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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Cutest gross thing your bun ever did?

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    • Luna
      2219 posts Send Private Message

        Not sure if this has happened before to anyone’s bun. So Luna is molting and while I was brushing her bum I felt a poop pellet in her fur. I put her in the carrier and onto the table so I could flip her over to get it. Well, it wasn’t really stuck in her fur…rather it was halfway out the door . To make sure, I took a piece of paper towel to nudge it gently (I didn’t want to pull on it so that I didn’t hurt her)…and…ahem…it blinked at me . I put Luna in her litter box, gave her some fresh hay, and the poop passed. Even though it was all rather gross, it was kind of cute because I swear she was blushing! 

        Has your bun ever done anything gross that you thought was cute?

      • Ellie from The Netherlands
        2512 posts Send Private Message

          Hahaha, I can already tell that this is going to be one great topic

          Cute but grossest so far: eating a wet mushy cecal and licking my nose immediately after. That was an…interesting experience. Bunny kisses are adorable, but not when they come with extras.

        • ThorBunny
          824 posts Send Private Message

            Ewww. I guess there’s an upside to not being bestowed with bunny kisses 

            This morning, Thor ran into our bathroom when I opened the door. She knows she’s not supposed to do this because she chews on the plunger  That’s gross but not so cute… Anyways this morning she ran in and then squeezed behind the counter/toilet when I tried to get her to leave. Guess some hooman hasn’t done a great job of cleaning the bathroom lately because she went in a lovely black bunny and came out as a frightening grey dust bunny! She was so happy and proud of herself that she then proceeded to run and binky around the whole apartment, flinging dust and grime everywhere 

          • joea64
            1423 posts Send Private Message

              Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 9/13/2017 8:58 AM

              Hahaha, I can already tell that this is going to be one great topic

              Cute but grossest so far: eating a wet mushy cecal and licking my nose immediately after. That was an…interesting experience. Bunny kisses are adorable, but not when they come with extras.

              Penny Collins did a cartoon on that very theme last week in her “Regarding the Secret Life of Rabbits” comic on Tumblr!

              P.S. Speaking of cecals/cecotropes, I still haven’t seen one, but I do believe I’ve smelled my first one. Panda was on the condo’s upper deck last evening, about 6 inches from my face at the time, when she went into the characteristic “cecal-nomming” pose, and a moment later I caught a whiff of a very…pungent odor. Kind of oniony-smelling, actually.

            • Ellie from The Netherlands
              2512 posts Send Private Message

                I looked it up, it’s hilarious! Everything is so recognisable

                Yup, that probably was a cecal. They tend to have funky smells.

              • pinknfwuffy
                660 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, rabbits. Oh-so-cute and… sometimes gnarly. Cecals definitely take the top of the list no matter what.

                  Olaf was curious about my dry cheerios snack. He’s not fond of people food so I usually let him smell it so he can then run off, usually disgusted with my food choices. This time he smelled the cereal and proceeded to pick up one after another, making a pile of them on the couch. I thought it was cute until I realized each little cheerio was covered in spit. He didn’t want to eat them, only wanted to ruin them for me.

                • Luna
                  2219 posts Send Private Message

                    Ellie & joea64 – I’ll never understand what entices buns to eat their cecals 

                    TB – For a while I had to hide the toilet brush from Luna 

                    Pink – At least he piled up mushy cheerios on the couch instead of mushy cecals! 

                  • Domino&Ash
                    41 posts Send Private Message

                      Posted By Luna on 9/12/2017 7:01 PM

                       Even though it was all rather gross, it was kind of cute because I swear she was blushing! 

                      Has your bun ever done anything gross that you thought was cute?

                       Poor Luna and her delicate sensibilities 

                      I love bathing their stinky, gross urine stains/ scent glands, especially cuz then I get to wrap them in a towel and snuggle til they are dry.

                      Domino is adorable when he eats his cecals. He folds up into a ball then sits up, savoring it like a snob tasting a fine wine. *haha

                      My favorite gross cute thing is when Ash stuffs his little cecal-eating maw into the drinking cup which I keep, bedside.

                       It’s pretty gross because I immediately think “I was about to drink that” and also “Does he do this at night…every night?”

                      The boys always have two full water bowls every am and pm. I think sharing my cup is a shared-space thing for Ash, since they live in my room. What’s mine is theirs, since all our smells are on everything.

                      So I’ve submitted to his will. I help him drink it. He is always adorable to watch but getting to hear his drinky-sqeaks up close is awesome.

                      Then, I go scrub the cup and put it aside for awhile 

                      Oh ya…I forgot Ash loved jumping into and nesting in my trash barrel until I got a lid for it.

                      I actually feel a little guilty cuz he would jump on the lid, trying to get in…haven’t found a replacement for him, yet.

                    • Ellie from The Netherlands
                      2512 posts Send Private Message

                        Haha, that roll-up is hilarious indeed. Breintje often sits like that with his back leaning against the armrests of the couch. He knows they’ll support him and will keep him from falling over.

                      • Sleepy
                        190 posts Send Private Message

                          When Guinness was going through her crazy hormone stages before her spay, she didn’t fling pee at you. She’d hop up onto the couch with you, siddle right next to you, start casually grooming herself….and then she’d lift her tail and let loose.

                          Out of love, of course. Clearly.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I think it’s pretty funny (and gross) when they chin each other’s poop! My boys are pretty good with the litter box during out-time but there is the odd poo sometimes. Olivia was especially finicky in making sure all the poops anywhere smelled like her.

                          • jerseygirl
                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                              Lol, love the stories.
                              Luna, my friends rabbit rolls out poops when having his nails trimmed. He was being held so his belly was facing outward into the room and butt on display. He’s like a pez dispenser.

                              I wouldn’t call this cute but it is somewhat amusing/confounding. Gooseman somehow manages to fling single cecals. I’ll occasionally find them stuck on the wall. And the silliest is when I find them in the middle of his back or on Potamus. Lol. Maybe he accidently does a somersault when he reaches down to get them and some get airborn? Who knows!

                            • Domino&Ash
                              41 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Sleepy on 11/09/2017 5:59 PM

                                When Guinness was going through her crazy hormone stages before her spay, she didn’t fling pee at you. She’d hop up onto the couch with you, siddle right next to you, start casually grooming herself….and then she’d lift her tail and let loose.

                                Out of love, of course. Clearly.


                                Ash did this, too !

                                He would poke, climb, follow, paw or even jump into your seat until you snuggled with him.

                                As soon as you settled with him on your body or beside you in the chair, rubbing right where he was insinuating himself under your hand, you would let your guard down and he’d bathe you in the warmth of his ‘love’.

                                Glad that phase has passed  

                                Although, now he seems to have moved on to marking my bed.

                                I like having him jumping up with me though, so I’m still deciding on a solution. 

                                I’m spoiling my fur bebehs, I know it.

                                Before neutering: Ash, monarch of all he pees….lord of the fowl and the cute.

                              • Azerane
                                4689 posts Send Private Message

                                  I just love their adorable faces when they’re chewing, sometimes I go up to kiss Apollo and right before I kiss his nose I notice the wet, squishy chewing sounds, right before the smell hits me. Cecal noms It’s cute and gross at the same time, the squishy chewing is cute

                                  Apollo drinks his own pee, and Luna’s. If one of them pees outside the box, you can rest assured that Apollo will clean it up if you don’t get to it fast enough! I have to physically push him away from pee puddles to wipe them up, haha.

                                • Luna
                                  2219 posts Send Private Message

                                    Ellie – If Luna is nearby, I have my hand near her back at the ready in case she tumbles backward (it happens occasionally).

                                    JG – Flings it at the walls?!  

                                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                                      Haha, that’s hilarious Luna. They can be so graceful and also so clumsy at the same time. *strike ballerina pose* *oh sh… boing!* *runs away thumping angrily*

                                      Guinness and Ash, you are two messed up kinky bunsters… there’s such a thing as asking before getting into the really weird stuff…

                                      @jersey: What??? Oh man, flying cecals… *shudders*

                                    • Domino&Ash
                                      41 posts Send Private Message

                                        Posted By Azerane on 11/10/2017 1:27 AM

                                        I just love their adorable faces when they’re chewing, sometimes I go up to kiss Apollo and right before I kiss his nose I notice the wet, squishy chewing sounds, right before the smell hits me. Cecal noms It’s cute and gross at the same time, the squishy chewing is cute

                                        Apollo drinks his own pee, and Luna’s. If one of them pees outside the box, you can rest assured that Apollo will clean it up if you don’t get to it fast enough! I have to physically push him away from pee puddles to wipe them up, haha.



                                        I wish my fur bebehs would clean up after themselves 

                                      • Q8bunny
                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                          I guess snacking on bumberries qualifies but to my mind the grossest is the self grooming – one hair in the mouth is bad enough, but so many?!! *gag*

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                            Bumping up this old Lounge thread to leave this photo here. Of the ceiling. 

                                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                                              ROFL, how on earth???

                                            • Luna
                                              2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                JG – I’m awestruck by Gooseman’s physics-defying capabilities! Did you see how he does it this time?

                                              • jerseygirl
                                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I have no clue! I can only speculate. Stuck on his foot and then he flicks foot when going down the ramp? Or, he goes flying when Im asleep? Ive always wanted to put a little orange eye mask and cape on him.
                                                  It had actually been there a while, lol. I had thought it was a bug, a beetle or something and didn’t fuss about it. Then, last night I went in to swat a fly which turned out to be a dried cecal stuck on the dividing fence in their room. So i was looking around for the fly and spotted that thing again. I decided to take a closer look…
                                                  FWIW, this wasn’t flung from floor to ceiling. It would have been from top of their playhouse thingy where they sleep. Still, that’s a distance of 2 metres to fling.

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                                              Forum THE LOUNGE Cutest gross thing your bun ever did?