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Forum THE LOUNGE Net Neutrality – Defend it

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    • Clem&M
      138 posts Send Private Message

        It may not be a bunny related topic but I find this topic important enough to share all with everyone.

        Our nation has decided yet again to get rid of net neutrality, a vote will be held on December 14th this year to determine if it will be changed or not. 

        What is net neutrality? Net neutrality is where your ISP does not discriminate against certain websites or services and treats them equally, they may say they just want to “change the legal grounds” on which the internet is protected under, but translated into what it actually is means they want to allow your ISP to charge you for packages and restrict your free access, say you get the Standard package and it only comes with access to Google and Social media, if you want Youtube you would have to pack extra money and include that into your package, sort of like how cable tv is like. They can also be paid by companies to purposely slow down traffic to their competition which in a way allows them to control what you watch and access.

        How does this affect us? In many ways, as mentioned before the internet would no longer be a fair free ground for everyone, this vote can even affect those outside of the states. The internet would go from being a tool for everyone to an unfair profit to big corporations. This is something so bad that even big companies stood by us back in 2014 (I believe) when they first tried to get rid of net neutrality. 

        I have contacted my members of congress to tell them my opinion on it, I hope some of you do as well, I especially thought I had to write this because not once have I heard about Net Neutrality being removed this year on the news, it was through the internet, so I hope I have helped and informed some of you as well. I’ll leave a link to where you can contact your representatives on this subject. 

      • ThorBunny
        824 posts Send Private Message

          Second! Defend net neutrality!

          These sort of laws could even affect the wonderful communities like BB, small businesses and stores can be priced out of the market if big corporation are allowed to set all the rules.

          If you are in the US, call your congressmen and the FCC!

        • LBJ10
          17014 posts Send Private Message

            I’m not saying the subject isn’t important and cannot be discussed. I just want to make sure the discussion stays on-topic. BB will likely want to review this too.

            So… as a friendly reminder from your neighborhood forum leader, here are the forum rules:

            Debates & Controversial Subjects: Let’s keep this board light! Light discussions and differing opinions about rabbit welfare is fine, but please refrain from getting into serious discussions and/ or debates about God, Government, Animal Rights rights in general (eg. like anti-vivisection aka: for science/medicine, rabbits as food, and about controversial highly charged subjects and groups) or any serious ethical debate or discussion.

          • Clem&M
            138 posts Send Private Message

              I feel like this post follows the forum rules, I am only trying to inform about this topic so they understand what they can expect to happen if it passes and what our options are, especially since if this passes this website is heavily affected. If it does go against the forum rules I only made this post with good thoughts in mind. :/

            • jerseygirl
              22345 posts Send Private Message

                It’s fine, Clem&M.
                LBJ’s post was more a reminder to all that want to participate in a discussion on this to keep it civil-which I imagine will be the case.
                I happen to know LBJ believes the issue is important.

                BB herself is good with the topic remaining also.

                I personally think it’s pretty important to create awareness about it also. I wasn’t aware it was something that was coming up. So it’s a bill that is being voted on?

                This is something so bad that even big companies stood by us back in 2014 (I believe) when they first tried to get rid of net neutrality.

                Is it some big Corps that would be pushing for this though? Just wondering where the drive for it is coming from.

              • Clem&M
                138 posts Send Private Message

                  The bill I believe is to move the legal grounds of the internet from Title II to Title I, which allows your isp to have a lot more power than what they should.

                  Google, Facebook and other companies opposed this bill being pushed forward in 2015, but I think this time they’re trying to directly allow them to profit from this bill being passed, although it seems like they’re not having it again either, Google from what I checked opposes this bill being passed. I’ve seen a few major online companies are still defending net neutrality, the problem lies that we have a former head of cable company as head of the FCC, and in our cabinet all heads are for anything that profits them. It’s looking worse this time, especially since companies like Verizon are trying to explain it in a murky way. The way they explained this was “We just want to change the legal grounds” leaving people clueless to how bad it actually is.

                  The person pushing it is Ajit Pai with support of some ISP such as Verizon and cable company lobbyists, and he is also acting as if it’s nothing bad and makes excuses as “ISP are spending too much money now”, even though the head of Verizon in an interview said they did not spend any more when they were in Title I than when they were in Title II, and it would not change how they spend their money if they were to change.

                • Ellie from The Netherlands
                  2512 posts Send Private Message

                    Watching the whole discussion with dread from Europe… I vehemently hope that the net in the USA will stay free, and I’m sorry that I can do little to help you defend it. These cable companies and politicians are crossing the ethical border in my opinion, and I hope that they’ll be stopped. Also, if your country falls prey to these people I fear that the net neutrality worldwide will also be at stake. There’s a lot of awareness among our people as well, especially among the younger generation who use the internet a lot. I hope your rulers will listen to the voice of their people and the opinion of the world.

                  • LBJ10
                    17014 posts Send Private Message

                      Clem&M – Your post is fine. My comment wasn’t directed at you. I just wanted to make sure that everyone commenting on this thread remembers to keep things on topic. Nothing worse than a downward spiral. All it takes is one off comment for things to take a nasty turn.

                    • Clem&M
                      138 posts Send Private Message

                        Alright then.

                        The good news is that if they do pass the bill we have the supreme court as a last chance, a lot of people agree that it is very unconstitutional and violates our rights. Although at the same time it makes me wonder why these people have such a powerful hold on our nation if they’re trying to pass a bill that is unconstitutional.

                        I know for a fact Portugal is a country which has no net neutrality, I believe, or something similar to what it would look like here if it passes.

                      • joea64
                        1423 posts Send Private Message

                          This new rulemaking is definitely going to be attacked in the courts if and when the FCC passes it on December 14th (I believe). I’m very certain that pro-net neutrality forces already have prepared their legal strategy and identified courts that are likely to give sympathetic rulings. The thing to remember is that, in the long run, even if it does go through, the political situation in this country is in a state of intense flux and change and the next Administration might well change the rules again.

                        • BubblesJo
                          458 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Clem&M on 11/26/2017 8:33 PM

                            I know for a fact Portugal is a country which has no net neutrality, I believe, or something similar to what it would look like here if it passes.

                            You were misinformed about that. Portugal is in the EU, which has strict net neutrality laws. More info here:

                            The source you got that from was definitely not well informed. You can read more about it here:

                            But, in a nutshell, quoted from the article above: “The plan Khanna tweeted is called “Smart Net,” and as he correctly notes, it offers monthly subscription packages with names like Messaging, Social, and Video. Each of the five categories includes several big-name apps, including Netflix, FaceTime, Spotify, and Google Drive.

                            But based on Meo’s website, this doesn’t look like buying cable channels for the internet. It’s an add-on to general-purpose mobile subscriptions, which let you access any service — including the ones above. The idea is apparently that if you’re into apps like Snapchat and Facebook (or… LinkedIn, I guess), you pay around $8 a month to specifically get more “Social” data, so you can use your regular allotment for everything else. It looks a lot like the “Vodafone Pass” service in the UK, where subscribers can pay for unlimited access to a similar stable of services.”

                            I’m very curious to what’s going to happen in the US. It’s very scary to think about a not neutral net…

                          • Clem&M
                            138 posts Send Private Message

                              Well I’m glad you corrected me. The source from where I got that was not credible, although the ones about net neutrality were. 

                              Thanks for correcting.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                Bumping this up as the 14th draws near.

                                Is it safe to say this could very much go under the radar because of timing of the Tax plan?

                              • joea64
                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                  Posted By jerseygirl on 12/07/2017 9:13 AM

                                  Bumping this up as the 14th draws near.

                                  Is it safe to say this could very much go under the radar because of timing of the Tax plan?

                                  Well, there’s a LOT going on. At the risk of getting too deeply into political discussion, I have to say that I’ve not seen such a chaotic mess as that so-called “tax reform” bill. come out of the United States Congress in a lifetime of observing American politics (my B.A. was in political science). Honestly, what else does one expect when it’s not even sent through committee hearings and it’s literally amended in half-legible handwriting on the Senate floor? There’s also the little matter of a possible government shutdown as early as the end of this week, which bugs me just a tiny little bit because I just so happen to work for the Federal Government, specifically the Department of Justice.

                                • MoxieMeadows
                                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                                    The thought of losing Net Neutrality stresses me out a lot

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                                      @joe, chaos is an apt term and not just regarding the tax plan… That’s all I’ll say. I’m not even a US citizen but I’m at some decisions being made and way it is done.

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Net Neutrality – Defend it