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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny passed last night – please say a prayer of thanks for her life

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    • BingosDad
      20 posts Send Private Message

        Bingo showing affection by licking.

        BBing near her “best friend” the vent.  I’d set it on constant blow so she could enjoyit

        Bingo as a baby.

        Dear Friends,

        You do not know me, and I have not been a part of this forum.  But I feel the need to seek out those who will understand.  I had a dear house bunny since she was very tiny.  She passed suddenly during the night last night.  The good news is that she lived approximately 9 years and was much loved and cared for.   The bad news is I  contributed to her death, because I bathed her hind end and legs.  I only ever did it once before, but she was ok then so thought she would be now.  I only did it because lately she’d gotten very messy, and it would cake on her fur and she couldn’t clean it.   Anyway,  I dried her and held her wrapped up in a towel for two hours, and she seemed fine.  And then I put her in her cage… and this morning she was dead.  I just couldn’t believe it.  I still can’t.  

        So now I’m dealing with the grief and guilt.   I hear so many things, both ways, about not bathing…  But I did it anyway thinking it would be ok.  And maybe if she was young, it would have been.  Who really knows?  So many should have’s would have’s and could haves…  in the end you are left with the simple fact that your loved one  has passed, and you have to somehow accept that and adjust to it.  

        So today in between the numbness, and bouts of crying, I’ve been trying to focus on  thankfulness.  I am thankful for this dear rabbit’s life and love.  I am thankful she was in my life.  

        Her name was Bingo (thought she was a boy when she was little, was wrong but the name stuck).  

        So please my friends, if you feel so inclined, help me in saying “Thank you for the life of Bingo!” .  She was a beautiful gray mini-lop.

        We all have been blessed with our rabbit family members, each came into our lives and wrote us into their story.  It’s such a wonderful thing.  

        With Warm Regards,

        Bingo’s Dad

        PS I took her to be cremated today, and will pick up her remains and urn on Friday.  And I’ll set up my memorial to her.


      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry your Bingo passed away. I’ll gladly join you in saying thank you for her life. And I like to say thank you to you too for loving and caring for her for 9 whole years – that’s a long bunny life. She was a lucky girl.

          I don’t think your bathing her hind end and legs contributed to her death. It’s full baths you should never give a bunny unless the the situation is truly exceptional. We have to give our buns a butt bath if they have messy sticky poop or a butt soaked in urine and can’t clean themselves. It’s often the case with buns that are elderly or have some kind of condition that prevents them from cleaning themselves – and it’s something that needs to be done or the bun can get fecal burns or urine scald. You were just being a good owner, helping her with her hygiene. There’s not one of us here that wouldn’t have done the same thing.

          Binky free, sweet ****Bingo****

        • Sirius&Luna
          2320 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry for your loss. Bingo obviously had a very long and happy life.

            I agree with Bam, I really don’t believe that bathing her bum would have contributed to death – as you know, had you left her messy, all sorts of horrible problems occur. I suspect it is just a horrible coincidence – nine is definitely a senior bunny, and the problems that were leading to her getting a messy bum in the first place are more likely to be the cause. Please don’t feel guilty, remember the wonderful nine years you gave her.

            Thank you for the life of Bingo.

          • Muchelle
            1141 posts Send Private Message

              I agree with the others, a sanitary wash can’t be denied to a bun in need. You did what you had to do to make sure she was comfortable and healthy and we can only commend you for that.

              She has lived a long live in a place where she was loved, that’s all that matters. I truly hope you can overcome the pain of this moment and eventually remember the time you had with her with fondness and happiness.

            • Luna
              2219 posts Send Private Message

                I am in 100% agreement with the others. You did nothing wrong. It would have been bad and uncomfortable for her if she were left with a dirty bum , but you did what any responsible owner would do. Think of all the great years you both spent together by giving her such love and care. 

                Binky free Bingo

              • Flakie
                148 posts Send Private Message

                  So sorry to hear about Bingo. I too agree with the others you did nothing wrong I would have cleaned my bunny’s bottom if it had been dirty you did the responsible thing. My bun was nearly 10 when he passed over the rainbow bridge in January and he too had a dirty bottom occasionally and I like yourself cleaned it up. It did him no harm.

                  Binky free sweet Bingo

                • BingosDad
                  20 posts Send Private Message

                     Thank you for the reassurance.  I’d really like to believe it was just an awful coincidence.  The reality is it will just take time for me to simply accept that even if it contributed, it was an action done out of love, and it was…   I am thankful that on that last night (after the half bath) I was able to go through our usual evening routine, I had her on my chest petting her nose and cheeks, she of course could never get enough of that.  

                    Tomorrow I get her ashes and small urn with her name inscribed. And later I’ll make a cement memorial for her in my garden with her name and dates.  

                    I watched the movie “Coco” last night, and it was strangely comforting.  There was a song “Remember me”.  And I will remember that dear mini lop who was my tiny bunny for a while then my old lady bunny : )  

                    Thank you for your help everyone.  I just didn’t know where to turn where I could find people who’d understand, glad I found you!

                    I give thanks for the life and gift of Bingo (picture attached), and for the lives of all your bunnies as well!


                  • Luna
                    2219 posts Send Private Message

                      She’s beautiful . I’m glad she got to have a snuggle with you before her journey to Rainbow Bridge. I know it must have been really comforting for her.

                    • Gordo and Janice
                      703 posts Send Private Message

                        That picture breaks my heart. Such a sweet picture of mutual affection. Wonderfully precious.

                        And, of course, I agree with everyone else. For one, they are the experts. But speaking from first hand experience, we had to rinse and/or bathe our little girl’s bottom and sometimes feet, as well, because of “messy complications”. She didn’t necessarily always like but it was never a life threatening experience. After getting cleaned and towel dried she would kick and run off and do her own grooming of the damp areas.

                        It’s that whole body immersion or bathing that is dangerous.

                        Now I have to watch the movie “Coco”!

                        I do give thanks for the life of Bingo and for people like you. Looks like a match made in heaven. Almost 9 years. As I have come to find out, you are fortunate to have had that much time with her. Savor all those wonderful memories. We do of our little girl. She passed Dec. 29th, 2017 a little before 2:30 p.m. And we have also kept her ashes. I still cry from time to time but there are mostly smiles with the sweet memories.

                        Binky free precious {{{Bingo}}}

                      • BingosDad
                        20 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you!  The grief is still very hard.  I keep lecturing myself about practical steps for dealing with grief.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could lecture ourselves out of it?  It’s a slow process, and there’s no rushing it. The crying bouts sneak up on me unexpectedly, mostly I just try to keep busy.  

                           After reading what so many had to go through I feel very fortunate to have had Bingo in my life for so long.  Rabbits are such a contradiction, in some ways so very tough… and in others so fragile.  

                          I am thankful for the life of your little one, and for my Bingo.  

                          And thank you for the note, and for the love you gave your bunny!

                        • Phil
                          239 posts Send Private Message

                            So sad i lost my Jasper in jan he was 8 and i. Blamed myself for taking him to vet with testical cancer and he died under ansetic,i loved him so much life is so empty and sad without our bunnies please dont blame yourself.

                          • Dasher
                            156 posts Send Private Message

                              Don’t blame youself, you didn’t hurt her. You just did what was best for her. She was lucky to have you and you were lucky to have that special little bunny for 9 good years. I know how hard it is. My bunny passed away a few months ago when he was only 4. I tried to talk myself out of grief and it sort of worked but after a month I was much worse and felt like I had gone right back where I started. Just take it slowly and it will get better with time. It helps to be occupied with something or spend time with friends or family. Remember that your bunny isn’t really gone, she is just in another place and is waiting to meet you again someday.

                            • bamagalforever
                              1 posts Send Private Message

                                I am SO very sorry to hear this! May God bless this bunny into a whole new life… <3

                              • Phil
                                239 posts Send Private Message

                                  Just to say what an amazing bunny, so sad

                                • Phil
                                  239 posts Send Private Message

                                    Just wondering how things are now, I’m not doing to well as I miss my jasper more each day, I’ve been so I’ll life’s just not same anymore, I still can’t believe he’s not with me anymore. I feel so so sad.

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                                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny passed last night – please say a prayer of thanks for her life