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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Share happy stories of your rabbits

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    • Dasher
      156 posts Send Private Message

        I just lost a rabbit so I thought it would help to hear happy stories of other rabbits. Thanks!

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          A funny time at the vet, the boys were being treated for mites and getting a nail trim. Bombur is a vet pro because he’s prone to stomach problems, but Asriel has only been for his neuter and an initial checkup when he came home as a baby. The vet was trying to trim his nails and she commented on his large back paws and how they caused problems during sedating him for the neuter (our discharge papers called him spirited ?). He was surprisingly behaving for the nail trim, and we pointed that out. 5 seconds later he bashed the poor vet in the forehead ??? a little later when Asriel was getting his dose of revolution, the vet put him back in the carrier and after being zipped in, there was one loud resounding boom. He thumped in displeasure. Me, my husband, the vet, and the tech were all stunned because he’s never thumped ever. After some pause the vet looked at him and called him rude and we broke out laughing. We still talk about that day with him ?

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Asriel also almost lept to his death off the vet’s shoulder in the same visit.

          • Wick & Fable
            5812 posts Send Private Message

              Every morning, I go to Wick and ask “Can I check your butt?”, then I lift him up and check his butt, put him down and let him know “What a nice butt you have.”

              Wick’s only one, but he’s had such a slew of random health maladies, so I check him all over, twice daily. This includes morning butt checks (which I started to check his neuter stitches, then just continued because there have been times a poo is under there, stuck because it’s furry, so I remove it).

              The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

            • Horlicks
              46 posts Send Private Message

                There was one time where I temporarily shooed my Horlicks into her playpen because I needed to clean up the house.

                I went about my vacuuming, dusting chores etc when all of a sudden I got this chill at my back. I could just feel there was someone staring at me. I got a bit terrified that maybe some stranger managed to get into the house and slowly started to look around.. And I saw Horlicks sitting on our sofa and supervising my cleaning. :/

                I suspected she must have managed to pull open her playpen gate just a smidge wide and squeezed herself through the crack. My fault, I didn’t exactly close the playpen gate completely, hadn’t expected her to be such an escape artist. Nonetheless it was spooky to see the rabbit on the sofa even though I had ‘locked’ her in; it was as though she teleported.

                Horlicks was feeling so smug about her escape she did a few binkies after that.

              • LBJ10
                17014 posts Send Private Message

                  Wick – I do butt checks too. Wooly is fine with it, but Leopold will give me the death glare. I do just grab him down there though! LOL

                  Let’s see… there’s nothing really humorous that I can think of. But there are some funny things Leopold has done. For example, he liked to lay on the register (floor vent) in the summer. He would just plop down on it and basically be blocking the air from getting into the room. I guess at one point he decided the metal slots were uncomfortable because I found their grass mat on top of the register and him on top of the grass mat. We have blocked access it now because Leopold had a habit of sitting on it and pooping!

                • Bladesmith
                  849 posts Send Private Message

                    Clover saved my life. Literally. After the divorce, I was really depressed. I functioned, but…. My ex and I still got along, but being poor, disabled and raising a kid meant I wasn’t going to have any kind of social life, much less any kind of dating life.

                    But then my ex introduced me to Clover. Clover immediately climbed out of her cage and onto my shoulder and wouldn’t leave me alone. She adopted me, I wasn’t given a choice. My ex said, “well, that’s it for her, you’re owned now.” It took a year for me to be able to home her with me, but even then the thought of having her in my home kept me going and bouyed my spirits.

                    Having her in my life has pushed my blues away, and I can’t imagine my life without her silly self. I’ll never be without a house rabbit ever again.
                    Thanks Clover.

                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                      What a beautiful story Bladesmith! Happy to hear that she supported you so much, rabbits are truly wonderful Being accepted as an honorary bunny is the most amazing feeling in the world. I’m convinced that rabbits can have a deep bond with their human(s), almost as if we’re family. Hopefully more humans will catch up on this and give rabbits the treatment they truly deserve.

                      My favourite story about Breintje is how he looks after me when I’m in a lot of pain or when I’m sad. My rheumatic illness makes muscles stiffen and cramp, up to the point that a joint freezes up and that nerves and blood vessels are affected by the pressure. I’ve had many a morning where I woke up: surprise, you can’t move your left arm! It swells up with fluid and I get nerve pain down to my last 2 fingers. Every 6 weeks or so my physio gives me a treatment for my neck or shoulders, and this isn’t exactly gentle or elegant. It does really help, but the pain and nerve problems usually get worse for 1-2 days after a treatment.

                      Breintje won’t leave my side right before or right after a treatment, and he’ll constantly sniff my arm and lick the last two fingers of my hand. Almost as if he knows where the problem is… Same goes for when I’m sad, he’ll run up to me and start to cheer me up. Either with kisses and cuddles or crazy bunny antics. I’ve seen him hop up on the couch, jump off again to do some binkies, and then jump up again. He looks at me with a really cheeky look: hey, did that cheer you up?

                    • joea64
                      1423 posts Send Private Message

                        As alarming as it was at the time (as I discussed in Behavior last month), Fernando’s amazing jumps from a standing start on the floor to the top of the buns’ condo, 3 feet or more above, is what TV Tropes would call a moment of awesome for him! I’ve occasionally called him Superbun since then.

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Ophelia is a free range bun and every morning around 3-4am she hops on top the bed and binkies like mad! When she first hops up it wakes me up, and I move over to the far side of the bed so there’s a stretch of space in between me and my husband. Then she binkies and zooms around in that space, occasionally landing on our faces by accident and when the alarm goes off in the morning she knows she’s getting yummy pellets so she jumps all over me until I wake up and give them to her. The second my foot touches the floor she is hauling butt to her food bowl! Btw, she’s got ME on HER schedule, not the other way around!

                        • Dasher
                          156 posts Send Private Message

                            Sounds like you all have amazing bunnies Thanks this made me smile

                            Fernando is quite an impressive athlete!

                            It’s so cute seeing bunnies binky. Its also nice how much they love us and comfort us especially when times are rough.

                            A few days ago Dasher jumped onto the window sill! 😮 She can’t jump that high on her own so she used her hidey box to get up there. It was pretty funny seeing her up there but she wanted to escape and probably would have fallen on her Christmas tree if I wasn’t there to stop her. She’s been looking up at the window ever since I moved her to the new play pen and she was so determined. She’s a silly bunny

                          • Dasher
                            156 posts Send Private Message

                              I just wanted to bring this post back so others can share cute things about their bunnies.

                              Dasher has been flopping recently when I pet her. It’s likes she is ready for it and is waiting for me to trigger it. She comes and asks for pets and flops the instant I touch her and sometimes she tries to lick me while flopped. It’s the cutest thing!

                            • Sleepy
                              190 posts Send Private Message

                                My Guinness is basically a diva when it comes to attention. She usually won’t directly ask for it (unless it’s with Bleu, in which case, all the head shoves) and will only put up with it for so long but she has this subtle but clear way of asking for it.

                                One time, when she was still a single bun, she was lying down on the couch while I was on the other side with my computer. I leaned over and gave her pets and then went back to work. Suddenly, I heard a shuffle and when I looked up she was conspicuously within arm’s reach and lying down. She’s done this a few times too where I suddenly have a smug black otter mini rex, totally not asking for attention, but since she’s right there you might as well worship her a little.

                                Likewise, she knows when you’re cooing over her and will relax out to get more sqeeing out of you. So if she’s in tofu bun mode, if you squee over her, she’ll become a log bun, then slowly stretch out and completely lie out on the floor, as long as you keep the compliments coming.

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE Share happy stories of your rabbits