Hey guys! I wanted to share some ideas I came up with. DIY, cheap, and/or free ideas!
First, I wanted to get Sirius another litterbox for outside of her cage, but she lives in the living room, so I didn’t want it to be out in the open, and for everyone to see it’s gross and ugly inside contents… Lol. I wanted it to still look homey. And “litterbox furniture” or “hidden litterboxes” are SO expensive. Not to mention they’re mainly made for cats, so I didn’t know if Sirius would be able to get in those as easily…. I came up with my own idea!
Here it is. All I did was purchase a Single wooden storage cube. 15×15 in. I believe. Amazon.com! Just search “storage cubes.” It matches the wood color of the rest of our furniture. I installed it by hand with a screw driver and it took not even 15 minutes. Her litterbox is an old K-cups coffee box that I cut up, put newspaper in the bottom of, and threw carefresh litter on top of, lol. And I already had this old dog food dish mat that you can see placed in front/partially under the cube for “dribbles” and “scatters.” And for the litter and hay that get out of it. I also wiped down the edges to the front of the storage cube with Vinegar, so that Sirius will not chew on it and make the cube ugly. Place a plant on top and you’ll hardly notice this as is. BUT, I am planning on getting a small rod I think, and some fabric that will match our living room colors, and placing a (sliding) curtain on the front of this cube as well. IF Sirius will still use it with that attached on it. I’m so pleased with this idea I brainstormed! The cube was on sale and cost me $13.
Next, I found an idea that kept Sirius entertained for a whole day! I ran out of tissues. (Allergy season is in full force here; golden rod plants KILL me, Lol.) So I thought, well, Sirius loves chewing on cardboard tubes… Why not a small, thin, colorful cardboard box? I removed the plastic lining from it. I threw some pellets, some hay, and 2 of her favorite treats in it. So it rattled, and she chewed on the corners and turned the box over and over, playing and trying to get at the treats for hours! This is a temporary toy though. I decided to leave it in her cage overnight and it was destroyed to smithereens the next morning, hahahaha.
Last and probably most simple, I looked up what bunnies chew on in the wild. Twigs! I looked up which ones are safe and which aren’t. We have an abundance of oak trees here, so I ripped a branch/twig off of one of those trees. I didn’t pick one up off the ground, in order to be extra safe and careful and make sure it was in fact oak, so as not to poison her. You never know how far a twig can travel I guess. I got this idea because Sirius loves willow bark balls, but they can be pricey and she chews them COMPLETELY within hours…. Twigs aren’t as big of a hit, but they’re better than nothing. Any longer lasting alternatives to willow bark balls for suggestions, guys?