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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Oakley – for those that do not know

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    • Boston's Mama
      1452 posts Send Private Message

        So some of you already know this but wanted to update those that do and let you know know what has happened.
        Oakley and Boston lived happily as neighbours pre neuter. Pre bonding went great , bonding did not.
        Vicious attack fighting – Oakley leading with aggression. Instant fighting and high stress.

        From there things got worse and worse. Oakley spent all day territorial , thumped all night and constantly felt the need to defend from the “evil” bunny across the room – even once out of sight.
        Boston has bad vision which heightened his stres to Oakleys thumping etc ( they could not see each other anyone but Bostons hearing is heightened by the seems from the vision issues)
        Boston became sick from the stress – vet said it’s stress induced flare up and recommended we find one a home where he won’t have to be scared or defend his territory ( depending which bunny )

        Well with Bostons health issues we decided to rehome Oakley instead as I felt a great home for a healthy bunny is easier to find , and it worked out great.
        Oakley had love at first sight with doe!!! He is now living the life of a spoilt free range bunny running the house with his new girlfriend living with a very experienced house bunny owner and her doe. Well HIS doe now

        Boston is now no longer stressed and is very happy in his new bigger pen area

        We may possibly consider a doe as a bond mate for Boston in the near future since Oakley took so well to his doe even though he is so territorial …. we will see.

        Boston is bonded to me anyway and getting 22 hour attention between us all home at home so he is happier anyway

      • Bam
        16978 posts Send Private Message

          I’m sorry you had to decide to give Oakley up, but it does sem to have worked out excellently. How great that Oakley has a bunwife now! And Boston has his bunmom’s undivided attention =)

        • Boston's Mama
          1452 posts Send Private Message

            It was extremely difficult , but it really did work out for the best – For both my boys

          • joea64
            1423 posts Send Private Message

              I was wondering about that myself. It’s too bad the Oakley-Boston pairing didn’t work out, but then again, this story has an authentically happy ending with Oakley having found his bunwife and a lovingly congenial home, and Boston feeling all copacetic and relaxed again with his humans, with the prospect of another bondmate in the future. I think a doe would work well for Boston – you likely already thought of this, but when he and you are ready, give speed-dating a shot and see if he’s attracted to anyone in particular.

            • ThorBunny
              824 posts Send Private Message

                Sorry you had to go through a tough bunny time, BM. Not really the same situtaion, but I recently had to give up Boo, the bondmate I adopted for Thor I know it’s hard to let go of a bunny you love, but in both our cases I think it has worked out for the best


              • sarahthegemini
                5584 posts Send Private Message

                  I have to say I have been waiting to hear about Oakley, I did wonder what happened. It sounds like he is in a great home with a lovely bun-wife

                • Q8bunny
                  6345 posts Send Private Message

                    A bunwife! Squeee!

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Felt a little teary reading this. I don’t post often on here but I did remember reading your bonding attempts and thinking how stressful it sounded and I really sympathise with it. Your posts in the picture threads have also been very memorable too as they always reminded me of when somebody has a new baby and just wants to show how beautiful they are. You could just tell through the screen how proud of your bunnies you were and how much they were loved. I recently had to give one of my bunnies away due to them not bonding and I knew it wasn’t fair to continue pushing it when the damage was already done. I was extremely lucky to find a loving home for him but doing it is still really tough. But things do work out in the end and it sounds like Boston is very happy. Speaking of Boston, every night when I put my children to bed I always show them the picture thread and my son keeps saying how boston is his favourite, I showed him the one you posted most recently where he’s gone darker in colour and he said “oh yes he has grown up more because his beard is darker”

                    • Boston's Mama
                      1452 posts Send Private Message

                        Eddy: his BEARD!!! I love it !!! That will stick

                        Thor: I read about Boo , I don’t think I commented at the time as it was not long after Oakley if I remember right- I do remember feeling raw about my sit when I read yours and I had to stop reading
                        I’m sorry you experienced this too it’s not easy – but once both buns are happier it’s of course the right decision to have made

                        Sarah and joe: thank you for your kind words

                        Q8: maybe, one day , will still aren’t sure but I’m not ruling it out yet

                      • LongEaredLions
                        4482 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m sorry you had to make this hard decision, but it sounds like all bunnies involved are now living happily.

                        • jerseygirl
                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                            It’s always nice when you hear they have a bond mate. Im glad he’s in a happy home and things have improved at home for you also.
                            I hope the new owner shares pics with you and continues to give updates.

                          • Reesebun
                            1035 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m sorry you had to give up Oakley, but at least it is for the better for both of them!
                              Did you introduce the person who adopted Oakley to binkybunny? That would be a good way to see how Oakley is doing every once in a while and to see how happy he is with his new family and friends.

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                          Forum THE LOUNGE Oakley – for those that do not know