the carrier and tucked her away for a moment while I picked up Hector and put him in her condo. Then Hazel was released into Hector’s pen.
Hazel ate all of Hector’s leftover snacks, peed in his litter, and left 6-9 territories poops.
Hector pooped his tiny buns off on the entire first floor of her house, chinned everything, and peed in her cardboard hidey hut (face palm)
20 minutes: experiment over.
What does it mean? All of it? Each and every part of it-?
What am I doing? What should I be doing?
I’ve read a fair bit on bonding but I don’t know how to interpret these actions (esp. Hector’s) and what I should learn or do about them
Guidance Please