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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE How can I save a bunny from an abusive owner?

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    • Rain
      547 posts Send Private Message

        There are these two girls in my neighborhood who have owned three rabbits before which have all died and currently have one who is already close enough. The deaths of these three rabbits have been entirely their faults. The first one died the second day because of heat stroke. The second lived a year and then was ravaged by a dog. The third, poor sweet sweet thing, I saw right before my eyes the suffering. They fed her chocolate, chips, fruits, silver and iceberg lettuce. It grew overweight and died and only lived to be six months old. And this young dwarf I see right now is being fed all the right stuff( Timothy hay, pellets, romaine lettuce) but is being mistreated. He is a Netherland Dwarf and is being constantly held and squeezed and hanging above the ground. He has a wire bottom cage. I remember seeing his droppings and his they were all clumped up and liquidy. He’s skinny and I could count all his bones if I wanted. It’s only been a couple months and he is already going. I can see the pain and fear in his eyes. What can I do? What do I tell them to make them realize that they are not treating this rabbit right? They don’t even feel guilt or remorse over the fact that they killed three other beautiful bunnies. Why, if I let one bunny die before it had its long eight years of life, I would never ever forgive myself and wouldn’t let myself look at another rabbit until I knew I could be a better owner. But these two don’t care. All they want is something to look at and poke around at until they are bored. This is a horrible situation. Is there anything at all I can do to save him before he ends up like the ones before him?

      • Wick & Fable
        5812 posts Send Private Message

          Are they living with their parents or are they adult women? If you can speak to their parents(s), explaining you have your own and show them some educational items, the parent(s) may be able to influence the girls.

          If they are not children and you do not feel comfortable approaching them, I’d confide in your parent(s) to potentially talk with them.

          I do recommend going to speak to them with your experience if you feel comfortable doing so. Above all, although you know their history, it’s important to be educational, not lecturing or abrasive, although it’s hard not to be that way. It won’t be taken well.

          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

        • ZiggySyd
          8 posts Send Private Message

            As Wick said, maybe speak to the caregiver(s) if they are children.

            If things do get out of hand and you can see the poor thing physically deteriorating, perhaps it would be time to call the local animal welfare agency? I’m unsure of of the equivalent if you aren’t in Australia, but something like RSPCA will help put the rabbit in a much better environment.

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              I’d report the scumbags!

            • Bladesmith
              849 posts Send Private Message

                Call the SPCA or animal control folks in your area, right away. Many people don’t take kindly to having strangers telling them they’re abusing their animals, and probably won’t be as polite to you as they would be to someone with a badge.

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  So sad…. Def talk to the parents if they are young kids. If you are shy, maybe even write them a letter with your concerns.

                  I’m so very saddened for hutch bunnies. I’m not sure how the humane society works where you are, but here it is horrible and backwards. As long as the animal is getting food, water and has shelter, they won’t remove the animal, unless there is some very visible abuse.

                • Rain
                  547 posts Send Private Message

                    Yes, these two are children the same age as me. The problem is my mom knows their mom very personally, and I know the girls pretty well too. Our moms are close, and I wouldn’t want to cause a huge rift between them, because they are VERY overly sensitive people, the type who wo,n’t realize or understand that they are doing something wrong, and will get angry if accused. I think I will just kind of casually give them examples of how I treat my bunny and how a rabbit SHOULD be treated. My parents saw this same rabbit and my father, with just a glance saw how horrible it was being treated. I will politely tell them of real facts, so for example, in the act of them doing something wrong, I will kind of say something like “Oh, I read on Binky Bunny or House Rabbit Society that rabbits don’t usually like to be held that way”, or something like that, and will try to steer them away from it in a friendly way. I know my parents don’t want to handle their kid reporting their neighbors of abuse and then causing a huge mess. I think I will follow the advice here and speak with them, kindly. Although they may not deserve it. The poor thing doesn’t even know its supposed to hate them for what they are doing.

                  • Sleepy
                    190 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m not sure casual examples will work if they’re the type who don’t realize what they’re doing is wrong. This isn’t something that can really be handled indirectly when there’s this level of abuse. The rabbit you’ve mentioned is literally starving, based on what you’ve mentioned about being able to count it’s bones. It likely doesn’t have time to wait for them to have an epiphany.

                      Someone has to be firm and blunt about it, whether you or asking your mom to bring it up (in fact, that might even work better if she’s close to them). Examples are good and information is good but this is the sort of thing you have to push someone’s nose into.

                    • sarahthegemini
                      5584 posts Send Private Message

                        The rabbit sounds like he is serious danger. There’s no time for dropping hints or being polite and hoping they listen.

                      • Rain
                        547 posts Send Private Message

                          I completely agree. I saw him again yesterday and I think he might actually be getting better. He’s put on more weight than before. But I still know he’s not being treated well. She mentioned that whenever they run out of hay he just eats oats for the whole day. My heart almost stopped! I told them no way that is going to kill him! I told them there is good hay nearby for cheap at Walmart and another grocery store. They went ahead and told their mom to buy some. I also said that Netherland Dwarfs and all rabbits in general hate being picked up and that it makes hem get stressed out. I mentioned that his weight isn’t good and it seems he is stressed and not eating well. I also mentioned the wire cage. And the squeezing. They actually looked pretty guilty. I gave them some websites from which they can read more about rabbits. I noticed their rabbit was licking them everywhere. They did not have food or any crumbs on them. Why is that? I know that rabbits lick when they trust and love you. He even started licking me and hardly knows me. I have noticed this same thing with their previous rabbit. Is there such a thing as just forced licking? Am i getting the rabbits situation all wrong? I’m pretty sure what I saw was correct.

                        • Wick & Fable
                          5812 posts Send Private Message

                            It could be a request for reciprocal grooming, attention, or food. Wick gets licking when he wants food and attention.

                            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                          • Hazel
                            2587 posts Send Private Message

                              You can always report them anonymously, that way things won’t get awkward between them and your parents.

                            • Rain
                              547 posts Send Private Message

                                It’s probably for food. They said that he finishes one oxbow package of Timothy’s hay( the small ones) in like two months. I’m going to be sure to take action and do something about this.

                              • Sleepy
                                190 posts Send Private Message

                                  Please do! I can’t imagine any bunny managing off a small bag of hay for a few weeks, let alone two months.

                                • joea64
                                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                                    Honestly, I couldn’t imagine my own two buns managing to squeeze more than a couple of days out of a small bag of hay. Hope you manage to win an improvement in that rabbit’s situation! (P.S. I do give them some oats, but only a small amount once daily as a treat.)

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      Honestly, my boys polish off 9 pounds of hay in 2 weeks.

                                    • Bladesmith
                                      849 posts Send Private Message

                                        I go to Tractor Supply (A local farm feed store down here in the South) and buy a compressed 40 lb. bale of Timothy and it lasts me 3-4 months. I keep it stored in an airtight Tupperware container.

                                        It’s super cheap (In price, not quality) compared to those store bought 3 lb bags.  Here, they’re around $7 a bag.  I was going through 4 or more of those a month.  The compressed bale?  $15. And it lasts for months.

                                        And my little boogers know when I open it (The whole house spells of Timothy) and come a running.

                                      • sarahthegemini
                                        5584 posts Send Private Message

                                          Posted By Rain on 12/08/2017 4:39 PM

                                          It’s probably for food. They said that he finishes one oxbow package of Timothy’s hay( the small ones) in like two months. I’m going to be sure to take action and do something about this.

                                          You mean the half kilo package? Mine would eat that in a few days. That’s absolutely disgraceful. Bun has probably only put weight on because they are shovelling oats into him. What’s going to happen when he inevitably gets serious dental issues? Please port it. Those brats don’t deserve a rabbit.

                                        • joea64
                                          1423 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By Bladesmith on 12/08/2017 9:35 PM

                                            I go to Tractor Supply (A local farm feed store down here in the South) and buy a compressed 40 lb. bale of Timothy and it lasts me 3-4 months. I keep it stored in an airtight Tupperware container.

                                            It’s super cheap (In price, not quality) compared to those store bought 3 lb bags.  Here, they’re around $7 a bag.  I was going through 4 or more of those a month.  The compressed bale?  $15. And it lasts for months.

                                            And my little boogers know when I open it (The whole house spells of Timothy) and come a running.

                                            You must be referring to the Standlee compressed (“Grab ‘N’ Go”) bales of compressed timothy hay at Tractor Supply. This is actually kind of funny, because over Thanksgiving, Friends of Rabbits alerted its bun adopters that there was a problem with toxic weeds possibly being in the farm hay they were currently selling, so they were going to switch to a new supplier. I went over to a fellow bunny owner that weekend to pick up some hay to tide Panda and Fernando over until I could get replacement hay from Friends of Rabbits the following weekend, and she gave me a sheaf of Standlee hay from her current bale (there’s a Tractor Supply store here in Manassas, VA). So I went to get the replacement hay that following Saturday, and guess what – I was given a bale of Standlee compressed!!!


                                            Right now, I have it stored in two big plastic bins with the extras in several large plastic bags (there’s *that* *much* hay). They like it just fine and I think the texture is actually very good for P&F’s teeth, better than the hay I was feeding them before; the Standlee hay is VERY stalky and crunchy in texture.

                                          • Sr. Melangell
                                            1708 posts Send Private Message

                                              Sometimes the best way to sort out things like this is to report them and not give your name, no animal should suffer, why do these kids have a pet if they can’t look after it, we had rabbits when I was little, but I was brought up with rabbits and how to look after them, rabbits need care, I would say be a voice for the voiceless and ring the animal welfare, is all you can do.

                                            • Bladesmith
                                              849 posts Send Private Message

                                                Posted By joea64 on 12/09/2017 9:23 PM

                                                Posted By Bladesmith on 12/08/2017 9:35 PM

                                                I go to Tractor Supply (A local farm feed store down here in the South) and buy a compressed 40 lb. bale of Timothy and it lasts me 3-4 months. I keep it stored in an airtight Tupperware container.

                                                It’s super cheap (In price, not quality) compared to those store bought 3 lb bags.  Here, they’re around $7 a bag.  I was going through 4 or more of those a month.  The compressed bale?  $15. And it lasts for months.

                                                And my little boogers know when I open it (The whole house spells of Timothy) and come a running.

                                                You must be referring to the Standlee compressed (“Grab ‘N’ Go”) bales of compressed timothy hay at Tractor Supply. This is actually kind of funny, because over Thanksgiving, Friends of Rabbits alerted its bun adopters that there was a problem with toxic weeds possibly being in the farm hay they were currently selling, so they were going to switch to a new supplier. I went over to a fellow bunny owner that weekend to pick up some hay to tide Panda and Fernando over until I could get replacement hay from Friends of Rabbits the following weekend, and she gave me a sheaf of Standlee hay from her current bale (there’s a Tractor Supply store here in Manassas, VA). So I went to get the replacement hay that following Saturday, and guess what – I was given a bale of Standlee compressed!!!


                                                Right now, I have it stored in two big plastic bins with the extras in several large plastic bags (there’s *that* *much* hay). They like it just fine and I think the texture is actually very good for P&F’s teeth, better than the hay I was feeding them before; the Standlee hay is VERY stalky and crunchy in texture.

                                                My girls love the stuff.  If I leave the container open too long when cleaning, they hop right in and help themselves.

                                              • Rain
                                                547 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I give my bunny Kaytee Forti Diet Hay and he finishes two of those packages in two to three weeks. I give him heaps of hay. I don’t understand how such a small bag takes months. This is absolutely awful. I think they are giving such small amounts because they are trying to save money, and its horrible someone cares more about their money than their rabbit. (They have plenty as they buy a new gaming computer every couple weeks or so.) I really want to report them. I live in San Antonio, and I don’t know of any places I can really trust or report these guys to. Any ideas?

                                                • joea64
                                                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                                                    For heaven’s sake, one can go down to Tractor Supply (Bladesmith can confirm this) and get a huge 60-pound bale of compressed Standlee timothy hay for just $20. (I buy my hay from Friends of Rabbits to help support them.) I think you need to talk to the local SPCA/Humane Society. I would also get in touch with the Texas branch of the House Rabbit Society. You could consult the House Rabbit Resource Network in Austin (they’re the folks who sell these emergency first-aid kits for buns). I have a hard time getting how they can buy $1500 gaming computers but can’t spare $40 to go down to Pet Supplies Plus and get two big bags of timothy hay, even though the PSP store brand hay’s quality is so-so, but that’s not really the point right now.

                                                  • Hazel
                                                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I get the Standlee bale as well. I’ve had a couple of bales that weren’t that great, mostly made up of small bits of hay. But overall I’m happy with them. I don’t know what we would do without Tractor Supply, we get pretty much all of our pet supplies there (hay, litter, dog food, cat food for the cats, cat food for the ferret), except for the Oxbow pellets.

                                                      Do they actually feed him tiny amounts of hay or is it just that he won’t eat much of it? Considering the care he’s received so far, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had problems with his teeth and wasn’t able to chew his hay properly.

                                                    • Rain
                                                      547 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Yes, it’s so sad. I’m so afraid that by the time someone answers or does something about it that it will be too late. They probably won’t even listen to anyone who comes and tells them that what they are doing is so wrong. They will just get upset and they know that its me they have to blame because I’m the only one who really comes to their house and notices and points out their mistakes. They really don’t deserve such a beautiful creature as their pet. They don’t deserve any creature to have to live and suffer with them. I know it’s not my place to say what they deserve and what they don’t. But I do know that they are in the wrong and I must do something about it. Thank you all so much for your advice and your help in this matter. I will do everything I possibly can to save this rabbit from a horrible fate. Why, I’d take him home myself if they seriously can’t get a hold of themselves. I saw recently that he is ready for a netuering too, and it seems to me that they either don’t notice or don’t care.

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                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE How can I save a bunny from an abusive owner?