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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Weirdest thing your rabbit has eaten?

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    • I love Blue!
      42 posts Send Private Message

        What’s the weirdest thing your rabbit has eaten? For Blue it’s slippers. Bunny slippers. 

      • Wick & Fable
        5812 posts Send Private Message

          Wick doesn’t eat non food items, but the one thing he’ll chew is the hoodie strings on sweatshirts if you put them in front of him, haha.

          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

        • Muchelle
          1141 posts Send Private Message

            K has eaten drywall and also regular wall. He loved those as a kid, luckily he stopped. He still tries to eat my pajamas though

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Ophelia has licked up rum and whiskey before. Little alcoholic

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                BN: That’s so funny! Every time I even smell like alcohol I’m greeted with thumps, shudders, and general displeasment.
                I know Bombur had a thing for salt&vinegar chips. My husband went through a s&v phase and would buy multiple bags a week, and whenever he ate them around Bombur he would get so excited and try to steal little crumbs that fell on the bed. Asriel doesn’t really eat anything other than hay, pellets, greens, and treats. When he was at that age to start introducing fruits and veggies, he would sniff it once and hop away. He loves his orchard grass though.

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  hahaha oh no, I spilled an entire blender of pina colada once and before I could grab a towel to wipe it up she darted over and started licking it up. I mean obviously it was probably enticing because it’s sweet, but those were some VERY rummy drinks…. I don’t like to drink all that sugar so I make them really strong so I just have to have 1 or 2. And my husband spilled a jack and coke on the table and she was licking the carpet where it fell…I laughed for a second but then I was like no stop! It’s not good for you bun XD

                • BB8
                  101 posts Send Private Message

                    My bunnies both like to lick and nibble on my lips when I use chapstick! at first it’s funny but once I feel a nibble I quickly push them away

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh goodness… Isn’t it funny how they eat poop and we honestly don’t even care if they lick our lips with that mouth?

                    • Boing
                      253 posts Send Private Message

                        Cincinnati eats rugs and rug pads – lots of different fibres; he is not picky. I finally found one he does not eat to put in his pen. Unfortunately he actually eats them; he does not just chew. I see him suck in tassels like spaghetti.

                        Daisy eats poetry. Her favourite book to nibble is the complete poems of Emily Dickinson. She also likes Shakespeare’s sonnets. She always goes to the poetry shelf. There are other exposed, bottom shelves, but no, she picks my favourites. Maybe because they smell the most like me.

                        I get up every time, but they have it measured to the second how long they have before I can remove them. They are way too fast!

                      • bobnlinda
                        8 posts Send Private Message

                          My one rabbit will eat anything! My one rabbit ate a half cheesesteak. Another time she ate a Wawa mac n cheese. Luckily her tummy was good after she ate it and I taught my friends not to leave their food lying around.

                        • Q8bunny
                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                            Chewie would be an omnivore if I let him. He tried to steal my Taco Bell again last night.

                          • Mimzy
                            599 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m an artist & forgot I left a finished painted canvas for a customer on the floor. Mimzy ate the corner of it! It’s oil paint too which apparently she’s very attracted to but it’s not good for them. Thankfully she was ok

                            • Blue Moon
                              436 posts Send Private Message

                                mine have steal almost anything out of my hand like, gold fish and Cheetos. they have stolen much more but i can’t remember what

                              • Blue Moon
                                436 posts Send Private Message

                                  oh steak they have gotten steak of my/my dad’s fork before luckily it was just little nibbles.

                                • Charlotte
                                  2 posts Send Private Message

                                    Mailing ads, my bun eats, but are ads you get in the mail safe for them to eat? theres a lot of in on them

                                  • Smokeyandthebandit
                                    37 posts Send Private Message

                                      Smokey loves plaster walls from 110 years ago..aged to perfection I guess?! LOL
                                      Bandit ANY thing he can get his little teeth into….Seriously ANYTHING

                                    • Rain
                                      547 posts Send Private Message

                                        My bun does the same with those little EOS things. He likes the blackberry one. Every time I put it on he goes crazy and starts licking my face all over. Rain will eat the corners of walls, crumbs, fallen food, carpets, and best of alllllll…..HOMEWORK. I actually put it in front of him (just the white papery part, and I don’t let him like actually eat it, I take it gently out of his mouth.) and he will start ripping it to shreds! One time I was eating a croissant, and he made the cutest bunny eyes and started begging and jumping all over me, that I had to give him a tiny little nibble. I can’t say no to him!!! I’m a sucker for bunnies!!! He knows exactly what he’s doing when he does that.

                                      • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                        2512 posts Send Private Message

                                          Breintje is a crazy little boozehound for some reason. I thought the bitter taste of alcohol would put him off, but no… Appearantly there are more people here who also have a boozy bunny.

                                          Breintjes weirdest foods/drinks have included:

                                          – A fallen piece of prawn cracker which I failed to pick up quickly enough. I thought you fluffbutts were strict vegans, you crazy bunny…
                                          – Some tiny licks of a banana daiquiri. Bas is a sucker for banana and so is Breintje. When I made Bas a banana daiquiri Breintje was all over him, pushing his nose into the glass until he got some tiny licks.
                                          – Rum-soaked raisins, he tried to pick them out of a bowl of rum-raisin vla that Bas was eating.
                                          – A drop of beer. I was enjoying a GF beer on the couch and Breintje just wouldn’t leave me be. I thought I’d try the toddler tactic: usually 1 drop of the stuff tastes bitter enough to keep them off of it. Nope! Breintje gladly licked the drop from my finger and started to beg for more *facepalm*

                                        • Deleted User
                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                            Ellie !!!!!! XD I literally busted out laughing at “boozy bunny” and husband was like waaaat are you cackling at?! That’s too funny!!

                                          • TheLittleBunns
                                            64 posts Send Private Message

                                              Before I went vegan, out of curiosity I gave my rabbit Kodak an extremely small piece of turkey and he loved it xD. I’d never give him something like that again though. He has a very strict diet now and is pretty good at not eating strange things off the floor. Although, he does like to chew up his poops and spit them back out all crumbled up. And not the ones straight from his butt. Normal poops just lying around on the ground lol

                                            • Q8bunny
                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                My omnivore is with Breintje, Ellie. Last night we both enjoyed gin and tonics in celebration of my overseas brother’s birthday.

                                              • MountainBuns
                                                513 posts Send Private Message

                                                  The other day I was lying on the floor with my bunny and she started nibbling my pant. I didn’t mind it at first but then she took a big chomp! I made her drop it though.

                                                • JosipTheBunny
                                                  60 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Bobi is such a piggie!

                                                    He once stole a chewing gum from my purse   thankfully he was fine.

                                                    And once he jumped on a coffee table and nibbled on a candle!   he really would try to eat the strangest things… 

                                                    Once when a package of butter fell from my hands he darted towards it and ate some wrapping paper and a mouthful of butter before I was able to pick the damn thing up! 

                                                    Crazy rabbit! 

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                                                Forum THE LOUNGE Weirdest thing your rabbit has eaten?