While I don’t know Wick’s exact birthday, it’s in early November. For celebration sake, November 20th was chosen as Wick’s birthday because that’s when the movie, John Wick, was released in the Netherlands (and he’s a Netherland Dwarf, haha). Wick is indeed named after Keanu Reeve’s character, not the wick of a candle. Wick would not have made it this far without his vet, and I am enormously happy that Wick and I have many years left together.
Fitting of his name, Wick has had many successful battles over his one-year life so far, including:
1) Surviving being the runt of his litter (he was half the size of the others at 8wo)
2) A 3 month tussle with a URI
3) Underweight for a brief period
4) A lovely neutering
5) A 1 month tooth infection treatment
6) Four molar grindings (potentially a record!)
— Currently, he faces battle with a fungal infection, but he’s winning and the battle will be ending soon!
Through his battles, Wick has made many medication allies, including:
1) Bactrim – URI treatment (didn’t work, but very enjoyable company)
2) Baytril – URI treatment
3) Flocillin – URI/Tooth infection injection treatment
4) Meloxicam – pain management for any procedures
5) Itraconazole – Fungal infection treatment
6) Nolvasan – Fungal infection topical treatment
7) Simethicone – general digestive gas treatment
8) Critical Care Apple & Banana – weight gain & post-operation nutritional supplement
9) Probiotic Powder – complement to all antibiotic treatments
Evidently, Wick has made medication enemies, including:
1) Flagyl – meant to treat his tooth infection, but gave him immediate gastric distress after every dose
2) Silvadine (silver sulfadiazine) – Fungal infection topical treatment, but made him groom excessively to remove it
As a consequence (or cause) of his battles, Wick has recognizable characteristics and traits in the rabbit-hitman world:
1) Jaw misalignment (bottom jaw slightly off center; front teeth to not meet up perfectly)
2) Generally small size, though he has doubled in size from when first received
3) No destructive drive; no chewing, digging, biting, clawing, etc. on non-food objects
Happy birthday Wick! You are a veteran rabbit-hitman, full of resilience, sass, and strength!
Wick at approx. 2mo:
Wick at approx. 11mo old:
The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.